pfgray / molecule

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The core of this abstraction is the Atom. It is essentially an Observable, except that it always has a "current" value (Observables are merely streams of data, but it's possible you'd never have an initial value to begin with!).

The Atom interface even uses the same method name for observe, except that it additionally has a getValue method, which returns the current value inside the Atom.

type Atom<A> = {
  observe: (f: (a: A) => void) => void
  getValue: () => A

Each Atom holds a value A inside. You can react to changes in the enclosed value by calling the observe function, and passing a callback. This callback will called anytime the value inside the Atom changes, with the new value.

Making an Atom

You can make an Atom by calling the makeAtom function and supplying an initial value:

const [modifyCount, count] = makeAtom(0)

count // Atom<number>
modifyCount // (f: (a: number) => number) => number

Here, we're making an Atom that will store a counter, and thus its type is Atom<number>. From makeAtom, we get a modifyCount function, and a count atom. The modifyCount function can be used to update the value inside the atom.

const [modifyCount, count] = makeAtom(0)

count.getValue() // 0

count.observe(c => {
  console.log('Got new value: ', c)

modifyCount(c => c + 1)
// Got new value: 1
modifyCount(c => c + 2)
// Got new value: 3

Usage with React:

The useAtom hook allows you to subscribe to values inside of Atoms

const CountDisplay = () => {
  const clickCount = useAtom(count)

  return <div>You have clicked {clickCount} times!</div>

The freestanding modifyCount function can be imported and used anywhere to update the value inside the count atom.

const CountClicker = () => {
  return <button onClick={() => modifyCount(c => c + 1)}>Click to add a click!</button>

When the modifyCount function is invoked, the state in CountDisplay will automatically update with the new value.


Atoms can be mapped to different values. When using



Language:TypeScript 100.0%