pemami4911 / EfficientMORL

EfficientMORL (ICML'21)

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Official implementation of our ICML'21 paper "Efficient Iterative Amortized Inference for Learning Symmetric and Disentangled Multi-object Representations" Link.

Watch our YouTube explainer video

30,000 feet

The motivation of this work is to design a deep generative model for learning high-quality representations of multi-object scenes. Generally speaking, we want a model that

  1. Can infer object-centric latent scene representations (i.e., slots) that share a common format
  2. Can infer unordered slots (permutation equivariance)
  3. Can infer disentangled slots
  4. Is efficient to train and use at test time

To achieve efficiency, the key ideas were to cast iterative assignment of pixels to slots as bottom-up inference in a multi-layer hierarchical variational autoencoder (HVAE), and to use a few steps of low-dimensional iterative amortized inference to refine the HVAE's approximate posterior. We found that the two-stage inference design is particularly important for helping the model to avoid converging to poor local minima early during training.

See the paper for more details.


Install dependencies using the provided conda environment file:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml

To install the conda environment in a desired directory, add a prefix to the environment file first.

For example, add this line to the end of the environment file: prefix: /home/{YOUR_USERNAME}/.conda/envs

Multi-Object Datasets

A zip file containing the datasets used in this paper can be downloaded from here.

These are processed versions of the tfrecord files available at Multi-Object Datasets in an .h5 format suitable for PyTorch. See lib/ for how they are used. They are already split into training/test sets and contain the necessary ground truth for evaluation. Unzipped, the total size is about 56 GB. Store the .h5 files in your desired location.

Please cite the original repo if you use this benchmark in your work:

  title={Multi-Object Datasets},
  author={Kabra, Rishabh and Burgess, Chris and Matthey, Loic and
          Kaufman, Raphael Lopez and Greff, Klaus and Reynolds, Malcolm and
          Lerchner, Alexander},


We use sacred for experiment and hyperparameter management. All hyperparameters for each model and dataset are organized in JSON files in ./configs.

Tetrominoes example

We recommend starting out getting familiar with this repo by training EfficientMORL on the Tetrominoes dataset. It can finish training in a few hours with 1-2 GPUs and converges relatively quickly. The following steps to start training a model can similarly be followed for CLEVR6 and Multi-dSprites.

Inspect the model hyperparameters we use in ./configs/train/tetrominoes/EMORL.json, which is the Sacred config file. Note that Net.stochastic_layers is L in the paper and training.refinement_curriculum is I in the paper.

Then, go to ./scripts and edit Provide values for the following variables:

NUM_GPUS = 2 # Set this to however many GPUs you have available
SEED = 1 # The desired random seed for this training run
DDP_PORT = 29500 # The port number for torch.distributed, can be left to default
ENV = tetrominoes
DATA_PATH = /path/to/data # Set to the absolute path of the folder where the unzipped .h5 files are
BATCH_SIZE = 16 # Set to 32 / NUM_GPUS
OUT_DIR = /path/to/outputs # Set to the absolute path of the folder where you will save tensorboard files, model weights, and (optionally) sacred runs

Start training:

$ ./

Monitor loss curves and visualize RGB components/masks:

$ tensorboard --logdir $OUT_DIR/tb

and open in your browser.

Pre-trained Tetrominoes model

If you would like to skip training and just play around with a pre-trained model, we provide the following pre-trained weights in ./examples:

checkpoint ARI MSE KL wall clock training hardware
Tetrominoes 99.7 2.76 x 10^-4 70.7 5 hrs 2 min 2x Geforce RTX 2080Ti
CLEVR6 98.05 3.64 x 10^-4 187.1 ~17 hours 8x Geforce RTX 2080Ti

On using GECO for stabilizing training

We found that on Tetrominoes and CLEVR in the Multi-Object Datasets benchmark, using GECO was necessary to stabilize training across random seeds and improve sample efficiency (in addition to using a few steps of lightweight iterative amortized inference).

