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React.js Conference Videos

List of react conference videos.

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React Conf 2018

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
React Today and Tomorrow Sophie Alpert and Dan Abramov 58:20
90% Cleaner React Ryan Florence 33:37
Building Todo The Game in a Cloud Only Dev Environment Christina Holland 34:58
The Path to a Declaratively Animated Future Matt Perry 24:41
Lightening Talk - What's new in Create React App Joe Haddard 4:16
Lightening Talk - Components as Units of Work Bryce Kallow 4:54
Lightening Talk - 5 Animations you Should Know and Use Marcos Martins 5:08
Lightening Talk - Render Props, PureComponent and Reactivity Karl Dray 5:33
Lightening Talk - Better living through Git Hooks Leta Keane 5:29
GraphQl without GraphQL Conor Hastings 27:49
Playing with Polyhedra Creating Beauty from Obsession Nat Alison 26:38
Cross Platform AR and VR apps using React Native Pulkit Kakkar 26:16
Beyond Web Apps React, Javascript and WebAssembly Florian Rival 30:01
React for Social Change Rodrigo Quezada 18:58

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Concurrent Rendering in React Andrew Clark and Brian Vaughn 42:13
Moving to Suspense Jared Palmer 30:50
SVG Illustrations as React Components Elizabet Oliveira 20:40
The Missing Abstraction of Charting Chris Trevino 28:03
Elsa AI conversational Agent Damini Satya Kammakoma 30:27
Lightening Talk - Context in React Sophie Shoemaker 5:40
Lightening Talk - Building a Better Country through Tech Manuela Castrillon 4:52
Lightening Talk - An Effective Code Review Donavon West 5:07
Lightening Talk - Syncing Component State Across Tabs with Service Workers Tyler Clarke 5:26
Block the Main Thread James Long 31:16
React Native's New Arhictecture Parashuram N 31:16
Let React Speak your Language Tomáš Ehrlich 29:30
Building a Diverse and Inclusive Community Eyitayo Alimi 17:04
React for Designers with FramerX Thomas Aylott 28:41


Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
Welcome to Reactathon Brian Douglas 6:16
Building a self-documenting component library for your company David Wells 36:33
React, Powered by WebAssembly Jay Phelps 36:33
Sharing code between React and React Native Erica Cooksey 18:14
The future of backend development: Serverless GraphQL Johannes Schickling 35:29
Vertical Redux Archictecture Berkeley Martinez 24:52
Motion in Javascript Kaylie Kown 23:01
Zero Config GraphQL State Management Peggy Rayzis 23:11
Serverless-Side Rendering with AWS and Parcel.js Brian Leroux 15:31
Advanced Web Performance Optimizations Kyle Mathews 22:02
GraphQL Outside the Box Tyler Martinez 13:48
Connecting a REact Front=end to an Ethereium Smart Contract Zubair Ahmed 14:50

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Day 2 Keynote Parashuram Narasimhan 27:00
Charts fron Scratch in React Christina Holland 29:22
A Postgres-backed GraphQL BAAS Tanmai Gopal 15:28
Type-safe React with ReasonML Jared Forsyth 21:17
React off the Grid! Sophia Shoemaker 21:08
Jest as a Platform Rogelio Guzman 23:47
Incremental Migration to GraphQL Sashko Stubailo 24:08
How to Hire Great Developers Suhayl Rouag 18:50
React-Based Content Management with Netlify CMS & Gatsby Matt Biilmann 27:35
Front End Happy Hour Closing Panel Reactathon 2018 32:07

ReactFest 2018

Title/Link Presenter Length
GraphQL Servers in the Browser David Gomes 16:00
Suspense! Dan Abramov 31:33
React + i18n - You Have No Excuse! Eli Schutze 20:01
Garbage Collection in Modern Web Applications Jan Monschke 11:11
State Management in a GraphQL Era Kitze 19:40
Wait, What happens When My React Native Application Starts? Nicolas Couvrat 11:38
How to draw an Owl Marcel Cutts 18:54
Zero Config GraphQL State Management Peggy Rayzis 23:11
The Dark and Lonely Road to Styling in React Sara Veira 23:11
Journey Through VR and AR with React Thomas Lakomy 20:31
An introduction to Redux Saga: Side Effects Made Easier Sophie Koonin 10:58
Productive React Development Stephanie Siaw 14:48
Taming the Beast How to Tame REact and GraphQL Susanna Wong 14:48
ReactFest 2018 Experience ReactFest 1:41
We Need to Talk About our Frontend Workflow Siddharth Khestrapal 20:00

