pepela / everypay-android

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EveryPay Android SDK

The EveryPay Android SDK is in the beta stage. Significant API changes are not expected, but improvements may be added as we receive feedback from customers.


The payment process happens in four steps.

  1. Card input. The user enters their card details, which are validated for basic errors (length and checksum on the number, length of the verification code, date of expiry in the future). While the user fills out the card details, a device fingerprint is collected in the background.
  2. API call to the merchant (your) server, requesting EveryPay API credentials.
  3. EveryPay API call, which saves & validates the card details, and returns an encrypted card token.
  4. API call to the merchant (your) server with the encrypted card token. The merchant can decrypt the card token with a server-side EveryPay API call, and make a payment immediately or save it for later.

Example implementation is provided for steps 2 and 4, even if they are likely to be replaced in most apps. Step 1 may be replaced if the provided options for customising the look and feel of the CardFormActivity is not sufficient to match your branding.

Integrating the SDK

Add the SDK to your Android Studio project

Add the following line to your app/build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    ... Other dependencies ...
   compile 'com.everypay.sdk:android-sdk:1.0.10'

NB! SDK minSdkVersion is 19 so it's supporting Android 4.4+

Note that it goes into the app module build file (app/build.gradle or similar), NOT the project-wide build file (./build.gradle). If there is apply plugin: '' at the top of the file, it's probably the right one.

If you wish to download a copy of the SDK to add it to your project manually, then you can find the .aar library files at

Configure the SDK parameters

Create a new EveryPay object, for example in your payment activity onCreate():


Or create and save one as the default for the app, for example in your Application subclass's onCreate(), and fetch it in the activity:


EveryPay ep = EveryPay.getDefault();

EVERYPAY_HOST_URL is the host of Everypay GW i.e

Add a listener for payment flow events

EveryPayListener epListener = new EveryPayListener() {
    public void stepStarted(StepType step) {
        Log.d("logtag", "Started payment step " + step);

    public void stepSuccess(StepType step) {
        Log.d("logtag", "Completed payment step " + step);

    public void fullSuccess(MerchantPaymentResponseData responseData) {
        Log.d("logtag", "Payment complete, your server now has a card token!");

    public void stepFailure(StepType step, EveryPayError error) {
        Log.e("logtag", "Payment failed at step " + step);

Change listener for different application lifecycle events

EveryPay.getDefault().setListener(TAG [1], ServiceListener [2]);

[1] UI tag for finding [2] ServiceListener subclass for resetting listener

Start the payment flow

When the user is ready to start, start CardFormActivity:

findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        // Optional initial card data.
        Card initial = new Card();
        initial.setName("Tom Smith");
        // Maybe more initial fields.

        // Use null for initial to leave the card form empty at start.
        CardFormActivity.startForResult(MainActivity.this, initial);

In the same activity, override and handle onActivityResult(), which is called after CardFormActivity finishes. Note the call to startFullPaymentFlow() with the received card, device info and the listener you created.

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if (requestCode == CardFormActivity.REQUEST_CODE) {
        Pair<Card, String> result = CardFormActivity.getCardAndDeviceInfoFromResult(resultCode, data);
        if (result != null) {
            Log.d("logtag", "Valid card entered, starting payment flow");
            Everypay.getDefault().startFullPaymentFlow(tag, result.first, result.second, everypayListener);
        } else {
            Log.e("logtag", "No valid card entered.");
    } else {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

Alternatively you can only use CardFormFragment, if for any reason you don't want to use separate acitvity for card form. In order to get result data from this fragment you have to implement following :

public void retrieveCardData(String deviceInfo, Card card) {
       // In this method you can get all the necessary data

The API call steps of the payment flow will run on a background thread, and results will be posted to the listener on the main UI thread.

Required Android permissions

The SDK requires <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> for internet access, and <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/> for device info.

If the app uses location services and has the <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> permission, then it will collect user location as an extra device info field. If the permission is missing from the app, then user location is skipped.

Customising the app <-> merchant server communication steps

The SDK includes example implementation for the app - merchant API calls, with the minimal required data for a payment. However, most apps using EveryPay will want to replace the communication step between the app and your server - for example to add your own user accounts, save shopping baskets or subscription plans.

To provide a replacement, create subclasses of MerchantParamsStep and MerchantPaymentStep:

public class MyMerchantParamsStep extends MerchantParamsStep {
    public void run(String tag, Everypay ep, String deviceInfo, String apiVersion, MerchantParamsListener listener) {
        // Your implementation
        // post the result back to main thread using 
        listener.onMerchantParamsSucceed(MerchantParamsResponseData result);
        //post or failure using
        listener.onMerchantParamsFailure(EveryPayError error);
public class MyMerchantPaymentStep extends MerchantPaymentStep {
    public void run(String tag, String hmac, EverypayTokenResponseData everypayResponse, MerchantPaymentListener listener) {
         // Your implementation
        // post the result back to main thread using 
        listener.onMerchantPaymentSucceed(MerchantPaymentResponseData result);
        //post or failure using
        listener.onMerchantPaymentFailure(EveryPayError error);

and pass an instance of the step when configuring EveryPay:

Everypay.with(this).setMerchantParamsStep(new MyMerchantParamsStep()).setMerchantPaymentStep(new MyMerchantPaymentStep()) ... .build();

run() needs to be called in background thread and its is asyncronous.

Theming the card input form

To override the text, color and styles used in the card input form, define resources matching the identifiers in your colors.xml, strings.xml and styles.xml files. The EveryPay SDK resources start with the ep_ prefix.

For an example, see

For more substantial theming, overriding the layout/activity_cardform.xml with your own layout is also a possibility.

Addtionally you can keep the layout,but use your own theme, by overriding CardFormActivity in your manifest and specifing your theme as activity theme, like so :

 <activity android:name="com.everypay.sdk.activity.CardFormActivity"

PS! This only works if you are using CardFormActivity, if you are using CardFormFragment directly, then you have to theme the acitvity that calls the fragment.

Customising the card input form

If the EveryPay card input form does not match your requirements, or if you wish to add custom branding beyond the configuration options, then you can create a custom one. There are two requirements for a custom card form:

  • It should construct a Card model. The Card model can also be used to validate the inputs.
  • Use the DeviceInfoCollector to obtain a device fingerprint. Collecting the device info in the background while the user is entering card details is a good choice, since it may take tens of seconds to get the (optional) GPS location.

After your custom card form has returned a Card model and the device info string, pass them to Everypay.startFullPaymentFlow() as usual.

Customising everything

In a complex app it's possible that you might need to customise most of the SDK: both the merchant server <-> app communication steps (you might already have your own APIs), the card input form, and perhaps the ways how the success/failure events are tied to the UI.

In this case it might make more sense to skip the provided steps and startPaymentFlow(), and just run step 3 (Everypay API call) directly from your code.

It is provided as a Retrofit API call in both synchronous and asynchronous versions:

EverypayTokenResponseData respWithToken = Everypay.getDefault().getEverypayApi().saveCard(new EverypayTokenRequestData(paramsResponse, card, deviceInfo));

Everypay.getDefault().getEverypayApi().saveCard(new EverypayTokenRequestData(paramsResponse, card, deviceInfo), callback);


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%