GECO is an excellent optimization tool for "taming" VAEs that helps with two key aspects:

  1. Dynamically adjusts a hyperparameter that trades off the reconstruction and KL losses, which improves training robustness to poor weight initializations from a "bad" random seed. The automatic schedule initially increases the relative weight of the reconstruction term to encourage the model to first achieve a high-quality image reconstruction. Following this, the relative weighting of the reconstruction term is decreased to minimize the KL.
  2. Reduces variance in the gradients of the ELBO by minimizing the distance of an exponential moving average (EMA) of the reconstruction error to a pre-specified target reconstruction error (an easier constrained minimization), instead of trying to directly minimize the error (a harder unconstrained minimization). Lower variance results in faster convergence.

The caveat is we have to specify the desired reconstruction target for each dataset, which depends on the image resolution and image likelihood. Here are the hyperparameters we used for this paper:

dataset resolution image likelihood global std dev GECO reconstruction target
Tetrominoes 35 x 35 Gaussian 0.3 -4500 (-1.224)
CLEVR6 96 x 96 Mixture of Gaussians 0.1 -61000 (-2.206)

We show the per-pixel and per-channel reconstruction target in paranthesis. Note that we optimize unnormalized image likelihoods, which is why the values are negative. We found GECO wasn't needed for Multi-dSprites to achieve stable convergence across many random seeds and a good trade-off of reconstruction and KL.

Choosing the reconstruction target: I have come up with the following heuristic to quickly set the reconstruction target for a new dataset without investing much effort:

  1. Choose a random initial value somewhere in the ballpark of where the reconstruction error should be (e.g., for CLEVR6 128 x 128, we may guess -96000 at first).
  2. Start training and monitor the reconstruction error (e.g., in Tensorboard) for the first 10-20% of training steps. EMORL (and any pixel-based object-centric generative model) will in general learn to reconstruct the background first. This accounts for a large amount of the reconstruction error.
  3. Stop training, and adjust the reconstruction target so that the reconstruction error achieves the target after 10-20% of the training steps. This will reduce variance since target - EMA(recon_error) goes to 0 and allows GECO to gently increase its Lagrange parameter until foreground objects are discovered. The target should ideally be set to the reconstruction error achieved after foreground objects are discovered.
  4. Once foreground objects are discovered, the EMA of the reconstruction error should be lower than the target (in Tensorboard, geco_C_ema will be a positive value, which is target - EMA(recon_error)). Once this is positive, the GECO Lagrange parameter will decrease back to 1. This is important so that the model estimates a proper ELBO at the end of training.

Model variants & hyperparameters

Parameter Usage
Net.K The number of object-centric latents (i.e., slots)
Net.image_likelihood "GMM" is the Mixture of Gaussians, "Gaussian" is the deteriministic mixture
Net.z_size Number of dimensions in each latent
Net.image_decoder "iodine" is the (memory-intensive) decoder from the IODINE paper, "big" is Slot Attention's memory-efficient deconvolutional decoder, and "small" is Slot Attention's tiny decoder
Net.stochastic_layers Number of layers in the HVAE (L)
Net.log_scale ln(std_dev) used in the image likelihood
Net.bottom_up_prior Train EMORL w/ BU prior (Default false)
Net.reverse_prior_plusplus Trains EMORL w/ reversed prior++ (Default true), if false trains w/ reversed prior
Net.use_DualGRU Use the DualGRU (Default true)
training.kl_beta_init Set $\beta$-VAE parameter, we leave at 1
training.use_geco Enable/disable using GECO
training.use_scheduler Enable/disable LR warmup
training.clip_grad_norm Enable/disable grad norm clipping to 5.0
training.iters Number of train gradient steps to take
training.refinement_curriculum Tuple [step, I] means for every gradient step beyond step use I refinement iters
training.load_from_checkpoint Set to true if resuming training
training.checkpoint The .pth filename for resuming training
training.tqdm Enable/disable tqdm in the CLI

Some other config parameters are omitted which are self-explanatory.


