pgrandin / navit-nuc-layout

My own Navit layout based upon android-mdpi

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Circle CI

My own Navit layout based upon android-mdpi

You will probably need the svg icons from :

Navit currently expects all icons to be in xpm/ so you need to rename them:

for d in *; do for f in $d/*; do mv $f ${d}_`basename $f`; done; done

Then move all icons to navit-src/navit/xpm/ and run make

To use this OSD and / or layout, just clone the code into your .navit folder and add these 2 lines in your navit.xml (right before your other OSD declaration is fine) :

<xi:include href="${HOME}/.navit/nuc_osd_layout/nuc_osd.xml"/>
<xi:include href="${HOME}/.navit/nuc_osd_layout/nuc_layout.xml"/>

This OSD currently looks like this :



My own Navit layout based upon android-mdpi