React Rally 2018

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
Data Visualizations Shirley Wu 34:14
The "Something" statements Sunil Pai 21:54
Why React is not Reactive Shawn Swyx Wang 27:04
React(ing) in a crisis Carrie Maxwell 22:35
Algebraic effects, Fibers, Coroutines Oh my! Brandon Dail 29:43
The Life Cycle Methods And The Wolf - A Musicological Romp Ryan Moore 29:00
Chaos Monkeys in Your Browser What Chaos Engineering Means For the Front End Brian Holt 26:38
Explorable Explanations with React Joshua Comeau 24:59
AI for Everybody Feather 24:38
One Hundred Years of JavaScript Justine Falcone 24:10

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
ReasonML is Serious Business Ken Wheeler 30:00
Swipe Left, Uncaught TypeError: Learning to Love Type Systems Lauren Tan 29:42
Help me WebAssembly, you're my only hope! Jay Phelps 21:05
Hot Garbage Clean Code is Dead Michael Chan 33:48
React Off the Grid Sophia Shoemaker 17:03
Through the Open Source Looking Glass Henry Zhu 22:12
Translating React Jennifer Wong 25:36
Simply React Kent C Dodds 25:19
Everything You Need to Know About GraphQL in 3 Components Eve Porcello 26:21
Route Recalculating Ryan Florence 42:39


ReactiveConf 2017

React Rally 2017

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
UNPKG: The CDN for everything on npm Michael Jackson 31:46
D3 & React Shirley Wu 26:57
A hand wave of React for all your Internet of Thangs Devon Lindsey 28:09
Back to React: The Story of Two Apps Michael Chan 28:08
What WebAssembly means for React Lin Clark 32:21
Layperson's guide to React Fiber Ben Ilegbodu 31:59
Twitter Lite, React Native, and Progressive Web Apps Nicolas Gallagher 27:51
React-ing htmlFor=empathy Jana Beck 30:52
Redux + ServiceWorker = Offline React Zack Argyle 21:24
Title/Link Presenter Length
ReacTex: using React Native and Neural Networks to recognize handwritten equations Bonnie Milian Bonnie Milian

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
We All Started Somewhere Preethi Kasireddy 24:30
Convergent Evolution Evan Czaplicki 27:42
So how does Babel even work? Henry Zhu 21:36
Scaling My First Enterprise React App! Jennifer Van 21:15
Everything is a plugin!! Mastering webpack from the inside out Sean Larkin 18:02
GraphQL IRL Cameron Matheson 18:54
Demystifying setState() Justice Mba 25:40
Infinitely Better UIs with Finite Automata David Khourshid 25:33
Start a conversation between browser windows Cara Kuei 20:02
I want you to contribute to open source Max Stoiber 19:32

ReactNext 2017

Hall A

Title/Link Presenter Length
What's New in React? Ari Lerner 23:58
Level Up Your React With TypeScript Doron Zavelevsky 30:16
Webpack – The React Parts Juho Vepsäläinen 30:08
Universal React Apps Using Next.js Sia Karamalegos 22:22
Practical Advanced Redux Boris Dinkevich 25:25
React, But For Data Michel Weststrate 26:45
Relay Modern or Apollo? Gerard Sans 30:10
GatsbyJS — How to Create The Fastest Sites In The World Kyle Mathews 24:52
Handling Side Effects in Redux With Redux-Saga Katarzyna Jastrzębska 19:28

Hall B

Title/Link Presenter Length
Things You Didn't Know You Can Do With React Native Vladimir Novick 31:50
Get That CSS Out Of My JavaScript Brian Hough 26:09
Critical ReasonML'ing Brandon Dail 30:15
React on Steroids with ClojureScript Yehonathan Sharvit 31:55
Dealing with Data Offline in Web Apps Jai Santhosh 20:36
Write Once, Render Anywhere Peggy Rayzis 24:57
D3 and React, Together Shirley Wu 25:32
Bridges to React Native Florian Rival 26:50
Detox — Graybox E2E Tests Library for React Native Rotem Mizrachi-Meidan 23:43
WebVR and React Shay Keinan 22:53

