penrose / cookiecutter-domain

A cookiecutter template for easy creation of a Penrose domain Github repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Penrose Domain Cookie Cutter Template

🍪 🍪 🍪

This is a 🍪 cookiecutter 🍪 template for making it easy to generate a Documentation and static API for a new Penrose domain. As an example, here is the domain-linear-algebra repository. Look at it's github pages to see the documentation and static api.

under development expect changes and further testing.


$ pip install cookiecutter
$ cookiecutter

Step 1. Generate Codebase

Quick Start

You don't need to download or clone anything - you can just install cookiecutter (a Python package on pip) and then run this command!

  1. Install cookiecutter
$ pip install cookiecutter

You'll notice that all "templates" provided by penrose to make development easier start with "cookiecutter." So the cookiecutter for a domain repository naturally looks like this:

$ cookiecutter

Development Start

If you want to customize the template before you fill it with your variables, you can also optionally first clone the template repository. You likely want to fork the repository to your Github account, and then do the following

  1. Install cookiecutter
$ pip install cookiecutter
  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Edit the cookiecutter.json file with your parameters. If you want to add new parameters (meaning text or other fields that get rendered into the template) just add a new key and value to this dictionary:
cd cookiecutter-domain
cat cookiecutter.json
    "project_lead": "VanessaSaurus",
    "project_email": "",
    "project_name": "Linear Algebra",
    "project_slug": "domain-linear-algebra",
    "project_short_description": "A domain for Penrose",
    "year": "2018",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "repo_user": "penrose",
    "repo_name": "domain-linear-algebra",
    "twitter_name": "vsoch"

  1. Create the repository from this one.
cookiecutter --no-input

Step 2. Write Your Domain!

The instructions (and examples) for writing the domain, along with structure of the repository, are included in its README. Generally you will want to:

  • add development files to _dev
  • add production files to _src
  • add markdown files to describe style, domain, and substance trios to _domain


A cookiecutter template for easy creation of a Penrose domain Github repository



Language:CSS 64.1%Language:TeX 12.9%Language:HTML 11.6%Language:JavaScript 7.1%Language:Ruby 4.3%