petitspois / react-native-switch-month-week

πŸ“… react native calendar with a week and month view

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React Native Switch Month Week

A declarative cross-platform React Native calendar component for iOS and Android.

Features ✨

  • Pure JS. No Native code required
  • Customization of theme
  • Detailed documentation and examples
  • Support multiple languages
  • Swipe to switch month and week
  • Support Agenda List

Getting Started πŸ”§

Here's how to get started with react-native-switch-month-week in your React Native project:

Install the package:

Using npm:

$ npm install --save react-native-switch-month-week

Using Yarn:

$ yarn add react-native-switch-month-week

React Native Switch Month Week is implemented in JavaScript, so no native module linking is required.

Example πŸš€

Please yarn android before pushing changes.

    import { MonthWeekCalendar, MonthWeekCalendarProvider } from 'react-native-switch-month-week';

    const [theme, setTheme] = useState<any>({
        todayTextColor: '#3CA0AE',
        selectedTodayButtonBackgroundColor: '#3CA0AE',
        dotBackgroundColor: '#3CA0AE',
        agendaItemTextColor: '#3CA0AE',
    const [date, setDate] = useState('2023-04-13')
    const [currentMonth, setCurrentMonth] = useState<string>(moment().startOf('month').format('YYYY-MM-DD'))
    const [markedDates, setMarkedDates] = useState({
        '2023-05-13': { marked: true, markedColor: '#000', data: { title: 'Code optimization', description: '5:00- 5:00 pm 11F high-speed conference room' } }

    return (
        <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
            <View style={{ backgroundColor: 'white' }}>
                <Text style={{ padding: 12, fontSize: 18, fontWeight: 'bold', color: 'red' }}>{currentMonth.slice(0, -3)}</Text>
                onMonthChange={(date, type) => {



Prop Description Default
defaultDate Initial date in 'yyyy-MM-dd' format. Default = now
onDateChanged Callback for date change event
onMonthChange Callback for month change event


Prop Description Default
locale i18n en
calendarWidth Width of calendar windowWidth
markedDates Calendar mark drill down
theme Specify theme properties to override specific styles for calendar parts drill down
customReservation User-defined reserved areas () => JSX.Element
onAgendaItemPress Agenda click event () => void


    type Locale = 'cn' | 'hk' | 'en' | 'tw';


    // key = 'yyyy-MM-dd'
    export interface MarkedDates {
        [key: string]: {
            marked: boolean;
            markedColor: string;
            data?: MarkedData

    export interface MarkedData {
        title:  string;
        description: string;


export interface ITheme {
    containerBackgroundColor:   string;
    calendarBackgroundColor: string;
    reservationBackgroundColor: string;
    todayTextColor: string;
    selectedTodayButtonBackgroundColor: string;
    selectedButtonBackgroundColor: string;
    dotBackgroundColor: string;
    disabledButtonTextColor: string;
    dotSize: number;
    knobShadowColor: string;
    buttonTextColor: string;
    dayNameTextColor: string;
    agendaItemBackgroundColor: string; 
    agendaItemTextColor: string;


React Native Calendars is MIT licensed


πŸ“… react native calendar with a week and month view


Language:TypeScript 68.8%Language:JavaScript 22.9%Language:Java 4.6%Language:Ruby 1.5%Language:Objective-C 1.5%Language:Objective-C++ 0.7%