pebbe / zmq2

A Go interface to ZeroMQ version 2

Repository from Github https://github.compebbe/zmq2Repository from Github https://github.compebbe/zmq2

A Go interface to ZeroMQ version 2.

Go Report Card GoDoc

Requires ZeroMQ version 2.1 or 2.2

For ZeroMQ version 4, see:

For ZeroMQ version 3, see:

Including all examples of ØMQ - The Guide.

Keywords: zmq, zeromq, 0mq, networks, distributed computing, message passing, fanout, pubsub, pipeline, request-reply

See also

  • go-zeromq/zmq4 — A pure-Go implementation of ØMQ (ZeroMQ), version 4
  • go-nanomsg — Language bindings for nanomsg in Go
  • goczmq — A Go interface to CZMQ
  • Mangos — An implementation in pure Go of the SP ("Scalable Protocols") protocols


zmq2 is just a wrapper for the ZeroMQ library. It doesn't include the library itself. So you need to have ZeroMQ installed, including its development files. On Linux and Darwin you can check this with ($ is the command prompt):

$ pkg-config --modversion libzmq

The Go compiler must be able to compile C code. You can check this with:

$ go env CGO_ENABLED

You can't do cross-compilation. That would disable C.


go get


Support for ZeroMQ version 2.1

  • The following functions are not supported in ZeroMQ version 2.1, and will return an error:
  • (*Socket) GetRcvtimeo
  • (*Socket) GetSndtimeo
  • (*Socket) SetRcvtimeo
  • (*Socket) SetSndtimeo


A Go interface to ZeroMQ version 2

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Go 99.4%Language:C 0.6%