phacman / php-class-explorer

Exploring a class file without loading and creating an object

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Class Explorer

Exploring a class file without loading and creating an object.

We can say that this is a lightweight static code analyzer that does not look for errors.

Library work with:

  • class
  • interface
  • trait
  • enum

Files containing several definitions of classes, traits, etc. are considered atypical and are ignored for detailed analysis.

Getting Started


composer require phacman/php-class-explorer


use PhacMan\ClassExplorer\Explorer;

$class = new Explorer('/path/to/your/file.php');


Result Example

  "get_class_name": "ShortBaseCase",
  "get_class_type": "class",
  "get_constants": [
    "const HELLO = 'world'",
    "const HELLO_ON_ARRAY = [self::HELLO]"
  "get_enum_cases": [],
  "get_extends": "UseIt",
  "get_full_class_name": "class ShortBaseCase",
  "get_implements": [
  "get_imports": [
  "get_lines_count": 50,
  "get_methods": [
    "public function __construct()",
    "public function getPublic(): string",
    "protected function getProtected(): array"
  "get_namespace": "PhacMan\\ClassExplorer\\Tests\\Fixtures",
  "get_properties": [
    "private array $itemsEmpty = []",
    "protected string $info = 'info message'"
  "get_qualified_name": "\\PhacMan\\ClassExplorer\\Tests\\Fixtures\\ShortBaseCase",
  "has_abstract_methods": false,
  "has_constructor": true,
  "is_abstract": false,
  "is_atypical_class": false,
  "is_class": true,
  "is_enum": false,
  "is_explicit_abstract": false,
  "is_final": false,
  "is_implicit_abstract": false,
  "is_interface": false,
  "is_readonly": false,
  "is_trait": false


Exploring a class file without loading and creating an object

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%