philippslang / rough_surfaces

Computational mechanics framework for rough surfaces and fractures.

Repository from Github https://github.comphilippslang/rough_surfacesRepository from Github https://github.comphilippslang/rough_surfaces


A Python3 module for the analysis, elastic contact and fluid flow simulation of rock fractures.

Platform CI Status Coverage
Linux, Python 3.6 Build Status codecov


Clone the repo and cd into it using a virtual environment

git clone
cd rough_surfaces
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

and verify that the tests are passing

pip install -e .[test] 

do some damage and just PR against master.

To just use the module, it's still good practice to checkout the repo and use a venv, but then just do

pip install .

instead. As you can see recommenden practice is to use the head at all times (if you're adventureous).



We can generate an isotropic, self-affine surface like this

import rough_surface.params as rp
import rough_surface.generate as rg

surface_params = rp.SelfAffineParameters()()
N_power_of_two = 9
surface = rg.self_affine(surface_params, N_power_of_two)

where surface is essentially a two-dimensional numpy array with a lattice size attribute dxy.


See for a more complete overview and the provided plotting functions. In short, given a two-dimensional array h that represents discrete surface height uniformly spaced by dxy, the radially averaged power-spectrum can be obtained like this (this API is in flux)

import rough_surfaces.analyse as ra

spectrum = ra.radially_averaged_psd(surface)
invariants = ra.self_affine_psd_fit(*surface_spectrum)
print('Hurst = {0:.2f}'.format(invariants[1]))

An isotropic surface is characterized by a near-ideal straight line radially averaged PSD and same-slope curves for the angularly averaged spectra.

An anisotropic surface is characterized by a less linear radially averaged PSD and different-slope curves for the angularly averaged spectra.

Contact (elastic frictionless)

We can solve the elastic frictionless contact between two rough surfaces by solving the equivalent problem of a rigid composite surface against an elastic, flat body of composite properties

import as rc

nominal_stress = 1.0E7
E = 1.0E+9
nu = 0.3
contact = rc.contact_FFT(composite_surface, nominal_stress, E, nu, verbose=1)

For a more detailed snippet see

We can also use a high-level function to compute the stiffness over a range of stresses

nominal_stress = np.logspace(6, 8, 15)
stiffness = rc.stiffness(nominal_stress, surface, E, nu, err_lim=1.0E-8)

Flow (steady-state laminar flow fluid pressure)

Working on porting this still...


Lang, P. S., Paluszny, A., & Zimmerman, R. W. (2015). Hydraulic sealing due to pressure solution contact zone growth in siliciclastic rock fractures. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120(6), 4080–4101.

Lang, P. S., Paluszny, A., & Zimmerman, R. W. (2016). Evolution of fracture normal stiffness due to pressure dissolution and precipitation. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 88, 12–22.

Lang, P. S. (2016). Multi-scale modelling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes in fractured rocks. Doctoral Thesis, Imperial College.


Computational mechanics framework for rough surfaces and fractures.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%