pgaray1229 / learn-deploy-on-day-one-v-000

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Your first deployment

There is no better way to feel like a developer than by actually becoming one, which you do by shipping code. With everything you've learned thus far, with think you're ready for the challenge. In this lab, you'll make a change to the Learn website: you will be asked to add your information to our public student directory (visible to the world at and put in motion the sequence of events to have your change go live in production.

We have already created a template, but you need to use your Git, HTML and CSS skills to submit an updated version of the site with your information. Here we go!


You'll need the following information about yourself:

  • Name
  • Blog Url (if you have one)
  • Twitter URL
  • LinkedIn URL
  • Github URL
  • Tagline
  • Profile Picture (something normal, a headshot, of a good reusable size that can be easily cropped)
  • Background Picture (like your cover picture from Twitter)
  • Previous Work Experience
  • Short Bio
  • Education


The structure of this project looks something like this:

├── css
│   ├── css style sheets
├── assets
|   |__ img
|   |   ├── lots of images
|   |__ fonts
|   |   ├── some fonts
├── index.html
└── students
    └── student-name.html
    └── profile.html

Files you will need to alter:

  • index.html
  • css/styles.css
  • students/student-name.html

Getting Started

Fork and clone this lab.

Add your images

The first thing you'll need to do is add your image assets.

  • Add two pictures to the assets/img folder (they can be jpg or png files):
    • A cover picture (named student-name-cover.jpg or student-name-cover.png)
    • A profile picture (name student-name.jpg or student-name.png)

Add your Profile page

  1. Copy another students student-name.html file and rename it to your name.
  2. Double-check that you added your cover and profile photo to the img directory
  3. Open up your-name.html and modify it with your information (links, bio etc).
    • Adding the images is a bit tricky! Take a look at the css/styles.css or use inspect element for an idea of where those images come from.

Add To The Index

  1. Open up index.html
  2. Copy one of the existing divs to make a new slot for you. Add in your information
  3. Re-use the profile image from your profile page and link to your profile page

Taking stock

Now that you have everything locally, let's take stock of what we have. Take a look at index.html and profile.html in the browser. To do this:

  • If you're working on a Mac, you can just find the file locally using Finder and click to view the webpage in Chrome.
  • If you're working on Nitrous, it's a bit more involved: first push your changes to your GitHub fork, then download your GitHub repo to your computer as a zip file, unzip it and open up the HTML files locally.

You may need to cycle a few times until everything looks good. Once you're happy with it, you're ready to submit.


  1. Easy, just submit a Pull Request back to us. We'll take a look ASAP and get your change merged and deployed.


Once we merge in your Pull Request, your profile will be viewable on, but we want you to be able to show all your friends your new website RIGHT NOW. Thankfully, GitHub makes this easy.

  1. Delete the CNAME file and commit that change. Reminder: you can delete a file with rm CNAME. Make sure you git add ., then git commit -m "removing CNAME", then git push.
  2. Create a new branch called gh-pages. Reminder: you can do this with git co -b gh-pages
  3. Due to the process involved with forking, you will need to force push to GitHub. Force push gh-pages to GitHub. Reminder: after staging and commiting your changes, you can do this with git push -f
  4. Go to GitHub and go to the Settings for your repository (on the right side bar)
  5. Scroll down to the Github Pages Section. Take a look! You have a URL. For me (because my username is jmburges) it's




Language:HTML 93.9%Language:CSS 6.1%