phall-brown / embedding-julia-in-c-examples

Examples for how to use Julia from C

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Embedding Julia in C examples

This repository contains examples for how to embed Julia code in C, i.e., how to write a C program that passes data to Julia for processing and then continues using the results.

There are mainly two demonstrators: The "simple demonstrator" just goes through the motions and shows how to call a Julia function from C for some data processing. The "MPI demonstrator" is still designed similarly, but in addition uses MPI communication on the Julia side to communicate data originally created in C.

In addition, a third demonstrator is structured very similar to the "MPI demonstrator", but where the main program is written in Fortran. It is slightly more complex than the other two examples, as it uses a C-based shim layer. However, this example demonstrates that it is possible to call non-trivial Julia functions (e.g., with MPI communication) from Fortran, where the functions operate on data that was originally allocated in Fortran.



  • Linux
  • GNU make
  • gcc
  • Julia v1.8
  • for mpi-demo: MPI installation with mpicc and mpiexec
  • for mpi-demo-fortran: MPI installation with mpicc, mpif90, and mpiexec

You need to make sure that your Julia executable is named julia and on the PATH for the Makefiles to find it. Then, clone this repository and enter the repository root directory:

git clone
cd embedding-julia-in-c-examples

Simple demonstrator

Go to the simple-demo folder and call make:

cd simple-demo

This should create an executable named simple-demo.

MPI demonstrator

Go to the mpi-demo folder and call make:

cd mpi-demo

This should create an executable named mpi-demo.

Next, you need to install all relevant Julia packages. The Julia package manager Pkg.jl gets all information it needs from the Project.toml and Manifest.toml files. To install these packages, execute Julia with the following command:

julia --project=. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'

Finally, you need to tell Julia to use your system MPI library instead of the the one that is shipped with Julia, such that both C and Julia use the same MPI implementation. This can be achieved by executing

julia --project=. setup-mpi.jl

If successful, it will identify your local MPI implementation with an output similar to this:

┌ Info: MPI implementation identified
│   libmpi = "libmpi"
│   version_string = "Open MPI v4.0.3, package: Debian OpenMPI, ident: 4.0.3, repo rev: v4.0.3, Mar 03, 2020\0"
│   impl = "OpenMPI"
│   version = v"4.0.3"
└   abi = "OpenMPI"
┌ Info: MPIPreferences changed
│   binary = "system"
│   libmpi = "libmpi"
│   abi = "OpenMPI"
└   mpiexec = "mpiexec"

It will also create a LocalPreferences.toml file that is subsequently used by MPI.jl.

MPI demonstrator for Fortran

Go to the mpi-demo-fortran folder and call make:

cd mpi-demo-fortran

This should create an executable named mpi-demo-fortran.

Next, you need to install and configure all relevant Julia packages. For this, please follow the instructions for the C-based MPI demonstrator above.


Simple demonstrator

To test the example, just run the created executables:


This should give you an output similar to this one:

Original contents:
data:   0.840 0.394 0.783 0.798 0.912 0.198 0.335 0.768 0.278 0.554
result: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Contents after call to `double_me_julia_style`:
data:   0.840 0.394 0.783 0.798 0.912 0.198 0.335 0.768 0.278 0.554
result: 1.680 0.789 1.566 1.597 1.823 0.395 0.670 1.536 0.556 1.108

Contents after reset:
data:   0.840 0.394 0.783 0.798 0.912 0.198 0.335 0.768 0.278 0.554
result: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Contents after call to `double_me_c_style`:
data:   0.840 0.394 0.783 0.798 0.912 0.198 0.335 0.768 0.278 0.554
result: 1.680 0.789 1.566 1.597 1.823 0.395 0.670 1.536 0.556 1.108

Here, first an array of 10 doubles is created in C and filled with random values. This array and an equal-sized result array are passed to Julia, where the values from the input array are doubled and written to the output array. The result is then printed from C.

MPI demonstrator

To test the example, start a parallel run by executing the generated file with mpiexec. In addition, you need to pass the --project=. argument, which tells Julia that it should use the packages described in the local Project.toml and Manifest.toml:

mpiexec -n 3 ./mpi-demo --project=.

This will yield an output similar to following:

data on rank   0:     1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10
data on rank   1:    11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20
data on rank   2:    21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30
result from `parallel_sum` = 465 (expected: 465)

On each rank, an integer array with 10 entries is generated in the C part such that over all ranks, the consecutive integers from 1 to $10 \times n_\textrm{ranks}$ are found. The arrays are then passed to Julia, where they are summed up in parallel using MPI_Allreduce, before the result is returned to C.

In case you get errors when you try this example, you can verify that your MPI implementation is correctly set up for Julia by running a pure Julia example. When executing

mpiexec -n 3 julia --project=. julia-demo.jl

you should see an output similar to the following:

data on rank 1: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
data on rank 2: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
data on rank 0: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
result from `parallel_sum` = 465 (expected: 465)

If there are errors, it probably means that your Julia MPI setup is not yet fully functional. If there are no errors here, the issue must be on the C side.

MPI demonstrator for Fortran

To test the example, start a parallel run by executing the generated file with mpiexec. In addition, you need to pass the --project=. argument, which tells Julia that it should use the packages described in the local Project.toml and Manifest.toml:

mpiexec -n 3 ./mpi-demo-fortran --project=.

This will yield an output similar to following:

data on rank   0:    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10
data on rank   1:   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20
data on rank   2:   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30
result from `parallel_sum` = 465 (expected: 465)

On each rank, an integer array with 10 entries is generated in the Fortran part such that over all ranks, the consecutive integers from 1 to $10 \times n_\textrm{ranks}$ are found. The arrays are then passed to Julia via C, where they are summed up in parallel using MPI_Allreduce, before the result is returned to Fortran.


This repository was initiated by Michael Schlottke-Lakemper.


Some of the C code used in the demonstrators is inspired from the examples in the Julia manual.


This repository is licensed under the MIT license (see


Examples for how to use Julia from C

License:MIT License


Language:C 67.3%Language:Julia 11.8%Language:Makefile 11.1%Language:Fortran 9.9%