pgruenbacher / vivid

A simple-to-use cpp color library

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vivid 🌈

A simple-to-use cpp color library

  • strongly-typed colors
  • safe color space conversions
  • perceptual color interpolation
  • popular and custom color maps
  • xterm names and ansi codes
  • ansi escape sequences and html encoding
  • (somewhat™) unit tested in itself and against QColor
  • qmake and cmake support
using namespace vivid;

//  create and interpolate colors
Color c1( "indianred" );
Color c2( { 0.f, 0.4f, 0.5f }, Color::Space::Hsl );

auto interp = lerpOklab( c1, c2, 0.5f );   //  perceptual interpolation in Oklab
std::string hex = interp.hex();

//  quick access to popular colormaps for data visualization
ColorMap cmap( ColorMap::Preset::Viridis );
Color mid = 0.5f );

//  ansi and html encodings
std::cout << ansi::subtleText << "woah" << ansi::fg( c1 ) << "!!" << ansi::reset;
fout << html::bg( "#abc123" ) << "styled background color" << html::close;



Things we create should be beautiful. Be it a console log message or a real-time volumetric data plot. I'm working with colors quite often, but found the available means to work with them lacking. Especially if you want to just get stuff (he said stuff) done and your ideas down in code. Over time, I gathered all the little snippets and helpers I had created, and thus this project was born.

vivid allows you to quickly create, lookup and convert colors. It provides perceptual color interpolation, easy access to color names, ascii escape codes and to some of the great data visualization color palettes out there.

Getting Started

git clone

This repository comes with support for both cmake and qmake[^1] projects. You can try it out by simply opening the project in e.g. VSCode, Qt Creator, or running

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make

[^1]] c.f. vivid.pri. Note that submodules have been deprecated with v3.0.0. You need to manually add nlohmann_json and glm to dependencies/.


vivid depends on a small number of header-only libraries, which are mostly included as submodules.


vivid provides a convenient high-level Color class, which is intended to be flexible and easy to use. It stores the value (col_t) and its associated space ∈ {RGB, HSV, HSL, LCH} of the underlying type. Colors can be implicitly constructed from any of above native color spaces and their representations (c.f. include/vivid/color.h).

//  instantiation
Color col1( "#abcdef" );
Color col2 = { 255, 0, 128 };
Color col3 = { { 1.f, 0.3f, 0.6f }, Color::SpaceHsl };

Conversions to other color spaces are directly available using e.g. col.hsl() or col.hex(). Moving to one of the four native spaces will return another Color instance with its value converted and space set accordingly.

//  native conversion
Color conv = col1.hsl();    //  convert to hsl, whatever the current space
col1.spaceInfo();   //  rgb
conv.spaceInfo();   //  hsl

8-bit colors are represented using either byte-triplets (col8_t) or compactly as ARGB (uint32_t), where alpha is set to 0xff by default. Lossy conversion, e.g. getting the name or index of some non-xterm color, will return the closest valid color/value in that space.

//  lossy conversion
Color original( "#a1b2c3" );
Color lossy = original.index(); //  clamps to nearest ansi color code
original.hex(); //  #a1b2c3
lossy.hex();    //  #afafd7

Strong Typing

Note: You can use this library as high- or low-level as you like!

Under the hood, vivid uses inheritance-based strong typing. This means, that the compiler will give you a heads-up if e.g. you're trying to convert from the wrong color. This also enables Colors to be implicitly initialized from the native spaces.

//  type-safe conversions
rgb_t col1 = { 1.f, 0.f, 0.4f };
hsl_t col2 = hsl::fromHsv( col1 );
//  [...] error: no viable conversion from 'vivid::rgb_t' to 'const vivid::hsv_t'

//  implicit initialization from native spaces
Color col3 = lch_t( 93.f, 104.5f, 272.3f );
Color col4 = xyz_t( 0.f, 0.f, 1.f );
//  [...] error: no viable conversion from 'vivid::xyz_t' to 'vivid::Color'

If need be, you can always explicitly cast col_t to other spaces. This simplifies color handling and allows for some flexibility, but also introduces the risk of manually circumventing the type system, so use with care.

//  explicit type casts
auto srgb = srgb_t( col1 ); //  init child from parent

glm::vec3 src = { 0, 1, 0 };
auto xyz = static_cast<xyz_t>( src );   //  init from external source

Color Math

The base type col_t aliases directly to glm::vec<3, float> (c.f. include/vivid/types.h). This allows effective and efficient use of colors, providing all of glm's vector goodness right out of the box.

