pengsida / .vim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


It has the following features:

  1. based on the basic configuration of amix/vimrc
  2. selectively choose some plugins of amix/vimrc
  3. equiped with dracula theme


  1. Remove your vim first and git clone
  2. Install vim-gnome to support clipboard.
  3. pip install yapf to support vim-autoformat.
  4. Install YouCompleteMe or AutoComplPop for code completion.

Install YouCompleteMe through the commands:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
tar xvf YouCompleteMe.tar.gz
cd YouCompleteMe
./ --clang-completer

You need revise ycm server python interpreter manually in ".vimrc", which should be the one you used to compile ycm.

Once you install YouCompleteMe, you will find that <Tab> does not trigger SnipMate any more, because a key mapping in YouCompleteMe blocks its function. To repair SnipMate, we can simply comment two lines of codes in "./bundle/YouCompleteMe/autoload/youcompleteme.vim":

for key in g:ycm_key_list_select_completion
    " With this command, when the completion window is visible, the tab key
    " (default) will select the next candidate in the window. In vim, this also
    " changes the typed-in text to that of the candidate completion.
    " exe 'inoremap <expr>' . key .
    "       \ ' pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\' . key .'"'

To use ack, you might need to install ack-grep for ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install ack-grep

To use vim-autoformat, you need to install yapf:

pip install yapf

Choose the latex compiler in ~/.vim/bundle/vim-latex/ftplugin/latex-suite:

TexLet g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style $*'

Frequently used plugins

  1. CtrlP
    • List all files under current directory: <ctrl-f>
    • List all files under designated directory: <leader>j
    • List history opened files: <ctrl-b>
  2. NerdTree
    • Toggle a sidebar listing project files: <leader>nn
    • Open a sidebar and place the cursor on the current filename: <leader>nf
  3. YouCompleteMe
    • Jump to the definition or declaration: <leader>jd
  4. GitFugitive
    • Git diff between current change and previous commit: :Gvdiff
    • Show all changes: :Greview
  5. vim-snippets
    • Global snippets: vim_runtime/sources_non_forked/vim-snippets/snippets/_.snippts
  6. vim-autoformat
    • Format the code: :Yapf
  7. markdown-preview.vim
    • Open markdown preview window: F8
    • Close markdown preview window: F9

Frequently used shortcuts

  1. <leader> is ,.
  2. Open a new tab: <leader>tn or <ctrl-n>.
  3. Switch between tabs: J and K, which means left switch and right switch, respectively.
  4. Find a specific text: <space>.
  5. Move to the beginning and the end of the line: H and L.
  6. Copy the text to the system clipboard: <ctrl-y>.
  7. Annotate a line: <ctrl-g>.
  8. Reload a file: :e.
  9. Discard local changes and reload the file: :e!.

Seldom used shortcuts

  1. <leader>d



Language:Vim Script 60.2%Language:Vim Snippet 16.5%Language:JavaScript 16.0%Language:CSS 2.9%Language:Python 1.6%Language:Go 1.2%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:Ruby 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:CoffeeScript 0.2%Language:TeX 0.1%Language:XSLT 0.1%Language:Perl 0.1%Language:HTML 0.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Erlang 0.0%Language:Haml 0.0%