pedroj / StudioParts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository was setup in order to have a common place for the Studio community to:

  1. Share missing parts from Studio
  2. Share updated or fixed parts from Studio
  3. Centralize and give visibility on the new or updated parts that are pending review for integration by Studio development team


This repository is public and allows anyone to download the files to integrate them by themselves in Studio with Part Designer.

If you want to contribute sharing your own parts in this repository you can do so by sending your contributions by e-mail to cheenzo (at)

Notes / How to use these parts

For now the repository is composed of two major sections:

  1. One folder including all parts created by Andrei (ArkyRomania) and submitted to Studio team

In this folder and subfolders you will find .part files that can be opened with PartDesigner and then exported to Studio.

  1. One section including all parts submitted by Vincent (Cheenzo) to Studio team

In this folder you will find 3 different folders:

  • "New parts" folder contains all new parts missing from Studio
  • "New patterns" folder contains all new parts including patterns missing from Studio
  • "Updated parts" folder contains all parts already in Studio but having something to be fixed (either missing connectivity info or wrong 3D model or wrong pattern...)

In these folders you will find .dat, .col and .conn files:

  • .dat files contains the part 3D model and colors,
  • .col files contains information for Studio to manage collisions,
  • .conn files contains information for Studio to manage connections with other parts.

To import them in Studio you need to put the files in the appropriate folders (you may have to change your settings so hidden folders and files are visible):

  • For Windows, Local Disk > Users > [username] > AppData > Local > > CustomParts
  • For macOS, Local Disk > Users > [username] > .local > share > > CustomParts

It might happen that CustomParts does not exists yet, in that case create it as well as 3 subfolders inside:

  • parts
  • connectivity
  • collider


  • .dat files in the parts folder,
  • .conn files in the connectivity folder and
  • .col files in the collider folder.

Then launch Studio and switch your building palette from Master to Custom Parts to access the part you just added.


This repository relies on the Creative Commons Attribution Licence 2.0

This repository is made possible by the LDraw Parts Library. LDraw™ is a trademark owned and licensed by the Estate of James Jessiman. Visit the official LDraw website at

LEGO and BrickLink are trademarks of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, endorse, or authorize this site.

Visit the official Lego website at

Visit the official BrickLink website at

Download Studio at
