petey3 / CocoaGrapes

Just a starter project to demonstrate how to use Cocoapods

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CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. Its used in just about every iOS project here at Intrepid.

Here is how to set it up.

Installing Cocoapods

  • Open Terminal
  • Enter command: sudo gem install cocoapods
  • Enter your password

Wait for this to finish, don't touch your terminal. It might take a couple minutes

  • Run command pod setup

Setting Up Command Line Text Editor

  • Download Sublime here
  • Install commandline tools following instructions here
Atom (My Preference)
  • Download Atom here
  • Install atom commandline tools by opening Atom and selecting Atom > Install Shell Commands

Continuing forward, all commandline references will use the atom keyword. Replace this with whatever you have designated as your text editor.

Setting Up Cocoapods

If New Project

  • Create your Xcode Project
  • Make sure that Create git repository is selected > If you forgot to select this, just continue to the Existing Project section

If Existing Project

If your project is already setup with a git repository, skip this step.

  • Open terminal
  • Enter command cd ~/path/to/your/project
  • Enter command git init

Setup Gitignore

  • Open terminal
  • Enter command cd ~/path/to/your/project (if necessary)
  • Enter command atom .gitignore
  • Add Pods/ to your gitignore
  • If your .gitignore is empty, add the following:
# Xcode

# CocoaPods
# We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However
# you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at:
  • Save your .gitignore file cmd + s

Add Podfile

Old Way

  • Open terminal
  • Enter command cd ~/path/to/your/project
  • Enter command atom Podfile

This is case SENSITIVE


Add a source to the top of your Podfile. If you're unsure what this should be, it should be this:

source ''


Specifying a platform is unncessary, but highly encouraged. The syntax is:

platform :<#platform#>, '<#version#>'


platform :ios, '7.0'

New Way

  • Open terminal
  • Enter command pod init
  • Uncomment the platform line to specify a platform (ex. platform :ios, '8.0')

Add Pods

You add pods to your project using the following syntax:

pod '<#pod name#>', '<#pod version#>'

A simple example would look like this:

pod 'AFNetworking', '1.0'

Or, to get the latest version, you can omit the version from the declaration:

pod 'AFNetworking'

There are more complex arguments regarding version available here

Basic Podfile Example

source ''

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'ProjectName' do
  pod 'SVProgressHUD'
  pod 'AFNetworking'

If you already have a workspace created, you'll need to specify this in your podfile by adding: workspace 'MyWorkspace'

Installing Dependencies

Now we're going to integrate our libraries into the Xcode project.

  • Close Xcode Project
  • Open Terminal
  • Enter command cd ~/path/to/your/project
  • Enter command pod install

Wait for this to finish, depending on the requirements of the Podfile, particularly with new projects, this may take a minute or two. Just leave it.

When cocoapods is done installing libraries, you will get a terminal readout that says:

[!] From now on use <#Your Project#>.xcworkspace.

Follow this instruction and henceforth, use the workspace instead of your project.

Importing And Using Libraries

In your project, if you want to use a library you can do so by adding

import SomeCocoaPod

More Info on Podfiles

More on the Podfile:

Pod Errors

Occasionally, imported libraries will have errors or warnings generated in Xcode, these can be silenced if desired by adding the following to the Podfile


To prevent warnings on a library specific basis, you can use the following syntax:

pod 'SomePodWithWarnings', :inhibit_warnings => true

Credit Where Credit Is Due


Just a starter project to demonstrate how to use Cocoapods


Language:Swift 100.0%