React Europe 2017

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
Keynote Andrew Clark 25:42
What I Learned Benchmarking React Dominic Gannaway 16:58
Building High-Quality JavaScript Tools Christoph Pojer 24:38
La nouvelle vague Sunil Pai 28:02
Worse is Better: The Upside of JavaScript Fatigue Kevin Lacker 22:56
What WebAssembly means for React Lin Clark 33:07
Imperfection Cheng Lou Aka 30:18
Practical Confidence: Using Types to Help Your Computer Help You Adam Perry 28:24
Maximally Modular Apps with React Navigation Eric Vicenti 21:38
How Streaming Can Supercharge React Sasha Aickin 30:21

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Next generation state management Michel Weststrate 24:47
Composition Nik Graf 32:57
The making of Twitter Lite Nicolas Gallagher 22:10
The runtimes of React VR and use at Oculus Mike Armstrong 28:49
Functional && Reactive Preethi Kasireddy 31:16
Relay Modern Lee Byron 27:32
React as a Platform: A path towards a truly cross-platform UI Leland Richardson 27:18
Animating the Virtual DOM Sarah Drasner 31:06
A Novel Approach to Declarative Animations in React Native Joel Arvidsson 22:18
Putting the fun in functional with Elm Tereza Sokol 14:45
Integrating React Native with Native Infrastructure Mehdi Mulani 13:02
Q&A Panel with Core team and speakers n/a undefined


React Amsterdam

Title/Link Presenter Length
Migrating Safely to React Jamis Charles 26:56
Buildings Lovable UIs Henrique Alves 24:47
React Native Architecture Overview Tadeu Zagallo 28:11
Building Reactive GraphQL Apps with Apollo Martijn Walraven 24:03
Mastering Server-rendered Apps Sven Anders Robbestad 22:35
JavaScript Style Sheets Oleg Slobodskoi 25:43
React for Game Development Johannes Stein 24:59
The React Native Playground Joshua Sierles 20:38
Introducing and Implementing React at Coolblue Paul van Dam 26:05
React Component Library Robert Haritonov 16:03
Testing React Applications Jack Franklin 29:32
Solving a Tooling Problem for React Native Alexey Kureev, Mike Grabowski 31:09
React WebGL in Liberty Global Denis Radin 10:42
State Management is Easy Michel Weststrate 20:47

React Conf 2016

Title/Link Presenter Length
Keynote Nick Schrock 29:47
What Lies Ahead Ben Alpert 27:44
Rich Text Editing with React Isaac Salier-Hellendag 25:12
A Cartoon Guide to the Wilds of Data Handling Lin Clark 24:38
Demystifying Tech Recruiting Helena Milosevic 19:56
Web-like Release Agility for Native Apps Parashuram N 15:26
React, Meet Virtual Reality Eric Florenzano 30:07
Building a Progressive Web App Aditya Punjani 20:48
How To Use React In A Wedding Gift Without Being A Bad Friend Keith Poplawski 25:44
Universal GL Effects for Web and Native Gaetan Renaudeau 28:46
Redux, Re-frame, Relay, Om/next, oh my! Jared Forsyth 21:31
Performance Without Compromise Steve McGuire 25:20
A GraphQL Framework in Non-JS Servers Syrus Akbary 21:32
Speeding up Startup for Large React Bhuwan Khattar 31:20
Rethinking All Practices: Building Applications in Elm Jamison Dance 29:06
Optimising React Native: Tools and Tips Tadeu Zagallo 24:12

React Europe 2016

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
The Redux Journey Dan Abramov 26:56
Native Navigation for Every Platform Eric Vicenti 27:25
A cartoon guide to performance Lin Clark 26:19
React Native ❤ 60FPS Krzysztof Magiera 25:25
Being Successful at Open Source Christopher Chedeau 28:38
GraphQL at Facebook Dan Schafer 26:30
A Deepdive Into Flow Jeff Morrison 27:52
Debugging flux applications in production Mihail Diordiev 19:52
On the Spectrum of Abstraction Cheng Lou 35:31
React Redux Analytics Bertrand Karerangabo & Evan Schultz 26:54

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Evolving the Visual Programming Environment with React Jonas Gebhardt 29:27
React Native Retrospective Bonnie Eisenman 25:35
The Evolution of React UI Development Max Stoiber & Nik Graf 20:42
Recomposing your React application Andrew Clark 29:55
JavaScript, React Native and Performance Tadeu Zagallo 21:18
Falcor: One Model Everywhere Jafar Husain 27:51
Building for Android with Exponent and React Native Brent Vatne 32:44
GraphQL Future Laney Kuenzel & Lee Byron 32:17
Building native mobile apps with GraphQL Martijn Walraven 23:55
Question and Answers with core team members n/a 57:27

