pedromsilvapt / zig-kdl

Library to parse [kdl]( configuration files in [Zig](

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Library to parse kdl configuration files in Zig.


Clone this repo into your zig project, for example under a deps/ folder:

git clone ./deps/zig-kdl

Then add this line to your build.zig file:

obj.addPackagePath("kdl", "deps/zig-kdl/src/main.zig");


const std = @import("std");
const Parser = @import("kdl").Parser;

pub fn main () !void {
    var general_purpose_allocator = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = general_purpose_allocator.deinit();

    var allocator = &general_purpose_allocator.allocator;

    var parser = try Parser.init(
        \\ package {
        \\     name "foo"
        \\     version "1.0.0"
        \\     dependencies platform="windows" {
        \\         winapi "1.0.0" path="./crates/my-winapi-fork"
        \\     }
        \\     dependencies {
        \\         miette "2.0.0" dev=true
        \\     }
        \\ }

    while (try |element| {
        // Handle element
        if (element == .node_begin) {
            var name = try;

            std.debug.print("Node name: {s}\n", .{ name });

The parser does not allocate any memory during it's execution. Inside it's elements, it always returns pointers to inside the buffer provided by the caller.

It is the responsability of the caller to tell when to allocate the memory needed.

The type of elements is:

pub const Element = union(enum) {
    pub const NodeBegin = struct {
        name: Token,
        type_name: ?Token,

    pub const Property = struct {
        name: Token,
        value: Value,

    pub const Value = struct {
        type_name: ?Token,
        data: Token,

    node_begin: NodeBegin,
    node_end: void,
    property: Property,
    argument: Value,

The caller can convert tokens into values using the functions token.toString(allocator), token.toInteger() and token.toDecimal(), if they know the type of the token is one of those. Or they can use the more generic token.toScalar(allocator), which returns a union with the appropriate values depending on the token.

pub const Scalar = union(enum) {
    string: []const u8,
    integer: i64,
    decimal: f64,
    boolean: bool,
    none: void,


  • Update PUML parser states diagram
  • Remove all allocations from the parser, return tokens instead
    • Make the responsability of the caller to allocate memory as needed
  • Implement Slashdash comments
  • Create utility to convert sequence of Element to string
  • Pass the official KDL test suite


Library to parse [kdl]( configuration files in [Zig](

License:MIT License


Language:Zig 100.0%