peweet / PortfolioExamples

(Markdown) - A list of 150+ portolio sites for inspiration and comparison

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Portfolio Examples

I wanted to absorb a lot of different portfolio sites before I started working on my own.

Most of these were dug up on reddit. Some have things I really like and want to emulate, some have things I want to avoid, and a lot of them have both.

At some point I may go back and curate this list better or add notes on ones that stand out. For now I found it useful just to immerse myself in lots of examples to get my brain moving.

There's lots of good advice about portfolio sites in this thread.


Feel free to add more (in alphabetical order), or remove yours if you'd rather not have it here.

The List!


(Markdown) - A list of 150+ portolio sites for inspiration and comparison