peteraba / hugo-bootstrap

Recreation of the theme repository for

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A theme with bootstrap, bootswatch(optional), font-awesome, highlightjs

NOTE: This theme is copied from Hyde-Y. Not everything is ported to bootstrap. Feel free to make changes and open pull requests.

Forked from Hyde-Y

You can find a live site using this theme here.




$ cd your_site_repo/
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone

See the official Hugo themes documentation for more info.


This theme expects a relatively standard Hugo blog/personal site layout:

└── content
    ├── post
    |   ├──
    |   └──
    ├── code
    |   ├──
    |   ├──
    ├──        // this is used in the sidebar footer link

Just run hugo --theme=hugo-bootstrap to generate your site!



An example of what your site's config.toml could look like. All theme-specific parameters are under [params] and standard Hugo parameters are used where possible.

# hostname (and path) to the root eg.
baseurl = ""

# Site title
title = "sitename"

# Copyright
copyright = "(c) 2015 yourname."

# Language
languageCode = "en-EN"

# Metadata format
# "yaml", "toml", "json"
metaDataFormat = "yaml"

# Theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
theme = "hugo-bootstrap"

# Pagination
paginate = 10
paginatePath = "page"

# Enable Disqus integration
disqusShortname = "your_disqus_shortname"

    post = "/:year/:month/:day/:slug/"
    code = "/:slug/"

    tag = "tags"
    topic = "topics"

    name = "yourname"
    email = ""

# All parameters below here are optional and can be mixed and matched.
    # You can use markdown here.
    brand = "foobar"
    topline = "few words about your site"
    footline = "code with <i class='fa fa-heart'></i>"

    # Show a sidebar menu
    showRightSidebar = true

    # Text for the top menu link, which goes the root URL for the site.
    # Default (if omitted) is "Home".
    home = "home"

    # Select a syntax highight.
    # Check the static/css/highlight directory for options.
    highlight = "default"

    # Google Analytics.
    googleAnalytics = "Your Google Analytics tracking code"

    # Sidebar social links.
    github = "enten/hugo-boilerplate" # Your Github profile ID
    bitbucket = "" # Your Bitbucket profile ID
    linkedin = "" # Your LinkedIn profile ID (from public URL)
    googleplus = "" # Your Google+ profile ID
    facebook = "" # Your Facebook profile ID
    twitter = "" # Your Twitter profile ID
    youtube = ""  # Your Youtube channel ID
    flattr = ""  # populate with your flattr uid

    angledQuotes = true
    fractions = false
    hrefTargetBlank = false
    latexDashes = true
    plainIdAnchors = true
    extensions = []
    extensionmask = []


Create data/Menu.toml to configure the sidebar navigation links. Example below.

    Name = "About"
    IconClass = "fa-info-circle"
    URL = "/about"

    Name = "Posts"
    Title = "Show list of posts"
    URL = "/post"

    Name = "Tags"
    Title = "Show list of tags"
    URL = "/tags"

Foot menu

Create data/FootMenu.toml to configure the footer navigation links. Example below.

    Name = "license"
    URL = "/license"


  • If you've added theme = "hugo-bootstrap" to your config.toml, you don't need to keep using the --theme=hugo-bootstrap flag!
  • Although all of the syntax highlight CSS files under the theme's static/css/highlight are bundled with the site, only the one you choose will be included in the page and delivered to the browser.
  • Change the favicon by providing your own as static/favicon.png (and static/touch-icon-144-precomposed.png for Apple devices) in your site directory.
  • Hugo makes it easy to override theme layout and behaviour, read about it here.
  • Pagination is set to 10 items by default, change it by updating paginate = 10 in your config.toml.

Changes and enhancements from the original theme

  • Modified to work with bootstrap and bootswatch
  • ...many other small layout tweaks!


Obviously largely a port of the awesome Hyde-Y theme.

Questions, ideas, bugs, pull requests?

All feedback is welcome! Head over to the issue tracker.


Open sourced under the MIT license.


Recreation of the theme repository for

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 75.6%Language:HTML 24.3%Language:JavaScript 0.1%