peterhajas / swcript

Turn a Swift app into a script

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


swcript is a simple way to turn a Swift Cocoa app directory into a script.

To use it, just run:

$ swcript ~/src/MyApp ~/Desktop/MyApp.swift

to combine all the files in ~/src/MyApp into one script in ~/Desktop/. Note that the resulting script does not have to end in .swift - swcript will automatically add the #! syntax to direct the shell to the swift binary.

There is a minify option (-m or --minify). It doesn't work great yet - your mileage may vary.

It has a few requirements for apps:

  • The app must have no external dependencies (NIBs, assets, .plist files, etc.)
  • The app must not have any Objective-C components (bridging headers or separate components written in Objective-C) and must be 100% Swift
  • The app must not have line-comments using //. This is a bug in swcript

Once swcript has processed your app, make sure to edit the file again. swcript defines a function run() that you;ll need to run to make sure to launch your app. A great place for this is at the end of the script.

See for the license.


Turn a Swift app into a script

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License