phmullins / awesome-macos-commandline

A curated list of awesome command-line software for macOS.

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Awesome macOS command-line apps!

A curated list of fantastically awesome command-line software for macOS. This list was inspired by Awesome Sysadmin.


Misc academic tools and utilities.

  • jrnl - Collect your thoughts and notes.
  • Insect - High precision scientific calculator.


Audio players, editors, and converters.

  • csound - A Sound and Music Computing System.
  • mpd - A flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music.
  • mpc - A solid, lightweight, simple mpd client, written in C.
  • ncmpc - ncmpc is a fully featured MPD client.
  • switchaudio - Change the audio source for macOS.


  • Ansible - Simple IT Automation.
  • Capistrano - Remote multi-server automation tool.
  • Chef - IT Automation Tool.
  • Molecule - Automated testing for Ansible roles.
  • Posixcube - Shell script-based server automation framework.
  • Saltstack - Control and secure your digital infrastructure.


Backup software.

  • Rclone - A command line program to sync files and directories to the cloud.
  • Rsync Time - Time Machine style backup with rsync.
  • restic - Backups done right!
  • s3cmd - Command Line S3 Client Software and S3 Backup.


Communication Applications.

  • mastodon - Self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community.
  • RaspChat - A chat server that can run on Raspberry Pi.
  • The Lounge - Self-hosted web IRC client.
  • tg - Command Line Telegram.


  • p7zip - A port of 7za.exe for POSIX systems.


Databases and database utilities.

  • mycli - A Terminal Client for MySQL.
  • Pex - Light-weight package manager for PostgreSQL.
  • pgcli - Postgres CLI with autocompletion.
  • Postgrest - REST API for any Postgres database.
  • RethinkDB - The open-source database for the realtime web.

Database Utilities

  • mssql-cli - SQL Server client w/auto-completion and syntax highlighting.


DevOps tools and utilities.

File Managers

File management tools and utilities.

  • diskonaut - Terminal disk space navigator.
  • nnn - The missing terminal file browser.
  • ranger - A console file manager with VI key bindings.
  • modd - A flexible tool for responding to filesystem changes.
  • ncdu - A disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface.


Graphics tools and Utilities for macOS.

  • imgp - Multi-core image resizer and rotator.


  • cpufetch - Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool.
  • neofetch - A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+.
  • onefetch - A command-line Git information tool written in Rust.
  • pfetch - A pretty system information tool.

Infrastructure Management

Infrastructure Management tools for macOS.

  • Terraform - Write, Plan, and Create Infrastructure as Code.


  • glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
  • mdp - Markdown presentation tool.


  • genact - A nonsense activity generator
  • nb - Note‑taking, bookmarking, archiving, knowledge-base.
  • vice - Emulates the C64, C64-DTV, C128, VIC20, PET, PLUS4, and CBM-II.


Networking tools and utilities.

  • Armor - Uncomplicated, modern HTTP server.
  • Caddy - Caddy is the HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS.
  • Croc - Securely send things from one computer to another.
  • Duck - Cyberduck for the command line interface (CLI).
  • Hget - Rocket fast download accelerator.
  • hippo - Host configuration file management based on git.
  • homebridge - HomeKit support for the impatient.
  • hss - An interactive parallel ssh client.
  • lychee - Link checker written in Rust
  • MacOS VPN - Create macOS VPNs programmatically.
  • manssh - Manage your ssh alias configs easily.
  • Storm - Manage your SSH hosts like a boss.
  • Transfer - Easy file sharing from the command line.
  • You-Get - Tiny download utility.
  • yt-dlp - Download videos from and other video sites.

Password Managers

Various password managers for macOS.

  • 1pass - A command line interface for 1Password.
  • Ironclad - A command line password manager.
  • pass - The standard unix password manager.
  • pass-tomb - Store password encrypted inside a tomb.
  • pick - Minimal password manager for OS X and Linux.
  • onepw - A command line tool for managing passwords.
  • Tomb - The Crypto Undertaker.

Plan 9 Tools

Plan 9 tools, Utilities, and OS files.

  • rc - Rc is a command interpreter for Plan 9.


Various tools to aid in programming.

  • datasette - An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data.


Tools to help you find stuff

  • fzy - A better fuzzy finder.
  • Peco - Simplistic interactive filtering tool.
  • ripgrep - Combines the usability of The Silver Searcher with the raw speed of grep.


