personalcomputer / ec2instance

Quickly launch an EC2 instance for small tasks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ec2instance is the "docker run -it" of AWS EC2. It is a single command that very quickly launches an EC2 instance from the CLI and takes care of the legwork to make it immediately usable for you.




pip install ec2instance


usage: ec2instance [-h] [-t INSTANCE_TYPE] [-i AMI_IDENTIFIER] [-f USER_DATA_FILENAME]
                   [--volume-size VOLUME_SIZE] [--profile PROFILE_NAME] [--region AWS_REGION]
                   [--non-interactive] [--show-data-path]

Quickly launch an EC2 instance for small tasks. The instance's lifecycle is tied to the process,
enabling easy Ctrl+C instance termination when done.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        EC2 instance type. (default: t3a.micro)
                        EC2 AMI id. You may also pass "ubuntu" as a shortcut to get the latest
                        Ubuntu LTS, or "amazonlinux" as a shortcut to get the latest Amazon Linux.
                        (default: ubuntu)
                        EC2 "user data" script. Path to a shell script. AWS will upload and run
                        this script on the instance immediately after launch. (default:
  --volume-size VOLUME_SIZE
                        Root EBS volume size (GiB).
  --profile PROFILE_NAME
                        AWS credentials profile name to use.
  --region AWS_REGION   Specific AWS region to use.
  --non-interactive     By default a shell will be opened in the spawned instance, and the
                        instance will be terminated when the shell is closed. To instead output
                        ec2 metadata as json and then exit, specify --non-interactive.
  --show-data-path      Print out the path where ec2instance is storing local data and

help & support:


  • Before using ec2instance, you must configure AdministratorAccess-level AWS authentication credentials locally:
    • 1.) install awscli
    • 2.) Run aws configure and enter in your AWS access key. How to get an AWS access key is not in scope of this guide.
  • Upon running ec2instance for the first time, it will tell you it is automatically creating a tiny sandbox in your AWS account to ensure that there are no possible conflicts or security concerns from using ec2instance. This sandbox consists of generating a dedicated fresh VPC and SSH keypair, and these are persisted between invocations of ec2instance. There is no AWS fee associated with these resources, and their auto-generated names are obvious and logged to console. Feel free to delete them if you stop using ec2instance.


Quickly launch an EC2 instance for small tasks.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%