philcali / dialog-wheel

Simple framework that wrangles the dialog application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dialog Wheel

The bash dialog program is a powerful TUI tool, very suitable for single page flows. The user of a dialog is on their own for establishing complex workflows and decision trees.

Enter dialog-wheel, which is intended to allow a hub / spoke UX overlay for dialog single page displays.

Example Gif

See the workflow documentation for more workflow schema.

What does wheel handle?

  • State Management
  • Page progression, backward and forward
  • Required and optional forms

What are wheel's dependencies?

  • dialog (Optional)
  • jq
  • bc
  • python3 (Optional for yaml support)

What if I refuse to install dialog?

The dialog-wheel framework will degrade to a pure bash TUI, whose entrypoint is the wheel::dialog::app function found in the dialog module, if the dialog program cannot be found on the $PATH. All other aspects of dialog-wheel still apply, including the SIGINT capture and error handlers and the static state machine. Note that wheel::dialog::app is meant to be backup to a fully featured TUI program, so it's presentation is slightly improved over a traditionally echo'ed UI.

Wait... that means you support other TUI programs?

Indeed. In the JSON definition for the state machine, dialog.program can reference a function or a command to replace all calls normally directed to dialog. The only caveat is that the program arguments match the dialog program interface. Perhaps in a future release, the calls will use its own abstraction, but for now that's an exercise for the reader.

Conditional Render and Branching Logic

The dialog-wheel program will parse special functions to render different paths on next or back.

  • !ref: pulls data our of the managed application state
  capture_into: state.boolean
  type: yesno
    text: Do you like bananas?
    ok: wheel::handlers::cancel
    - wheel::handlers::flag
    - wheel::handlers::cancel
    capture_into: wheel::handlers::flag
  type: msgbox
    "!ref": state.boolean
    text: You did it. Go to the next page
  next: Another
  type: msgbox
    text: Just another page
  • !if: applies a truth and false path
  type: msgbox
    text: Enter next if you want to continue.
    - "!ref": state.boolean
    - TruthPage
    - FalsePage

How do I install it?

The example includes a Dockerfile for testing the application. If you want to install the script to be invoked somewhere in your PATH, then I would recommend the following:

Using Git

git clone && cd dialog-wheel && ./ && {
  IFS=':' read -r -a paths <<< "$PATH"
  for path in "${paths[@]}"
    mv dialog-wheel "$path/" && echo "Installed dialog-wheel in $path" && break
} || echo >&2 "Failed to install dialog-wheel"

If you feel like removing it, then it's as easy as:

rm $(which dialog-wheel)

How do I test this?

Build the container:

docker build -t dialog-wheel .

Run it like below:

docker run -it --rm --name dialog-wheel dialog-wheel -h

The help should print below

Usage - v1.0.0: Invoke a dialog wheel
Example usage: [-h] [-v] [-d state.json] [-o output.json] [-l app.log] [-L TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL] [-s START_SCREEN] [-i workflow.json] [< workflow.json]
  -o, --state-output: Supply an output path for JSON state data (defaults to fd 3)
  -d, --state-input:  Supply a JSON file representative of existing state data (defaults to none)
  -i, --input:        Supply a JSON file that represents the dialog state machine (defaults to /dev/stdin)
  -s, --start:        Supply a screen name to start the state machine (defaults to none)
  -l, --log-file:     Supply a log source (defaults to /dev/null)
  -L, --log-level:    Supply a log level (defaults to INFO)
  -y, --yaml:         Hint to read stdin and write state data as yaml
  -v, --version:      Prints out the version and exits
  -h, --help:         Prints out this help

To run the example application for example.json, simply mount the $PWD into /wheel like so:

docker run -it --rm --name dialog-wheel -v $PWD:/wheel dialog-wheel -s example.json -l application.log


Simple framework that wrangles the dialog application

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 99.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%