pedrojfs17 / FEUP-COMP

FEUP - Compiladores

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Name Number Grade Contribution
António Bezerra 201806854 20 25%
Gonçalo Alves 201806451 20 25%
Inês Silva 201806385 20 25%
Pedro Seixas 201806227 20 25%

GLOBAL Grade of the project: 20


Our tool can parse a .jmm File, detecting any syntactic and semantic errors within it, generating an AST. It can also generate an .ollir file, from a given AST. Finally, it can generate a .jasmin File, from a given OLLIR code.


To compile the program, run gradle build. This will compile your classes to classes/main/java and copy the JAR file to the root directory. The JAR file will have the same name as the repository folder. To run, run the comp2021-4b.bat file with the following arguments: Main <arguments>, where are the arguments to be passed to main() - <filename> [-o] [-r num_registers].


All results are stored in the ToolResults directory.


As described in the project assignment, we recover from errors in the conditional statement of a while cycle. If an error is found in the conditional statement of a while cycle, the compiler ignores every token until the next right parentheses token, ')', showing an error message indicating which tokens were expected and the line and column where the error occurred.


Semantic rules that our tool abides to:

  • Type Verification
    • Operations must be between elements of the same type;
    • Operations are not allowed between arrays;
    • Only int values to index an array access;
    • Only int values to initialize an array;
    • Assignments must be between the same type;
    • Arithmetic operations must be between two integers or functions that return an integer;
    • Conditional operations must be between two booleans or function calls that return boolean;
    • Variables must be initialized;
    • Variables must be defined, before its usages;
  • Method Verification
    • Only allows calls to methods that exists with the correct signature;
    • Checks if method call is for the current class, if it is a method of the super class or if it was imported;
    • Verifies if the parameter types match the method signature;
    • Method can be declared after or before any other function calls it;


Intermediate Representations

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

Firstly, the source code is read and is transformed into an abstract syntax tree (AST). The AST has representations for every possible entity present in the source code. The information in the AST is used to fill the compiler output information and in later stages to support the code generation and syntactical analysis.

OO-based Low-Level Intermediate Representation (OLLIR)

By visiting the generated AST, we generate OLLIR code, an intermediate low-level representation, inspired by three-address code representations, to represent Java classes. This is done in the OllirVisitor class, which we created containing functions to deal with every type of node in the AST:

  • Generates class header
  • Generates method headers
  • Formats each variable to OLLIR format, using information from the SymbolTable - IDENTIFIER (name: a) => a.i32
  • Formats each operation to OLLIR format - OPERATION (op: + ) => +.i32
  • Constructs while loops and if/else structures
  • Formats array accesses and method calls
  • Creates temporary variables, as needed

JVM Instructions

The OLLIR output is used as input to the backend stage of the compiler, responsible for the selection of JVM insrtuctions, the assignment of the local variables of methods to the local variables of the JVM and the generation of JVM code in the jasmin format.

The OllirResult generated in the optimization stage is used to generate a ClassUnit object which represents the class being compiled, including it's fields, methods, etc...

The jasmin code is iteratively written to a String as we extract the needed information from the ClassUnit, in the following order:

  • Generate imports
  • Generate class header
  • Generate fields
  • Generate methods
    • Generate method header
    • Generate instructions
      • Load variables using optimal instruction for variable type
      • Perform operation or method invocation using necessary instructions
      • Store variables using optimal instruction for variable type
      • Update stack limit
    • Generate limit stack and limit locals instructions
    • Generate return instruction


  • Parser: António Bezerra, Gonçalo Alves, Inês Silva, Pedro Seixas;
  • Semantic Analysis: Gonçalo Alves, Pedro Seixas;
  • OLLIR Generation: Gonçalo Alves, Inês Silva, Pedro Seixas;
  • Jasmin Generation: Inês Silva;
  • Optimizations: Gonçalo Alves, Inês Silva, Pedro Seixas;


We developed a very comprehensive tool, implementing every feature specified in the project description. Besides the organized and clean code, the most positive aspects we identified are regarding the implemented optimizations.


By default, our compiler generates JVM code with lower cost instructions in the cases of iload, istore, astore, aload, loading constants to the stack and using iinc.

After generating the SemanticResult, if the "-o" option is used, the following optimizations are performed:

  • Constant propagation and folding
    • Replacing variables with values (except in whiles);
    • Computing operations with constant values, to eliminate unnecessary expressions;
  • While loops
    • Eliminates unnecessary labels and goto instructions;
    • Eg:
    •   Loop0:
        if (...) goto Body0:
        goto EndLoop0;
        goto Loop0;
    •   goto Condition0;
        if(...) gotoLoop0;

After generating the OllirResult, if the "-r" option is used, the register allocation optimization is performed to each method:

  • Uses dataflow analysis to determine the lifetime of local variables
  • Constructs the Register-Interference Graph, where each node represents a variable and each edge represents the interference between two variables with intersecting lifetimes
  • Uses Graph Coloring to allocate registers
  • Builds a new varTable for the method, updating each variable's virtual register
  • If the specified number of registers isn't enough to store all the variables, increments this value and performs graph coloring again to find the minimum number of registers needed


We didn't get to implement the instruction selection optimization that in the case of 'i < 0' uses 'load i => if_lt' instead of 'load i => iconst_0 => if_icmpeq'


FEUP - Compiladores


Language:Java 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Batchfile 0.1%