peterprescott / fullstack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A full-stack web application includes:

  • a front-end user interface;
  • a back-end API;
  • a database;
  • the systems and services keeping those running;
  • and the repository of code for all of these components.

Even a simple app therefore involves several technological pieces:

  • HTML, CSS, and Javascript for the front-end;
  • a programming language of your choice (let's choose Python) for the backend;
  • SQL for the database;
  • some shell scripting (probably Bash, maybe a bit of Python) to get everything in place and running on its system;
  • and Git for version control.

The aim of this project is to set up those essential pieces, so that at the next hackathon we can quickly get started with making an app that would be useful to the world, and help foodbanks manage their stock, churches share their sermons, book-lovers catalogue their shelves, people pray for their neighbourhoods -- and whatever else.


Fullstack App Container Diagram


If you're a developer, then you can clone this repo and get started:

git clone
cd fullstack
conda create --name fs_env python=3.10
conda activate fs_env
cd py_setup
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ..

That run script should set up two threads: one to serve a front-end user interface at localhost:8000, and the other to run a back-end API at localhost:5000.


While you're getting that working, you should also be able to find a working demo of the app here, with frontend hosted for free by Netlify, backend hosted for free by PythonAnywhere, and both immediately updated whenever new code is merged to the main branch of this Github repo.

You can deploy your own fork of this to Netlify, just by clicking here:

Deploy to Netlify

And then to get things running on PythonAnywhere, just register for a new account, go to the Web tab, and Add a new web app. For your free account, the app will be served at your $, so confirm that's fine, then select Flask as your Python web framework, and Python 3.10 as your Python version, and accept the default filepath for your new Flask web app. You should now be able to navigate to $ and see a simple message saying "Hello from Flask!" Now go to the Consoles tab of your PythonAnywhere dashboard and open a Bash console:

# move to the /var/www directory
cd /var/www

# clone the fullstack git repository
git clone

# move into the repo directory
cd fullstack

# and run the PythonAnywhere setup script

The script will rewrite the WSGI script in /var/www with one that imports the fullstack_api application; install the necessary packages listed in py_setup/dependencies.freeze; and generate a random SECRET_KEY to be saved in fullstack_api/

You then just need to go to the PythonAnywhere Web tab, and click the green button to reload your app, and now if you go to $, you should see some JSON greeting you with the message 'Hello, World!' (or whatever has been defined by the code.



Language:Python 45.6%Language:JavaScript 39.2%Language:CSS 9.4%Language:HTML 5.6%Language:Shell 0.2%