pengsun / onehot-temp-conv

one-hot temporal convolution as Torch's nn module

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One-Hot Temporal Convolution as Torch's nn module

Disclaimer: obsolete! See the new one here

Implement the sparse (one-hot input) 1-dimensional (temporal) convolution defined in [1, 2]. For NLP task, it applies the convolution over the one-hot word vector directly that the word embedding can be ommited, as shwon in [1, 2]. Only support the "Narrow Convolution", i.e., the sequence size is reduced after "forward". Convolution stride must be 1. The exposed module is essentially a wrapper depending on nn.LookupTable, so that:

  • Input must be a Tensor of word index pointing to the vocabulary
  • Gradient of the inputs are unavailable (gradInput is a dummy variable) during backward() by default, since it saves a lot of training time while gradInput is not involved. Call the method should_updateGradInput(flag) to explicitly enable/disable it if gradInput is indeed desired/undesired. See explanations below.
  • Both CPU and GPU are supported, depending on require'nn' or require'cunn'

Interfaces and tensor size layout are consistent with nn.TemporalConvolution.

The terms of nn.TemporalConvolution are borrowed here and are aliased as the following:

  B = batch size
  M = sequence length = nInputFrame = #words
  V = inputFrameSize = vocabulary size
  C = outputFrameSize = #output feature maps = #hidden units = embedding size
  kW = convolution kernel size = kernel width


  • Torch 7


  • run command git clone
  • cd to the directory, run command luarocks make

Then the lib will ba installed to your torch 7 directory. Delete the git-cloned source directory onehot-temp-conv if you like.


After installation, running require'onehot-temp-conv' will add to the nn namespace the following classes:



module = nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution(inputFrameSize, outputFrameSize, kW [,opt])

Applies a 1D convolution over an input sequence composed of nInputFrame frames. The input tensor in forward(input) must be a 2D tensor in size

BatchSize x nInputFrame

where each element is an index ranging from 1 to InputFrameSize.

The output will be sized

BatchSize x nOutputFrame x outputFrameSize

where nOutputFrame = nInputFrame - kW + 1.

The parameters are the following:

  • inputFrameSize: The input frame size expected in sequences given into forward().
  • outputFrameSize: The output frame size the convolution layer will produce.
  • kW: The kernel width of the convolution, kW <= nInputFrame required.
  • opt: Options. A lua table with the fields:
    • hasBias: Flag for whether to have bias for the convolution. Default to false.

See also the examples below for the NLP alias of these terms.

Example 1:

  B = 200 -- batch size
  M = 45 -- sequence length (#words)
  V = 12333 -- inputFrameSize (vocabulary size)
  C = 300 -- outputFrameSize (#output feature maps, or embedding size)
  kW = 5 -- convolution kernel size (width)
  -- inputs: the one-hot vector as index in set {1,2,...,V}. size: B, M
  inputs = torch.LongTensor(B, M):apply(
    function (e) return math.random(1,V) end
  -- the 1d conv module
  tf = nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution(V, C, kW, {hasBias = true})
  -- outputs: the dense tensor. size: B, M-kW+1, C
  outputs = tf:forward(inputs)

  -- back prop: the gradients w.r.t. parameters
  gradOutputs = outputs:clone():normal()
  tf:backward(inputs, gradOutputs)

Example 2 (gpu):

  B = 200 -- batch size
  M = 45 -- sequence length (#words)
  V = 12333 -- inputFrameSize (vocabulary size)
  C = 300 -- outputFrameSize (#output feature maps, or embedding size)
  kW = 5 -- convolution kernel size (width)
  -- inputs: the one-hot vector as index in set {1,2,...,V}. size: B, M
  inputs = torch.LongTensor(B, M):apply(
    function (e) return math.random(1,V) end
  -- the 1d conv module
  tf = nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution(V, C, kW, {hasBias = true}):cuda()
  -- outputs: the dense tensor. size: B, M-kW+1, C
  outputs = tf:forward(inputs)

  -- back prop: the gradients w.r.t. parameters
  gradOutputs = outputs:clone():normal()
  tf:backward(inputs, gradOutputs)



Set if it should do updateGradInput (default to false while class construction). flag must be true or false


OneHotTemporalConvolution:index_copy_weight(vocabIdxThis, convThat, vocabIdxThat)

