peterwmwong / x-metal-harvest-gpu-binary

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project demonstrates the metal-source: error: unsupported binary format error when trying to use metal-source on a harvested GPU archive.

This is associated to FB10274656 (Apple Feedback Assistant).


The WWDC 2022 session Target and optimize GPU binaries with Metal 3 suggests the metal-source tool can generate the JSON Pipeline Scripts.

Using the session's (5:55) command line directions:

> metal-source -flatbuffers=json harvested-binaryArchive.metallib -o /tmp/descriptors.mtlp-json


Running this project serializes/harvests a GPU archive metallib file for a simple render pipeline.

Using metal-source (project outputs specific command/arguments to use) on this metallib produces the error: metal-source: error: unsupported binary format.

Here's a brief breakdown on how the GPU archive is created and the console output directions that follows:

  1. Opens a new window (SwiftUI/MTKView) displaying a white square (point primitive).

    • Render Pipeline Descriptor (MetalRenderer.swift)
      let pipelineDesc = MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor()
      pipelineDesc.vertexFunction = lib.makeFunction(name: "main_vertex")
      pipelineDesc.fragmentFunction = lib.makeFunction(name: "main_fragment")
      pipelineDesc.colorAttachments[0]?.pixelFormat = .bgra8Unorm
    • Shaders (Shaders.metal)
      #include <metal_stdlib>
      using namespace metal;
      struct VertexOut {
          float4 position  [[position]];
          float point_size [[point_size]];
      VertexOut main_vertex() {
          return {
              .position = float4(0),
              .point_size = 128.0
      half4 main_fragment() {
          return half4(1);
  2. Behind the scenes, a GPU Archive is generated (MetalRenderer.swift):

    let archivePath = NSTemporaryDirectory().appending("x-metal-harvested-gpu-binary.metallib")
    let archiveDesc = MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor()
    let archive = try device.makeBinaryArchive(descriptor: archiveDesc)
    try archive.addRenderPipelineFunctions(descriptor: pipelineDesc)
    try archive.serialize(to: NSURL.fileURL(withPath: archivePath))
  3. If successful, outputs to console the GPU Archive's path and metal-source command that reproduces the error

    • Example output:
    Successfully serialized/harvested GPU Archive! Path: /var/folders/bd/9qd81pgj4xj01bg4sgp43dvr0000gn/T/x-metal-harvested-gpu-binary.metallib
    In a terminal, attempt the following command to generate the JSON Pipeline Scripts:
    > xcrun metal-source -flatbuffers=json /var/folders/bd/9qd81pgj4xj01bg4sgp43dvr0000gn/T/x-metal-harvested-gpu-binary.metallib -o /tmp/descriptors.mtlp-json
    Notice an error occurs (based on MacBook Pro 2021 M1 Max, macOS Version 13.0 Beta 2 22A5286j, Xcode Version 14.0 beta 2 14A5229c environment):
    metal-source: error: unsupported binary format
    Basic information about harvested GPU archive (based on MacBook Pro 2021 M1 Max, macOS Version 13.0 Beta 2 22A5286j, Xcode Version 14.0 beta 2 14A5229c environment):
    > xcrun metal-readobj /var/folders/bd/9qd81pgj4xj01bg4sgp43dvr0000gn/T/x-metal-harvested-gpu-binary.metallib
    File: /var/folders/bd/9qd81pgj4xj01bg4sgp43dvr0000gn/T/x-metal-harvested-gpu-binary.metallib
    Format: MetalLib
    Arch: air64
    AddressSize: 64bit
    File: /var/folders/bd/9qd81pgj4xj01bg4sgp43dvr0000gn/T/x-metal-harvested-gpu-binary.metallib
    Format: Mach-O 64-bit Apple GPU
    Arch: agx2
    AddressSize: 64bit



Language:Swift 92.1%Language:Metal 7.9%