peter-woyzbun / querygraph

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Note: Not currently ready for initial release.

Query Graph is a framework/language, written in Python, for joining data from different database management systems - i.e. joins that can't typically be accomplished with a single query. For example, joining Postgres data and Mongo Db data. It also provides tools for easily converting non-tabular data (e.g. JSON) into tabular form.

The following databases are currently supported:

  • Sqlite
  • MySQL
  • Postgres
  • Mongo Db
  • Elastic Search
  • Apache Cassandra (untested)
  • Maria Db (untested)
  • InfluxDB (untested)
  • MS Sql (untested)
  • Neo4j (untested)

Main Features

  • Join data from any number of different database types in a single query.
  • Manipulate data using "manipulation sets", which are chained together statements very similar to those used in the dplyr package for R.
  • Easily transform JSON-like data into relational form.
  • Threading can optionally be used to run queries on different databases simultaneously, based on the structure of the query graph.

Getting Started

  • To install Query Graph, see below.
  • For a brief introduction to Query Graph, see below the installation instructions.


To install Query Graph, clone the repository locally, and run:

python install

Query Graph Language - Brief Introduction

Query Graph Language (QGL) is a simple, domain specific declarative "language". The best way to give an idea of how it works is through an example. In the example, we'll be joining data from two databases: a Mongo Db database, and a Postgres database.

The Mongo Db Database

The Mongo Db database contains a collection, albums, with data in the following form:

      "album": "Jagged Little Pill",
      "tags": [
        "pop rock",
      "data": {"record_label": "Maverick",
               "year": 1995}

The Postgres Database

The Postgres database contains a table, Albums, that is structured in the following manner:

AlbumId Title ArtistId
... ... ...
6 Jagged Little Pill 4
... ... ...

The QGL Query

The QGL query used to join both sets of data is below (see the equivalent Python code at the bottom of the page).

    postgres_conn <- Postgres(db_name='', user='', password='', host='', port='')
    mongodb_conn <- Mongodb(host='', port='', db_name='', collection='')
    QUERY |
        {'tags': {'$in': {% album_tags -> list:str %}}};
    FIELDS album, tags, data
    USING mongodb_conn
    THEN |
        unpack(record_label=data['record_label']) >>
        unpack(year=data['year']) >>
        remove(data) >>
        flatten(tags) >>
    AS mongo_node
    QUERY |
        SELECT *
        FROM "Album"
        WHERE "Title" IN {{ mongo_node.album -> list:str }};
    USING postgres_conn
    THEN |
    AS postgres_node
    LEFT (pg_node[album] ==> mongo_node[album])

To execute the query in Python, the code is

query_str = "..." # The string defined above.

# Create the graph instance.
query_graph = QueryGraph(qgl_str=query_str)

# Execute the graph and get a dataframe in return.
df = query_graph.execute(album_tags=['canada', 'rock'])

The output is a Pandas dataframe:

album tag record_label year AlbumId ArtistId
Jagged Little Pill canada Maverick 1995 6 4
Jagged Little Pill pop rock Maverick 1995 6 4
Jagged Little Pill post-grunge Maverick 1995 6 4
... ... ... ... ... ...

Now we'll walk through the query and each step of its execution.


The basic structure of our example query is broken down in the diagram below. The CONNECT block establishes connections to the databases that will be queried upon execution. The RETRIEVE block is where "query nodes" are defined, and each query node represents a query on a single database. The JOIN block describes how the data results of each query node are joined.

Parameter Diagram

mongo_node Execution

When our example query is executed, the first thing to happen is the rendering of the "query template" belonging to the mongo_node query node. A query template is simply a query written in the form appropriate for whatever database type it will be executed on, augmented with "template parameters". The mongo_node query template has a single "independent" parameter:

Parameter Diagram

The parameter is "independent" because its value is defined before the query graph is executed (as opposed to "dependent" parameters, which are covered below). The parameter "value expression" defines the value assigned to the parameter. In our case, we defined

album_tags=['canada', 'rock']

The "container type" and "render type" indicate that the value defined above should be rendered as a list of strings. The rendered query for mongo_node is:

{'tags': {'$in': ['canada', 'rock']}}

which is just an ordinary Mongo Db query (using their Python API). The query is then executed using the mongo_conn connector, with only the fields "album", "tags", and "data" selected. The dataframe returned looks something like this:

album tags data
Jagged Little Pill ["canada","pop rock","post-grunge","female"] {"record_label": "Maverick","year": 1995}
... ... ...
... ... ...