Copy the weight from another OneHotTemporalConvolution with the respective vocabulary index. vocabIdxThis, vocabIdxThat must be torch.LongTensor. convThat must be also a OneHotTemporalConvolution. Suppose the weight size

this: V1, C, p
that: V2, C, p

where the vocabulary size V1 and V2 can be different (but the outputFeatureMap C and region size p must be the same). Then calling the method would in effect do the copying

this(vocabIdxThis, :, :) = that(vocabIdxThat, :, :)

A note

on gradInput and updateGradInput(). When OneHotTemporalConvolution is usually used as the first layer, the gradInput is usually unnecessary since it does not contribute to parameters updating during training. That's why it's default to dummy. When you do need it, just call should_updateGradInput(true), and gradInput will be available after calling updateGradInput() or backward(). Use it with caution as gradInput is usually very large and demands much memory.


  B = 1 -- batch size
  M = 225 -- sequence length (#words)
  V = 30*1000 -- inputFrameSize (vocabulary size)
  C = 300 -- outputFrameSize (#output feature maps, or embedding size)
  kW = 5 -- convolution kernel size (width)
  -- inputs: the one-hot vector as index in set {1,2,...,V}. size: B, M
  inputs = torch.LongTensor(B, M):apply(
    function (e) return math.random(1,V) end
  -- the 1d conv module
  tf = nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution(V, C, kW):cuda()
  -- outputs: the dense tensor. size: B, M-kW+1, C
  outputs = tf:forward(inputs)

  -- enable backprop for input

  -- back prop: the gradients w.r.t. parameters and inputs
  gradOutputs = outputs:clone():normal()
  gradInputs = tf:backward(inputs, gradOutputs)
  -- size should be B x M x V
  -- disable the gradInput
  -- should be null
  gradInputs2 = tf:backward(inputs, gradOutputs)

A note

on parameters. When you need the kernel weight and its gradient, call self:parameters() or self:getParameters() - note that OneHotTemporalConvolution is derived from the container nn.Sequential.


OneHotTemporalConvolution.share_weight(tOhConv1, tOhConv2)


  oh1 = nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution(10, 20, 2)
  oh2 = nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution(10, 20, 3)
  ct = nn.ConcatTable():add(oh1):add(oh2)

  -- no sharing
  params = ct:getParameters()

  -- share at kern3l position 1
  nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution.share_weights({oh1,oh2}, {1,1})
  params = ct:getParameters()

  -- share at kernel position 1, 2
  nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution.share_weights({oh1,oh2}, {1,1})
  nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution.share_weights({oh1,oh2}, {2,2})
  params = ct:getParameters()
  -- convert to cuda
  params = ct:getParameters()



module = nn.OneHotTemporalConvolutionOnlyFP(ohConv)

Derived from nn.Module. Initialize from a (pre-trained) nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution. Only do forward propagation. Back propagation is dummy in that 1) the parameters are invincible to outer module. 2) both the gradInput and gradParameters are not updated. This module should work as a "feature extractor".


  V, C, p = 33, 10, 2
  ohConv = nn.OneHotTemporalConvolution(V, C, p)
  fetext = nn.OneHotTemporalConvolutionOnlyFP(ohConv:float())
  -- fprop
  B, M = 12, 5
  inputs = torch.LongTensor(B, M):apply(
      function (e) return math.random(1,V) end
  outputs = fetext:forward(inputs)
  -- cannot get the parameters
  params, grad = fetext:getParameters()
  assert(params:numel()==0 and grad:numel()==0)


An auxiliary class. Extend nn.Narrow in that

  • interpret input as index of one-hot tensor
  • the updateGradInput() can be turned off during bp()


An auxiliary class. Extend nn.LookupTable in that

  • can do the updateGradInput(), which is not implemented in nn.LookupTable
  • the updateGradInput() can be turned off during backward()

##Reference [1] Rie Johnson and Tong Zhang. Effective use of word order for text categorization with convolutional neural networks. NAACL-HLT 2015.

[2] Rie Johnson and Tong Zhang. Semi-supervised convolutional neural networks for text categorization via region embedding. NIPS 2015.


one-hot temporal convolution as Torch's nn module


Language:Lua 97.5%Language:CMake 2.5%