pestrella / findbus

Rewired State hackday: find buses.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

- name: find-bus-export-data
  description: exports TFL data to GAE
  type: Java maven project

- name: findbus-service
  description: webservice API. POST/GET bus data
  type: Python on GAE


Special requirements:

1. The Java project requires jcoord:

Install jcoord into your maven repository:
bash$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/jcoord-1.0.jar -DgroupId=jcoord -DartifactId=jcoord -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar

2. The Python App uses GeoModel:

Nothing to do here, I've already built it as a library and it sits in the findbus-service source tree.

3. The Android App requires an Google Maps API key. Get one here: 

... then put it here:


Running the exporter locally:

1. Run GAE: bash$ findbus-service
2. Run the exporter main class. Conmmand line: bash$ mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="findbus.ExportBusData"
  (or just run the main class in Eclipse)

* Configure the main class ExportBusData to point to live GAE once ready to export to live.


Service API:

- url: POST /bus_stop
  entity: code=B1034&name=BAKER%20STREET&route=205&long=51.517663&lat=-0.119833

- url: GET /bus_stop/@location/51.517663,-0.119833
  description: find bus stops within 5 miles from geo point

- url: GET /bus_stop/@location/-0.119833,-0.119833/205
  description: find bus stops within 5 miles from geo point which the 205 bus stops

- url: GET /bus_stop/B1034
  description: get all data for this bus stop


Rewired State hackday: find buses.


Language:Python 67.1%Language:Java 32.6%Language:Shell 0.3%