pedroborges / kirby-google-analytics

⬢ A Kirby CMS snippet that adds the Google Analytics tracking script to your site!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kirby Google Analytics Release Issues

A Kirby CMS snippet that adds the Google Analytics tracking script to your site!


  • Kirby 2.4.0+
  • PHP 5.4+


After installing the plugin using any of the methods below, add the snippet to the site/snippet/footer file (or anywhere in your templates):

    <?php snippet('google-analytics') ?>

You will also need to set the option (see below).


Download the files and place them inside site/plugins/google-analytics.

Kirby CLI

Kirby's command line interface makes installing the Google Analytics plugin a breeze:

$ kirby plugin:install pedroborges/kirby-google-analytics

Updating couldn't be any easier, simply run:

$ kirby plugin:update pedroborges/kirby-google-analytics

Git Submodule

You can add the Google Analytics plugin as a Git submodule.

$ cd your/project/root
$ git submodule add site/plugins/google-analytics
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ git commit -am "Add Google Analytics plugin"

Updating is as easy as running a few commands.

$ cd your/project/root
$ git submodule foreach git checkout master
$ git submodule foreach git pull
$ git commit -am "Update submodules"
$ git submodule update --init --recursive


In order to enable the snippet you need to set the option:

// Google Analytics tracking code
c::set('', 'UA-98765432-1');

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented at:


Google Analytics plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2017 Pedro Borges


⬢ A Kirby CMS snippet that adds the Google Analytics tracking script to your site!


Language:PHP 100.0%