peter-izzo / DailyDocket

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Scheduler App 📆 created using the Moment.js time library Moment.js

User Story

AS AN employee with a busy schedule
I WANT to add important events to a daily planner
SO THAT I can manage my time effectively

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am using a daily planner to create a schedule
WHEN I open the planner
THEN the current day is displayed at the top of the calendar
WHEN I scroll down
THEN I am presented with time blocks for standard business hours
WHEN I view the time blocks for that day
THEN each time block is color-coded to indicate whether it is in the past, present, or future
WHEN I click into a time block
THEN I can enter an event
WHEN I click the save button for that time block
THEN the text for that event is saved in local storage
WHEN I refresh the page
THEN the saved events persist


✔️ Current date is displayed at the top of the page
✔️ Standard business hours are displayed on the side of the page
✔️ Users can add any amount of items per time spot
✔️ Time slots are color coded depending on whether they in the future, past of present
✔️ Users can save their events with the click of a button saving their events to local storage

Screenshot of Work

task-scheduler local-storage

Deployed Page



Language:JavaScript 51.1%Language:HTML 27.3%Language:CSS 21.6%