pengsun / tzmq

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A toy example that shows how to run actor-learner dist RL with k8s.

Separate Run

As usual, each job (role) can be run separately, e.g.,

python --port 9999

python --lrn_addr learner-name:9999 --task_index 0

python --lrn_addr learner-name:9999 --task_index 1

python --lrn_addr learner-name:9999 --task_index 55

will start 1 learner and 3 actors, where the learner-name can be either an IP or a domain name (provided the DNS service is available in your intra-net).


Starting the jobs one by one manually is tedious. Surely we can write a dedicated frontend script to start all jobs. But a better choice is to rely on some cluster management tool, e.g., the Kubernetes (k8s). This way, we can do "Alright, I need 1 learner over GPU machine, 3 actors over CPU machines, that's it. I don't care (want to manage) the ip address or domain name."


First, pack as docker image:

docker build --file ./build_tke/Dockerfile --tag my_tzmq:latest .

which generates an image named tzmq. You can verify it by the docker images command.

Other example:

docker build --file ./build_local/Dockerfile --tag my_tzmq:latest .

Use docker attach to get in and do any modification, and use docker commit to save the changes and update the image. Or you can redo the docker build (should be reasonably fast as many intermediate files are reused internally)

k8s start

Start it with k8s:

python tzmq_v2.yaml.jinja2 | kubectl create -f -

Note: kubectl create -f means creating from file, the second single dash - indicates a special file the stdin, and finally the pipe operator | forwards the output string.

python tzmq_vtke.yaml.jinja2 | kubectl create -f -

k8s stop

Stop it:

python tzmq_v2.yaml.jinja2 | kubectl delete -f -
python tzmq_vtke.yaml.jinja2 | kubectl delete -f -


Use kubectl get pods to show pod names, and use kubectl logs pod_id to show the log (stdout) of that container.

Or you can rely on a centralized logging service, see an example here.


Related Methods

Two ways to run distributed RL/ML over k8s: the template based way as in dist tf ecosystem and kubeflow based way. Here we show the template based way, which is light-weight.

job/role name

k8s has internal DNS service, use kubectl get svc -n kube-system to verify it. Therefore, we can use the domain name (instead of IP address) in the tzmq.template.jinja template.



Language:HTML 65.8%Language:Python 29.7%Language:Dockerfile 4.5%