We provide bash scripts for evaluating trained models.

Computing ARI + MSE + KL

Like with the training bash script, you need to set/check the following bash variables ./scripts/

DATA_PATH = /path/to/data # Set this to the absolute path of the folder where the unzipped .h5 files are.
OUT_DIR = /path/to/results # Set to the absolute path of the folder where you will save eval results in, probably the same path you used for training.
CHECKPOINT = checkpoint.pth # Set to the name of the .pth file saved in `/path/to/results/weights`
ENV = tetrominoes # The Multi Object Datasets environment. One of {tetrominoes, clevr6-96x96,multi_dsprites}.
JSON_FILE = EMORL # The code will look for the sacred config as JSON under `test/$ENV/$EVAL_TYPE/$JSON_FILE.json`.
EVAL_TYPE = ARI_MSE_KL # Tell `` what type of evaluation to run. `ARI_MSE_KL` will compute ARI, MSE, and KL. All eval types available can be found in ``.

Then, run the script:

$ ./

Results will be stored in files ARI.txt, MSE.txt and KL.txt in folder $OUT_DIR/results/{test.experiment_name}/$CHECKPOINT-seed=$SEED. The experiment_name is specified in the sacred JSON file. This path will be printed to the command line as well.

Disentanglement GIFs

We provide a bash script ./scripts/ for creating disentanglement GIFs for individual slots. This uses moviepy, which needs ffmpeg. In, we set the IMAGEIO_FFMPEG_EXE and FFMPEG_BINARY environment variables (at the beginning of the _mask_gifs method) which is used by moviepy. You will need to make sure these env vars are properly set for your system first.

For each slot, the top 10 latent dims (as measured by their activeness---see paper for definition) are perturbed to make a gif.

Check and update the same bash variables DATA_PATH, OUT_DIR, CHECKPOINT, ENV, and JSON_FILE as you did for computing the ARI+MSE+KL. The EVAL_TYPE is make_gifs, which is already set.

Then, run the script:

$ ./

A series of files with names slot_{0-#slots}_row_{0-9}.gif will be created under the results folder $OUT_DIR/results/{test.experiment_name}/$CHECKPOINT-seed=$SEED. The experiment_name is specified in the sacred JSON file. This path will be printed to the command line as well.

Other eval

Disentanglement preprocessing

Will create a file storing the min/max of the latent dims of the trained model, which helps with running the activeness metric and visualization.

In, edit the following variables:



In, edit the following variables:


An array of the variance values activeness.npy will be stored in folder $OUT_DIR/results/{test.experiment_name}/$CHECKPOINT-seed=$SEED


In, edit the following variables:


Results will be stored in a file dci.txt in folder $OUT_DIR/results/{test.experiment_name}/$CHECKPOINT-seed=$SEED

Visualizing slots

In, edit the following variables:

ENV=clevr6-96x96 # or tetrominoes, multi_dsprites

Results will be stored in a file rinfo_{i}.pkl in folder $OUT_DIR/results/{test.experiment_name}/$CHECKPOINT-seed=$SEED where i is the sample index

See ./notebooks/demo.ipynb for the code used to generate figures like Figure 6 in the paper using rinfo_{i}.pkl


  title = 	 {Efficient Iterative Amortized Inference for Learning Symmetric and Disentangled Multi-Object Representations},
  author =       {Emami, Patrick and He, Pan and Ranka, Sanjay and Rangarajan, Anand},
  booktitle = 	 {Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning},
  pages = 	 {2970--2981},
  year = 	 {2021},
  editor = 	 {Meila, Marina and Zhang, Tong},
  volume = 	 {139},
  series = 	 {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  month = 	 {18--24 Jul},
  publisher =    {PMLR},
  url = 	 {},


EfficientMORL (ICML'21)

License:MIT License


Language:Python 50.9%Language:Jupyter Notebook 47.8%Language:Shell 1.3%