Various UNIX shells for macOS

  • Elvish - A friendly and expressive Unix shell.
  • fish - User-friendly command-line shell.
  • Nu Shell - A modern shell for the GitHub era.
  • powershell - Microsoft PowerShell.
  • zsh - Powerful interactive shell.

Shell Utilities

Shell Utilities for macOS.

  • alacritty - A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator.
  • bat - OSS cat replacement.
  • bottom - Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
  • bpytop - macOS resource monitor.
  • colorls - Beautify the terminal ls command.
  • dat - Distributed data sharing tool.
  • dvm - Install and switch between Docker clients.
  • exa - exa is a modern replacement for ls.
  • fd - Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
  • lsd - The next gen ls command.
  • navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line.
  • ncdu - Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface.
  • pv - Monitor the progress of data through a pipeline.
  • Terminal Velocity - A fast note-taking app for the UNIX terminal.
  • tldr - Simplified and community-driven man pages.
  • tmate - Instant terminal sharing.
  • upterm - A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • Watchman - A file watching service.
  • Wiki - Self-hosted wiki engine.
  • ytop - A TUI system monitor written in Rust.
  • zenith - Like top or htop but with zoom-able charts, network, and disk usage.


Various security and encryption tools.

  • bcrypt - Bcrypt is a cross platform file encryption utility.
  • Ciphey - Decrypt data without knowing the key or cipher. Uses ML.
  • hashcat - World's fastest password cracker.
  • Knox - A secret management service.
  • MacOS Auditor - A free MacOS computer forensics tool.
  • Safe - A CLI front-end for the Vault app.
  • SeKey - Authenticate to UNIX/Linux SSH servers using the Secure Enclave.
  • Spoof - Change your MAC address for debugging.
  • Vault - A tool for managing secrets.
  • Vaulted - Spawning and storage of secure environments.
  • vuls - Go-based, agentless vulnerability scanner.


  • CollectD - System statistics collection daemon.
  • Conky - Light-weight system monitor for X.
  • cpufetch - Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool.
  • Email Archiver Pro - Archiving made simple.
  • fDupes - Identifying and/or deleting duplicate files.
  • fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go.
  • finicky - Customize which browser to start.
  • glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!
  • ivy - A static website generator built in Python.
  • mas-cli - Mac App Store command line interface.
  • Nix - Nix package manager for MacOS.
  • progress - Tool to show progress for cp, mv, dd.
  • rmlint - Remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem.
  • shiori - Shiori is a simple bookmarks manager written in Go.
  • statik - Static web site generator.
  • stow - A symlink farm manager.
  • tmate - Instant terminal sharing.
  • trash-cli - Command line interface to the trashcan.
  • utimer - A multifunction timer.
  • zoxide - A faster way to navigate your filesystem.

Terminal Emulators

  • x3270 - An IBM 3270 terminal emulator.
  • xTerm - A terminal emulator for the X Window System.

Text Editors

  • Micro - A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.
  • nano - Basic text editor found on every UNIX/Linux machine.
  • nanorc - Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting Files.

Version Control

Version Control utilities

  • Bit - Bit is a modern Git CLI.
  • dolt - It's Git for Data.
  • GitFresh - Keep your Git repo fresh.
  • Gitless - A simple version control system built on top of Git.
  • Gripp - Preview GitHub Markdown files locally before committing them.
  • Legit - Legit is a complementary command-line interface for Git.
  • LazyGit - Simple terminal UI for git commands.
  • Refined - Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface.
  • Tig - Text-mode interface for Git.
  • ungit - The easiest way to use git.


  • Annie - a fast, simple and clean video downloader.


Virtualization tools.

  • Kimchi - An HTML5 management interface for KVM.
  • Mech - Easy command-line virtual machines.
  • vagrant-veertu - Vagrant plugin for veertu.
  • xhyve - Lightweight OS X virtualization solution.

Web Utilities

Windows Management

  • ModMove - Move/Resize windows using modifiers and the mouse.


  • mdbook - Rust crate to create books using Markdown files.
  • Proselint - A linter for prose.


Created by Patrick H. Mullins. You can find me on Twitter and on Telegram as @pmullins.


Source is released under the MIT License (MIT) license.


A curated list of awesome command-line software for macOS.

License:MIT License