petefitton / python-classroom-lab

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More Classes and OOP in Python

Use your knowledge of Python Classes to create a homework tracker!

Create your classes in the provided file.

Exercise: Write the following classes

Let's practice writing classes with useful functionalities

  • Create an Assignment class

    • Assignments have name, github_url, completed, and grade properties
    • completed's initial value should be set to False
    • grade's initial value should be set to None
    • Assignments have a mark_done method that take in the grade as an argument, and sets grade and completed
  • Create a Student class

    • Students have name, pending_homeworks and completed_homeworks properties
    • Students have a assign_homework method
    • Students have a complete_homework method
    • Students have a print_outstanding_homeworks method
    • The assign_homework method takes in an Assignment object, and adds it to its pending_assignments list
    • The complete_homework method takes in the name of the homework, and the grade as an argument. It finds the specified homework in the pending_homeworks list and calls it's mark_done method. The method removes the Assignment from pending_homeworks and adds it to completed_homeworks
      • Returns True if assignment was found and modified, False if not found
    • print_outstanding_homeworks prints out the name of each of the pending_homeworks
  • Create a SeiClass class

    • SeiClass has name, and students properties
    • SeiClass has an add_student method that takes in a Student object
    • SeiClass has an assign_homework method that takes in an Assignment object and assigns that assignment to every student
    • BONUS - What would need to be changed in our classes to facilitate a print_avg_grade function? Implement it!

Sample Input:

henry = Student('Henry')
sarah = Student('Sarah')
mike = Student('Mike')

sei26 = SeiClass('sei26')

assignment1 = Assignment('Bounty Hunters', '')


henry.complete_homework('Bounty Hunters', 98)
sarah.complete_homework('Bounty Hunters', 95)


Sample Output

Henry has no outstanding homeworks!
Sarah has no outstanding homeworks!
Mike still needs to turn in: Bounty Hunters



Language:Python 100.0%