philbgarner / bfontjs

HTML5 Bitmap Font Library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A bitmap font library for rendering to canvas objects in HTML5. Uses an image and a character coordinates table to render the specified font in the specified colour.

Bundle Targets

  • Browser Compatible: COMPLETE
  • CommonJS Compatible: IN PROGRESS

Current Version (0.2.0)

Currently implemented features: Features Sample

See the test.js file for a examples.

Planned Features

  • Monospace bitmap source fonts: COMPLETE
  • Render in specified colour: COMPLETE
  • CLI to compile codepage + bitmap as a font: NOT STARTED
  • Render Effects
    • Solid Background: COMPLETED
    • Underline: NOT STARTED
    • Outline: NOT STARTED
    • Drop shadow: NOT STARTED
    • Render with gradient: COMPLETED
  • Variable space bitmap fonts: COMPLETED
  • Scaling: NOT STARTED
  • Justification: NOT STARTED
  • Word wrap: NOT STARTED

Getting Started

Browser Bundle

Copy the contents of /dist/bfontjs.js to your project and include it in your HTML file with <script src='./bfontjs.js'></script>. When you execute your scripts, the bfontjs module will be available in the global scope.

At appropriate points in your script you can load a precompiled font with bfontjs.LoadFromJSON(json) (where json is the precompiled font's JSON file contents) and later render it to the screen with bfontjs.DrawText(ctx, font, x, y, message, hexColor)) (where ctx is a 2d context object you generated from a canvas element with canvas.getContext('2d') and font is the precompiled font you loaded.).

Node (CommonJS)

Type npm i bfontjs --save-dev while in your projects folder's in the console. Then include it in your project with require.

Node (ES6)

Type npm i bfontjs --save-dev while in your projects folder's in the console. Then include it in your project with import.

Canvas Dependency

The ES6 and CommonJS versions rely on the canvas npm library to render to canvas without the DOM.

Compiled Fonts

The precompiled fonts consist of a codepage object with each character the font has and an object with that characters x and y location on the font's bitmap and how wide and high it is, and an imagedata object that contains the base64 image data from the font's bitmap. This JSON object can be loaded into the bfontjs.LoadFromJSON method to initialize the font that draws the text.

The DOS default 256 character 'codepage 437' font is compiled already in the /src/fonts/ folder, eventually a CLI script will allow you to specify a codepage and image to bundle together to make your own precompiled font.


HTML5 Bitmap Font Library


Language:JavaScript 100.0%