The mongo_node's "manipulation set", shown below, is now executed on the dataframe shown above. A manipulation set is a chained set of statements very similar to those from the dplyr R package - just replace %>% with >>.

unpack(record_label=data['record_label']) >>
unpack(year=data['year']) >>
remove(data) >>
flatten(tags) >>

The mongo_node's manipulation set does the following:

  1. "Unpacks" the record_label value of the dictionary contained in the data column and stores it in a new column called record_label.
  2. Does the same for year.
  3. Removes the data column.
  4. "Flattens" the tags column - creates a new row for each item in every list contained in the column.
  5. Renames tags to tag.

The dataframe belonging to mongo_node node now looks like this:

album tag record_label year
Jagged Little Pill canada Maverick 1995
Jagged Little Pill pop rock Maverick 1995
Jagged Little Pill post-grunge Maverick 1995
... ... ... ...

pg_node Execution

With the mongo_node's query having been executed and results retrieved, the query template belonging to the pg_node query node is rendered. Whereas the mongo_node's query template had a single "independent" parameter, the pg_node's query template has a single "dependent" parameter:

Parameter Diagram

The difference is that the value expression of a dependent parameter draws from the result of its query node's "parent" - in this case mongo_node - as opposed to variables defined prior to execution. More specifically, it references the unique values of the columns of the dataframe belonging to the parent node. The rendered query template belonging to pg_node is:

FROM "Album"
WHERE "Title" IN ('Jagged Little Pill')

So the parameter used the unique values of the album column from mongo_node to render a list of strings in the form appropriate for a Postgres SQL query. Note that a "list" container is rendered differently for a Postgres query than for a Mongo Db query - Query Graph knows how to represent types based on the database type the query will be run on. This is especially handy when working with dates/times, etc.

The rendered query is then executed using the postgres_conn database connector. The resulting dataframe is shown below:

AlbumId Title ArtistId
6 Jagged Little Pill 4

The pg_node also has a manipulation set, which contains a single manipulation renaming the Title column to album. The final step is to join the results of both query nodes.


The dataframes of pg_node and mongo_node are joined according to the statement provided in the JOIN block:

LEFT (pg_node[album] ==> mongo_node[album])

The statement says a LEFT join should be performed using the album column from pg_node's dataframe, and the album column from mongo_node's dataframe. If more than one column was required for joining they would be listed in the brackets beside each node name.

The final output of our example query's execution is below.

album tag record_label year AlbumId ArtistId
Jagged Little Pill canada Maverick 1995 6 4
Jagged Little Pill pop rock Maverick 1995 6 4
Jagged Little Pill post-grunge Maverick 1995 6 4
... ... ... ... ... ...

Equivalent Python Code

import pymongo
import psycopg2
import pandas as pd

mongo_conn = pymongo.MongoClient(host='', port='')

def execute_mongo_query(query, fields, conn, collection, db_name):
    client = conn
    db = client[db_name]
    collection = db[collection]
    projection_fields = {k: 1 for k in fields}
    results = collection.find(query, projection_fields)
    df = pd.DataFrame(list(results))
    return df

mongo_query = {'tags': {'$in': ['canada', 'rock']}}

mongo_df = execute_mongo_query(query=mongo_query,
                               fields=['album', 'tags', 'data'],

def unpack_dict(row_dict, key_list):
    return reduce(dict.__getitem__, key_list, row_dict)

mongo_df['record_label'] = mongo_df['data'].apply(lambda x: unpack_dict(row_dict=x, key_list=['record_label']))
mongo_df['year'] = mongo_df['data'].apply(lambda x: unpack_dict(row_dict=x, key_list=['year']))
mongo_df.drop('data', inplace=True, axis=1)

def flatten_column(df, target_col):
    col_flat = pd.DataFrame([[i, x]
                             for i, y in df[target_col].apply(list).iteritems()
                             for x in y], columns=['I', target_col])
    col_flat = col_flat.set_index('I')
    df = df.drop(target_col, 1)
    df = df.merge(col_flat, left_index=True, right_index=True)
    df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
    return df

mongo_df = flatten_column(df=mongo_df, target_col='tags')
mongo_df = mongo_df.rename(columns={'tags': 'tag'})

postgres_conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='%s' user='%s' host='%s' password='%s' port='%s'" % ('', '', '', '', ''))

album_names = mongo_df.album.unique()
album_names = '(%s)' % ", ".join(str(y) for y in album_names)

postgres_query = """
FROM "Album"
WHERE "Title" IN %s
""" % album_names

postgres_df = pd.read_sql_query(postgres_query, postgres_conn)

postgres_df = postgres_df.rename(columns={'Title': 'album'})

final_df = mongo_df.merge(postgres_df, left_on='album', right_on='album', how='left')



Language:Python 100.0%