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//  some uses of _glm_ in _vivid_

rgb_t saturate( const rgb_t& rgb ) {
    return glm::clamp( rgb, 0.f, 1.f );

inline glm::mat3 workingSpaceMatrix( ... ) {
    //  ...
    const glm::vec3 S = glm::inverse( K ) * XYZ;
    return K * glm::diagonal3x3( S );

Color Spaces

Under the hood, vivid uses an extensive set of strongly-typed conversions between color spaces (c.f. include/vivid/conversion.h). All of these methods are built in a functional way, where colors get passed through converters, yielding new colors in different spaces. The following direct conversions are currently available.

adobe ← xyz
hex ← rgb8
hsl ← rgb
hsv ← rgb
index ← name, rgb8
lab ← lch, xyz
oklab ← lrgb 
lch ← lab
lrgb ← srgb, oklab
name ← index
rgb ← hsl, hsv, rgb8
rgb32 ← hex, rgb
rgb8 ← rgb, rgb32
srgb ← index, lrgb, xyz
xyz ← adobe, lab, srgb

Gamma Correction

When someone talks about RGB colors, it's not clear at all what he's actually refering to. RGB simply encodes red, green and blue components with values in a certain range. How those values are to be interpreted is a whole different story. What working space is the color in? Maybe it's linearized? Does it use gamma correction? If so, what sort?

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry - I didn't either a couple weeks ago :). There is a great article from John Novak on this topic [^1], where he goes into the caveats of gamma correction and its implications. Give it a read, it gives some fascinating insights!

The `vivid::Color` class assumes a `sRGB` working space.

vivid provides the rgb_t type as a general, working space agnostic RGB container, that interfaces directly with 8-bit, 32-bit, HSV and HSL conversions, as all of those are independent of the underlying representation. If you want to use this library e.g. to do image processing, consider using the low-level API and the strongly typed srgb_t and linearized lrgb_t classes. Note that there are much more performant libraries out there for these kinds of tasks. But hey, I actually found it pretty fun to experiment a little with vivid on image data, and std::execution makes it a breeze.

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//  gamma correction on image data
static const float gamma = 2.2f;

auto image = QImage( "image.jpg" ).convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
auto dataPtr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>( image.bits() );

const auto pixelOperation = []( uint32_t& argb ) {
    const auto srgb = srgb_t( rgb::fromRgb32( argb ) );                     //  get srgb color value
    const auto corrRgb = rgb::gamma( lrgb::fromSrgb( srgb ), 1.f / gamma ); //  linearize and apply gamma correction
    return rgb32::fromRgb( srgb::fromLrgb( corrRgb ) );                     //  convert back to srgb

    dataPtr, dataPtr + image.width() * image.height(), dataPtr,
); "image_high-gamma.jpg" );

Original [^2] Gamma Corrected (γ = 2.2)
original gamma-corrected

Working Spaces

As seen above, any red-green-blue-triplet can represent colors in different RGB working spaces. vivid currently supports Linear RGB, sRGB and Adobe RGB. You can also implement your own conversions as demonstrated in the following example.

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//  manual wide-gamut rgb to xyz conversion

rgb_t wg = { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f };

//  working space matrix from primary color chromaticities and white point
const glm::vec3 ciex = { 0.7347f, 0.1152f, 0.1566f };
const glm::vec3 ciey = { 0.2653f, 0.8264f, 0.0177f };
const auto wg_to_xyz = workingSpaceMatrix( profiles::xy_d50, ciex, ciey );

//  linearized rgb via inverse gamma compounding
const float gamma = 2.19921875f;
auto linear = rgb::gamma( wg, gamma );

//  xyz with d50 white point using above linear transformation
auto xyz50 = xyz_t( wg_to_xyz * linear );

//  xyz with d65 white point via chromatic adaptation
auto xyz65 = chromaticAdaptation( xyz50, profiles::xy_d50, profiles::xy_d65 );

Note that vivid by default utilizes the D65 white point and 2° Standard Observer, which is why we apply chromatic adaptation in the example above. This let's us subsequently use e.g. srgb::fromXyz(xyz65).

[^2] Firewatch Background © Michael Gustavsson


//  pseudo-code to generate the images in this section
for ( auto& pixel : image ) {
    const float t = pixel.x / image.width;
    const Color col = lerpLch( c1, c2, t );
    image.setColor( pixel, col );

Color interpolation is an interesting topic. What should the color halfway in-between red and green look like? There is a great article introducing this topic by Grego Aisch [^1]. In order to do a perceptually linear transition from one color to another, we can't simply linearly interpolate two RGB-vectors. Rather, we move to a more suitable color space, interpolate there, and then move back again. Namely, we use the Björn Ottosson's Oklab space [^2], which matches the human visual system rather well. There are more suitable color spaces nowadays to do so, but Oklab has a nice balance between complexity (code and computation) and outcome.

Compare the following table to get an idea of interpolating in different color spaces.

