philcali / scala-cct

Pure Scala course conversion tool

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Scala Course Converter Tool

This conversion tool is a complete ground up rewrite from LSU's Java cct (cover your eyes!). The software desperately needed a face-lift, so I gave it one. The conversion process is entirely handled through Scala (the xml parsing and what not). I found Scala to be a perfect fit for this type of problem.

The tool is now complete with a test suite and an extension API (which I will go into later).

Note: Development on this project has pretty much stopped for now (though I've taken the opportunity to upgrade build software). People can do whatever they want with it.

The Ideas

Some ideas if I ever get back into the swing of things:

  • Split up the project into library and conscript projects
  • Add more conversion pieces
  • Provide a better extension API (I had some ideas on this)
  • Make the default conversion page prettier ... It's pretty horrible as is.

How it works now

One app, two functions. You can now convert courses on the command-line, convert entire directories of courses, or launch a web site and takes in an archive and spits out a converted course.

I recommend looking at the for the converter to see how it works.

The Conversion

The conversion process is defined by command-line options through --knowledge and --transformer


A knowledge is simply the bit of Intelligence the converter uses to "understand" how to interpret its input. This converter has two knowledges built into it: A blackboard 6.5 < 8.0 archive understanding, and some internal archive called a course dump.

Any programmer can easily extend the converter's functionality by implementing a Knowledge. The converter scans the classpath for known Knowledges, and gives the user the ability to use it.

A knowledge takes a given archive, or whatever (it could be anything really, a database, a document, a tarball, a webpage), turn that into sets of objects for conversion. This object model is important to the transformer.


Not the robot in disguise, though that is a perfectly valid definition.

A transformer takes an object model, and transforms it into something real, (a database, a document, an archive, a web page, etc). This converter comes with two: A moodle 1.8 < 2.0 archive, and a course dump.

Like a knowledge, a programmer can extend the converter's functionality by simply implementing a Transformer.

How it works (Continued)

Note: the converter comes with a knowledge and transformer of its own format called dumps. This is important for users who don't have a corresponding transformer for their system, or just want the data from a knowledge.

Test Suite

The test suite for the Converter is very expansive and also extensible. Any programmer writing a Knowledge or a Transformer can extend a knowledge or transformer test cases, respectively.

It is my recommendation to any developer working on a new knowledge or transformer, to first start with a test case. Once a test case is fully implemented, it will work with the main converter.


cct [--web] [--port=80] [--knowledge=blackboard[:package]] [-r] [--input=path] 
    [--transformer=moodle[:package]] [--output=directory]

-h, --help         | prints out this help
-w, --web          | starts a web interface
-p, --port         | runs web server on specified port: default 80
-k, --knowledge    | uses knowledge from KnowledgeTag
-t, --transformer  | uses transformer from TransformerTag
-r, --recursive    | uses files in recursive as input (ignored in web mode)
-i, --input        | uses this input path (ignored in web mode)
-o, --output       | dumps converted to this directory


Pure Scala course conversion tool



Language:Scala 100.0%