pedroborges / retour-for-kirby

Advanced redirection management and error tracking for Kirby 3

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Retour for Kirby

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Plugin for Kirby 3 adding advanced redirection management and error tracking based on rules supporting wildcards and HTTP status codes. Comes with a Panel view, so redirects can be managed without writing code. Make sure to take your visitors where they are heading.

Commercial usage and support development 💛

The Retour for Kirby plugin is free and under the MIT license. If you use it in a commercial project or you want to support its development in general, please consider to give back by





Download, unzip and copy this repository to /site/plugins/retour.

Git submodule

git submodule add site/plugins/retour


composer require distantnative/retour-for-kirby

During the beta make sure to add "minimum-stability": "beta", to the top level of your composer.json as well.


URL pattern

Path to catch via the plugin and redirect. Can use routing patterns, e.g. (:any) or (:all), learn more.

Redirect to

Four options:

  • Relative path inside your own site (e.g. blog/2018/a-nice-story)
  • URL of external website (e.g.
  • error to return your site's error page
  • empty to let the browser request fail (for status codes not in the 3xx range)

If you use routing patterns, the mathed parts can be used via numbered variables ($1, $2...): e.g. project/$1/gallery


Status codes in the 3xx range will actually redirect the request to the new location (URL changes). All other HTTP status codes have the option to return a specified page with the selected HTTP status code (while the URL stays the same) or let the browser request fail with the selected HTTP status code (if you leave the Redirect to field empty).

Color of the status bubbles

  • #7ea328 Redirects (300-399)
  • #f0c674 Other HTTP status codes
  • #c82829 disabled

HTTP status codes


Retour tries to track the times it redirects visitors as well as the times visitors try to visit a page on your site that does not exist (typically when they get a 404 error or your site's error page shown).

To maintain privacy and collect the least data necessary, Reroute does not log any personal data of the visitor (no IP etc.). Only the target URL, the referrer and the time are stored in an agregated way.

The tracked hits are displayed in the Panel with a blue status bublle, indicating whether a redirect route or 404 path has been visited #4271ae recently or #ccc not so recently.



title: Editor

    retour: false


title: Editor

    update: false

Known issues

Custom folder setup

If you are using a customf older setup for Kirby, there might be issues with where the Retour plugin is trying to store its config and log files. To change these path manually, adapt these lines in the plugin's index.php. If you have questions, please get in touch.


This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you encounter any problem, please create an issue.



It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.


Advanced redirection management and error tracking for Kirby 3


Language:PHP 49.4%Language:Vue 48.5%Language:JavaScript 2.2%