philonor / ionic4-typeorm-starter

Example project to demonstrate TypeORM in an Ionic app

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Using TypeORM in an Ionic project

You can use TypeORM in connection with the cordova-sqlite-storage plugin in your Ionic app. This project demonstrates how that would work.


To run this example in production or development mode you have to make sure, ionic and cordova are installed globally on your machine. After that you can install all necessary dependencies for running this example.

  1. Check if npm is installed. Otherwise please install node.js and npm.
npm -v
  1. Install ionic and cordova command line interface globally.
npm install -g cordova ionic
  1. Install all dependencies listed in package.json.
npm install

Running the example in your browser

ionic serve

Running the example on your device

  1. Add an iOS or Android to the project.
ionic cordova platform add ios 
# or 
ionic cordova platform add android
  1. Run the app on your device.
ionic cordova run ios
# or
ionic cordova run android

For further information please read ionic's deployment guide.


Using TypeORM in your own app

  1. Install the plugin
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-sqlite-storage --save
  1. Install TypeORM
npm install typeorm --save
  1. Install node.js-Types
npm install @types/node --save-dev
  1. Install @angular-builders/custom-webpack, is needed for apply custom webpack config.
npm i -D @angular-builders/custom-webpack@^7.2.0
  1. Install @angular-builders/dev-server, is needed for apply custom webpack config during ionic serve.
npm install --save @angular-builders/dev-server@^7.3.1
  1. Install sql.js, to use TypeOrm on browser when develop, used in.
npm i sql.js@^0.5.0 --save
  1. Add "typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types"] to your tsconfig.json under compilerOptions

  2. Create a custom webpack config file like the one included in this project to use the correct TypeORM version and add the config file to your angular.json (Required with TypeORM >= 0.1.7)

  3. In angular.json(already with the change), modify "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser", for "builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:browser",

  4. In angular.json(already with the change), modify "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server", for "builder": "@angular-builders/dev-server:generic",

[Optional] 11. Create a bash script inside a scripts folder for remove warning of module not found for react native, the script is included in this project, and add "postinstall": "bash ./scripts/" line in package.json under scripts, here.


Limitations to TypeORM when using production builds

Since Ionic make a lot of optimizations while building for production, the following limitations will occur:

  1. Entities have to be marked with the table name (eg @Entity('table_name'))

  2. getRepository() has to be called with the name of the entity instead of the class (eg getRepository('post') as Repository<Post>)

  3. Date fields are not supported:

birthdate: Date;


Example project to demonstrate TypeORM in an Ionic app


Language:TypeScript 67.6%Language:CSS 12.7%Language:JavaScript 9.5%Language:HTML 7.9%Language:Shell 2.3%