peschu123 / qlBuilder

CLI helper tool for Qlik Sense developers to allow write script locally and update in remove app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Kind of still under development. Main development phase is done but more testing is required!


qlbuilder is a CLI tool which is ran from command prompt. The tool allows Qlik Sense developers to write their Qlik scripts on the local machine and:

  • set the build script in Qlik app
  • reload app
  • check for syntax errors while developing without the need to save the whole app


npm install -g qlbuilder

Once the global package is installed you can use qlbuilder command from any folder

How to use?

(To list all commands run qlbuilder --help)

Run one of the following commands from CMD/PowerShell

  • qlbuilder create [name] - create the initial folders and files in the current folder. name is used as root folder name

    • -t (optional) - supplying this argument will create VSCode specific files inside .vscode folder as well. The tasks.json file describe all tasks that can be ran with qlbuilder. Change the environment name in settings.json file and use VSCode to start the tasks. (tasks.json can be left as it is. No need for editing there)
  • qlbuilder build

    • builds the full load script from /src/*.qvs files. The produced script is saved in dist folder (LoadScript.qvs)
  • qlbuilder checkscript [env]

    • builds the script (from /src/*.qvs files)
    • connects to Qlik and checks the script for syntax errors - env is the environment name from config.yml
  • qlbuilder reload [env]

    • connects to Qlik and reload the app - env is the environment name from config.yml. Once the reload has started qlbuilder will display the progress in the same console (check the video below to see it in action)
  • qlbuilder setscript [env]

    • builds the script (from /src/*.qvs files)
    • connects to Qlik and checks the script for syntax errors - env is the environment name from config.yml
    • sets the new script
    • saves the app
  • qlbuilder setscript [env] -a - same as setscript but in addition the same script is set to all other apps, defined in the config.yml

  • qlbuilder getscript [env] - (the opposite of setscript) get the remote script, split it to tabs and save the files to scr folder. config.yml should present to indicate from which env/app to extract the script

    • -y - optional flag. If present will get the script and overwrite the local files without prompt (the default behavior is to ask if you are sure to overwrite)


    • connects to Qlik and get the script from desired app - env is the environment name from config.yml
    • split the script into tabs/files
    • saves the qvs files into src folder
  • qlbuilder watch [env] - enters in watch mode. The default behavior is to build and check the script syntax on any *.qvs file inside src folder. Can accept three additional flags:

    • -r - reloads the script on any qvs file change
    • -s - sets the script (and save the app) on any qvs file change
    • -d - disable the auto check for syntax errors. By default the script will check for syntax errors on each save (connects to QS and checks the script for errors against session/temp app)

    Inside watch mode the console is active and the developer can perform additional actions. Just type one of the letters/commands below in the console to trigger them:

    • s or set - build, syntax check and set script
    • sa or setall - build, syntax check and set the same script to the main app and all other apps
    • r or rl - build and set the script, reload the app and save. If any syntax error (during the build and set) the reload is not triggered
    • c or clr - clear console
    • e or err - check for syntax errors (useful only if the watch mode is started with -d argument)
    • ? - print these commands
    • x - exit
  • qlbuilder encode - encode the provided string. To avoid storing passwords in plain text we can use this command to encode the windows password(s) and paste the returned string in .qlbuilder.yml. Also add encoding: true in the config.yml This is applied when authentication is Windows for QLIK_PASSWORD value. Encoding QLIK_PASSWORD is not needed when using environment variables. Only for .qlbuilder.yml!

  • qlbuilder vscode - creates the .vscode folder (inside the current folder) with the tasks.json and settings.json files. Please check the create command description above for more info

  • qlbuilder checkupdate - compares the current version number to the remote one


The create command will create few folders and config.yml file. The config file is pre-populated with example values. This file specifies Qlik environments (dev, test, prod etc.)

