peridio / peridio-nerves-example

Example Nerves application integrating the Peridio Daemon

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A sample repository demonstrating integration of the Peridio Daemon into a Nerves based Linux distribution.

Peridio Integration

This is a sample nerves application that was generated uisng mix peridio_nerves. The following additions were made to integrate the Peridio Daemon:

Adding the dependency

Add the peridiod dependency to the mix file.

{:peridiod, github: "peridio/peridiod", targets: @all_targets},

Modifying the configuration

Add a file config/peridio.conf with the following:

uboot_setenv(uboot-env, "peridio_certificate", "\${PERIDIO_CERTIFICATE}")
uboot_setenv(uboot-env, "peridio_private_key", "\${PERIDIO_PRIVATE_KEY}")

We will configure the build tooling to use this file when building the fw file from mix firmware. This file will allow us to insert the certificate and private key that Peridio will use for the device identity into the U-Boot Environment. For production environments, it is advised to configure peridiod to leverage an HSM to protect the device root identity.

Peridio Daemon will look for its device configuration from the filesystem. Lets add it to the rootfs overlay:


    "version": 1,
    "device_api": {
      "certificate_path": "/etc/peridiod/peridio-cert.pem",
      "url": "",
      "verify": true
    "fwup": {
      "devpath": "/dev/mmcblk0",
      "public_keys": []
    "remote_shell": true,
    "node": {
      "key_pair_source": "uboot-env",
      "key_pair_config": {
        "private_key": "peridio_key",
        "certificate": "peridio_certificate"

Reference the Peridiod for more information on the key/value pairs you may need to modify in this file.

Add the certificate for the Peridio Cloud device endpoints:



Add the following keys to the config.exs file:

config :nerves, :firmware,
  rootfs_overlay: "rootfs_overlay",
  provisioning: "config/peridio.conf"

config :nerves, :erlinit,
  env: "PERIDIO_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/peridiod/peridio.json"

You should now be ready to create firmware for your device. Set MIX_TARGET and run mix firmware

Creating your PKI

You will need to create your own signing certificate chain to sign and create device identities for use with Peridio Cloud. It is recommended that you follow the docs for Creating X.509 Certificates with OpenSSL

On the last step when you create a certificate for an end entity, its recommended that you set the certificate common name to something you would like to use. In the example, we configure the device to CN=unique-end-entity-name.

When you are finished and you have end entity private key and certificate pem files, you can use the following command to burn them to an inserted SD Card:

PERIDIO_CERTIFICATE=$(cat /path/to/device-cert.pem) PERIDIO_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat /path/to/device-private-key.pem) fwup /path/to/app.fw

The path to the fw file will be printed to the console after running mix firmware.

Using with Peridio Cloud

If you would like to use a device provisioned directly from this repository with your peridio account you will need to perform the following:

Your device should now be able to connect to Peridio.

Updating the device

When you are ready to update the device, you can create a new firmware and upload it to peridio using the create firmware command in the CLI. You do not need to set PERIDIO_CERTIFICATE or PERIDIO_PRIVATE_KEY during this time as those values are persisted into the U-Boot environment and are not overwritten on a device update, they are only needed the first time provisioning a device.

A device can be updated by creating a deployment and configuring it to distribute the new firmware to your device by matching their tags.


Example Nerves application integrating the Peridio Daemon


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