phillcoxon / git-workshop

An introduction to Git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. Installation
  2. Setup
    • Identity
      • $ git config --global "Brian Jesse"
      • $ git config --global
    • Configuration Files ~/.gitconfig
  3. Cloning
    • git clone
    • cd git-workshop
  4. Checkout a branch
    • git checkout dev
  5. Create a feature branch
    • git checkout -b my-feature
  6. Modify files
  7. Check the status
    • git status
  8. Stage files
    • git add index.html
    • git add style.css
    • git status
  9. Commit staged changes
    • git commit -m 'my message
  10. Check the log
    • git log
  11. Merge into devel
    • git checkout dev
    • git merge my-feature
  12. Demonstration of push
  13. Create a release branch
    • git checkout -b release-1
    • Modify branch with bugfixes and commit to release
  14. Merge into master and dev
    • git checkout master
    • git merge release-1
    • git push origin master
    • git checkout dev
    • git merge release-1
    • git push origin dev
  15. Tagging the release
    • git checkout master
    • git tag 1.0
  16. Managing hotfixes
    • the same as a release branch, but it is branched from master and merged back to dev and master
  17. Merge conflict resolution
    • Git will create a new commit when merge conflicts occur
    • Any files that now have merge conflicts will have resolution markers in them
    • Git will also add local, remote, and base versions of the file for you to diff against
    • When you are satisfied with the merge run
      • $ git add <filename>
      • $ git commit
    • The mergetool may come in handy
      • $ git config --global merge.tool vimdiff
      • $ git mergetool
  18. Other concepts
    • git help
    • Creating new repositories with git init
    • Ignoring files with .gitignore
    • git stash and git stash pop
    • Adding/removing remote repositories
  19. Resources


An introduction to Git