Color Space Linear Interpolation
sRGB lerp-rgb
Linear RGB lerp-linear-rgb
Oklab lerp-oklab
LCH lerp-lch
HSV lerp-hsv
HSL (Clamped) lerp-hsl-clamped

vivid provides color interpolations in the five main spaces RGB, HSL, HSV, LCH, Oklab and additionally Linear RGB. They can be accessed directly via e.g. lerp( const oklab_t&, const oklab_t&, const float ), or more conveniently via e.g. lerpLch( const Color&, const Color&, const float ).

[^1]] Grego Aisch (2011) - How To Avoid Equidistant HSV Colors
[^2]] Björn Ottosson (2020) - A perceptual color space for image processing

Color Maps

vivid comes with a set of pre-defined color maps, which I conveniently gathered under one umbrella. Thanks to the awesome community out there for their great work! [^2,\^3]] As shown in the example in the beginning, it's quick and easy to query colors from a certain color map. You can also create your own maps by simply loading an according *.json file.

//  loading a custom color map
ColorMap cmap( "res/colormaps/mycolormap.json" );
auto mid = 0.5f );
Name Image
Inferno inferno
Magma magma
Plasma plasma
Viridis viridis
Turbo vivid
Vivid vivid
Rainbow rainbow
Hsl hsl
Hsl Pastel hsl-pastel
Blue-Yellow blue-yellow
Cool-Warm cool-warm

[^2]] Stefan & Nathaniel - MPL Colormaps
[^3]] SciVisColor


vivid provides encodings for ansi escape codes (pretty console <3) and html using spans.


You can colorize console messages using the ansi::fg() and ansi::bg() helpers, or using one of the pre-defined constants, e.g. ansi::white. There's also a hand-picked set of the most useful™ and some of my favorite colors in there for you! You can take a look via ansi::printColorPresets(). Note, that for all of those your console must support 8-bit colors, which however almost all modern consoles do.

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std::cout << ansi::fg( 228 )  << "and tada, colorized font ";
std::cout << ansi::lightRed << "(so pretty " << ansi::red << "<3" << ansi::lightRed << ") \n\n";
std::cout << ansi::reset;  //  resets all formatting, i.e. white font, no backgorund


To get an overview of all available xterm colors and associated codes or quickly check if your console has 8-bit color support, you can call ansi::printColorTable() (shoutout to Gawin [^4] for the layout idea).



vivid in fact makes use of colored output itself! Any Color can be debugged using a one-line Color::quickInfo() or the more extensive Color::info().


ColorMaps can also be quickly visualized directly in the terminal, or used to create some joyful text effects.

ColorMap rainbowMap( ColorMap::Preset::Rainbow );
std::string text = "How can you tell? - Raaaaaaiiiinbooooooowwws.";
std::cout << ansi::colorize( text, rainbowMap ) << std::endl;



One of my side projects is a tagged logging system, where one of the sinks goes to html. This has become very handy.

Color col( "LightSteelBlue" );
fout << html::fg( col ) << "colorized html text!" << html::close;
//  <span style='color:rgb(175, 175, 255)'>colorized html text!</span>

[^4] Gawin's xterm color demo

Image Processing

While vivid is not designed for performance, it can very well be used for some fun experiments!

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const auto pixelOperation = []( uint32_t& argb )
    const auto srgb = srgb_t( rgb::fromRgb32( argb ) ); //  get srgb color value

    //  gamma correction
    const auto corrRgb = rgb::gamma( lrgb::fromSrgb( srgb ), 1.f / gamma ); //  [1] linearize and apply gamma correction
    return rgb32::fromRgb( srgb::fromLrgb( corrRgb ) );                     //  convert back to srgb

    //  mad science adjustments in LCh
    auto lch = lch::fromSrgb( srgb );
    lch.x += rand() % 100 * ( 50.f / 100.f ) - 25.f;    //  [2] luminance noise
    lch.x = std::abs( lch.x - 50.f ) + 50.f;            //  [3] luminance triangle
    lch.y = lch.y / 2.f;                                //  [4] chroma decrease
    lch.y = std::min( lch.y * 2.f, 140.f );             //  [5] chroma increase
    lch.z = std::fmodf( lch.z + 40.f, 360.f );          //  [6] hue shift
    lch.z = 180.f;                                      //  [7] hue fix

    return rgb32::fromRgb( srgb::fromLch( lch ) );   //  convert back to srgb

Here are the results for above operations.

Original [1] Gamma Corrected (γ = 2.2)
[2] Luminance Noise [3] Luminance Triangle
[4] Chroma Decrease [5] Chroma Increase
[6] Hue Shift [7] Hue Fix


Massive thanks to all the colour enthusiasts out there for references and material, without which this project would not have been possible. Shoutout and thanks to the community over at r/cpp for comments, feedback and suggestions! <3


A simple-to-use cpp color library

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 99.1%Language:CMake 0.4%Language:QMake 0.2%Language:C 0.2%