phathvu / vuejs-java-starter

Vue.js spring-boot starter (DEPRECATED)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Vue.js spring boot starter project


  • Spring Boot
  • Vue.js
  • Hot module replacement (from webpack dev server and from java)
  • vue-router for routing (working well with spring router)
  • vue-resources for data fetching
  • development and production profiles
  • fully automated maven workflow
  • bootstrap 4 integration
  • font-awesome
  • less-css support
  • sass support
  • and will be more...


0.1.1 (2016-01-17)

  • added Simple survey as Vue.js example

0.1.0 (2016-01-15)

  • added Vuex (It's like flux)
  • refactor counter example to Vuex
  • some other refactorings

0.0.9 (2016-01-14)

  • added realtime chat example (SSE)

show full changelog

Run in production mode

# compile and start in production mode
 mvn spring-boot:run

server will start on http://localhost:8080/

Run in development mode

# compile and start in development mode
 mvn spring-boot:run

# start webpack development server for HMR
 npm run dev

java server will start on http://localhost:8080/ webpack server will start on http://localhost:3000/

Hot module replacement will be available from both servers

##Running tests

# run karma tests
 npm run tests
# run java and karma
 mvn test

Directory structure

├ build                   # webpack build configuration
├ .mvn                    # maven wrapper directory
├ node                    # maven will install node here
├ node_modules            # node modules
├ target                  # compiled java sources
├ src                     # sources
│  ├ main                 
│  │  ├ java                           # java sources
│  │  ├ vuejs                          # javascript sources
│  │  └ resources                      # resources
│  │     ├ static                      # static resources
│  │     │   ├ css                          # styles
│  │     │   ├ images                       # images
│  │     │   ├ dist                         # generated javascript goes here
│  │     │   └ index.html                   # development index.html
│  │     └      # spring boot configuration properties
│  └ test                       # test sources
│      ├ java                   # java tests
│      └ vuejs                  # vue.js tests
├ .babelrc                 # babel configuration
├ .eslintrc                # eslint configuration
├ .gitignore               # gitignore
├ package.json             # node configuration
├ pom.xml                  # maven configuration 
├ mvnw                     # maven linux wrapper
├ mvnw.cmd                 # maven windows wrapper
├ npm                      # local npm linux wrapper
├ npm.cmd                  # local npm windows wrapper
└                # this file


Vue.js spring-boot starter (DEPRECATED)


Language:CSS 34.0%Language:Vue 24.2%Language:JavaScript 12.6%Language:Java 12.1%Language:Shell 9.1%Language:Batchfile 6.5%Language:HTML 1.4%