peter-izzo / nytimes-search

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


New York Times Article Search - Phase 01

Front-End Team


  • Create the layout for the design above. Feel free to use Bootstrap or to do something more customized of your own.

  • Make sure to organize your code so as to have the necessary IDs.

  • Incorporate text boxes for capturing User Input. Then research how to retrieve the input values in JavaScript

Back-End Team

  • Do preliminary research on the API.

  • Register for an API Key.

  • Understand what format the URL should look like to make an Article Call. (Hint: Use the API Console!!)

  • Experiment with console logging various fields.

  • setup github repo

New York Times Article Search - Phase 02

Front-End Team

  • Begin creating basic click events. Register the submit button

  • Create working transfers of data between the text-boxes and the backend.

  • Experiment with creating content regions for where the article will go.

Back-End Team

  • Create the AJAX call needed to retrieve data then console.log all of the relevant fields.

  • Incorporate various “optional parameters” (hard code these in initially).

  • Take note of various “bugs” that appear with certain searches.


  • Display the HTML content!!

New York Times Article Search - Phase 03

Front-End Team

  • Continue polishing the display of content in the HTML.

  • Consider adding styling or other jQuery tricks.

  • Consider using Bootswatch and/or Font Awesome to add more visual appeal

Back-End Team

  • Put in a hard-effort to deal with bugs. How can you handle missing fields?

New York Times Article Search - Phase 04


  • Deploy your app to GitHub Pages!

  • Then slack your links to your instructors + TAs



Language:HTML 73.1%Language:JavaScript 26.9%