The config file is in yaml format. The config below defines one environment (desktop) and the connection to it is made on localhost:4848 and the app that we will target there is qlbuilder Test.qvf

- name: desktop
  host: localhost:4848
  secure: false
  appId: C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Apps\qlbuilder Test.qvf
    - C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Apps\TestApp1.qvf
    - C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Apps\TestApp2.qvf

(Take a look at the example above for how to specify otherApps. Used for setting the same script to additional apps)

For QSE with certificates the config will be:

  - name: prod
    host: # IP/FQDN of QS engine (central node)
    appId: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-12345678901 # app ID
      type: certificates

For QSE with JWT the config will be:

  - name: jwt
    host:  # IP/FQDN with of the virtual proxy (see below)
    appId: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-12345678901a # app ID
      type: jwt
      sessionHeaderName: X-Qlik-Session-jwt # (optional) see below

When working with jwt port is not required. If JWt is not the main method for authentication then the Virtual Proxy prefix need to be provided. For more information how to set this please check this
Qlik Support article

For QSE with Windows/Form the config will be:

  - name: uat
    host:  # IP/FQDN with of the virtual proxy (if needed)
    appId: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-12345678901a # app ID
      type: winform
      encoding: true
      sessionHeaderName: X-Qlik-Session-Win # (optional) see below

For Qlik Saas and Qlik for Kubernetes (ex Qlik Cloud for Business) with Windows/Form the config will be:

  - name: saas
    appId: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-12345678901a # app ID
      type: saas

By default qlbuilder will try and connect through https/wss. If the environment is QS Desktop or the communication is done via http/ws then secure: false need to be added to the environment configuration

sessionHeaderName - each Virtual Proxy should have a unique session cookie header name. The default value is X-Qlik-Session. If the default VP is used then this config value is not needed. qlBuilder will show warning message and will try to connect to Qlik with the default value.

Environment variables and home config

For security reasons (mainly to avoid commit users and password) qlbuilder expects some environment variables to be set before start. The content of the variables can be pre-set using .qlbuilder.yml config file in the user home folder (see below)

Environment variables

  • Windows

    • QLIK_USER - in format DOMAIN\username

    To set env variables:

    • in CMD - set QLIK_USER=DOMAIN\UserName
    • in PowerShell - $env:QLIK_PASSWORD="my_password"
  • JWT requires one environment variable to be set

    • QLIK_TOKEN - the content of the jwt token
  • Cert

    • QLIK_CERTS- the folder location where the certificates are stored. The script will search for 3 certificates - root.pem, client_key.pem and client.pem
    • QLIK_USER - username in format DOMAIN\UserName
  • Saas

    • QLIK_TOKEN - the API key, generated from the user settings panel

Home config

.qlbuilder.yml config file - this file should be placed in your home folder (c:\users\my-username). The file contains the credentials for the Qlik environments. The name of the environments should match the ones in the local config.yml

  QLIK_USER: DOMAIN\my-dev-user
  QLIK_PASSWORD: my-dev-password
  QLIK_USER: DOMAIN\my-prod-user
  QLIK_PASSWORD: my-prod-password
  QLIK_TOKEN: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiw...
  QLIK_CERTS: c:\path\to\cert\folder

The environment name is used as an command argument (so try not to have spaces in the environment names)

Naming script files

At the moment (it will probably change in near future) the script is build by reading the qvs files in src folder by alphabetical order. The files should have the following naming convention:


To ensure alphabetical order the files should start with number followed by separator (--) and name. The name will be used as a tab name when setting the script in Qlik.

For example having the following files:


Will result in the following tabs in Qlik

Tab View


Having the script files as local files allows to put them in version control. This will put the src, dist and config.yml files in the repository.

In some cases the Prod environment app can be without the original (full) script and just include (via REST API call) the final load script (the one in dist folder) from Git master branch. This was technically you don't need to touch the Prod app in case of script change ... this is just an idea how to benefit from this approach


  • Tests - proper tests should be written!
  • include and must_include - (option) parse the script and get the content of the script that are included and get the content of these files as a separate tabs. This way the script will not be dependant on external files
  • different logic how to name the script files - instead of naming convention why not specify the order in the config file?

If you have any issues, comments, suggestions etc please use the GitHub issue tracker


CLI helper tool for Qlik Sense developers to allow write script locally and update in remove app

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%