React Rally 2016

Title/Link Presenter Length
Building React From Scratch Paul O Shannessy 33:56
‹Rethinker stop={false}/› Ryan Florence 37:15
React and Give Back Devon Lindsey 26:55
Async Redux Actions With RxJS Ben Lesh 35:10
Where in the Stack is Carmen Sanfrancisco? Marcy Sutton 32:24
Oh Composable World! Brian Lonsdorf 27:31
Rise of the Web Workers Parashuram 31:39
Animating in React Sarah Drasner 42:53
From Zero to Binary Search Tree James Kyle 27:22
RRR matey! - React, RethinkDB, and Raspberry Pi Mike Glukhovsky 29:17
Scaling React to Accelerate Life Science Research Saif Hakim 38:45
PureScript & Pux -- a safer, more expressive way to React Michael Trotter 25:20
Deploying GraphQL in a Serverless Context Kevin Old 28:38
Reintroducing Relay Joseph Savona 31:30
Debugging Your Debugger James Long 31:02
Real World React Debugging Jared Forsyth 24:49
Writing better multi-process hybrid apps with React and Redux Kate Hudson 27:41
Powering React-based Dashboards using GraphQL and PostgreSQL Lukas Fittl 28:20
All the terrible things I did the first time I made a complex React app Raquel Moss 26:36
The Danger Crew: Lessons learned from building an RPG in React Drew Conley 26:14

ReactiveConf 2016

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
ReactiveConf 2016 in a Nutshell 1:00
Opening Ceremony 10:47
How the web ecosystem shaped Angular 2 Igor Minar 32:52
Testing the way it should be Brian Mann 36:43
The Age of Reason(ML) Sean Grove 30:23
Living in an async world of React Native Krzysztof Magiera 30:17
What's Next? Exploring the future of React Guillermo Rauch 34:10
Speed up app development with prefabricated, open source, backends Michael Glukhovsky 29:15
Paradigms for dealing with asynchrony Jared Forsyth 30:11
Optimistic updates in a pessimistic world Daniel Woelfel 27:47
Past and future of client-side routing Thomas Roch 28:17
Elm and React in production Richard Fieldmen 32:33

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Opening 5:33
Styled-components: Enforcing best practices Max Stoiber 30:08
Building validated forms with great UX in React Marcela Hrda 28:19
The Universality of Static Sites Mark Dalgleish 32:09
Visualizing the data flow with Cycle.js André Staltz 35:24
Writing Sound Asynchronous Code with Coroutines Tomaš Kulich 35:43
Immer-mutable state management Michel Weststrate 34:09
Debugging in Production: A Preview of CodePush vNext Ryan J. Salva 29:12
Building better mobile apps with GraphQL Martijn Walraven 28:59
Bridging the Gap: How to use React Native in existing large native code bases Leland Richardson 35:18
No Xcode, Android Studio, Java, Swift, Objective C - how far can JavaScript get you? Brent Vatne 29:23
Through the Looking Glass David Nolen 34:39
Closing n/a 0:33


React.js Conf 2015

Title/Link Presenter Length
Keynote - Introducing React Native Tom Occhino 31:46
Keynote 2 - A Deep Dive into React Native Christopher Chedeau 30:13
Tweak your page in real time Brenton Simpson 21:34
Data fetching for React applications at Facebook Daniel Schafer and Jing Chen 26:39
Communicating with channels James Long 33:27
react-router increases your productivity Michael Jackson 32:14
Full Stack Flux Pete Hunt 32:34
Making your app fast with high-performance components Jason Bonta 29:48
Formatting with FormatJS and react-intl Eric Ferraiuolo 28:02
Hype! Ryan Florence 31:16
The complementarity of React and Web Components Andrew Rota 25:46
Immutable Data and React Lee Byron 31:10
Beyond the DOM: How Netflix plans to enhance your television experience Jafar Husain 25:54
Scalable Data Visualization Zach Nation 26:51
Refracting React David Nolen 31:42
Flux Panel Michael Ridgway, Spike Brehm, Andres Suarez, Jing Chen, Kyle Davis and Ian Obermiller 31:01
Codecademy's approach to component communication Bonnie Eisenman 23:57
Static typing with Flow and TypeScript James Brantly 31:50
Q&A with the team n/a 31:0


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List of react conference videos


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