pdomala / awsparams

AWS SSM Parameters CLI tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

Wildcard searching of SSM Paramaters on AWS console is not a good experience especially if you have hundreds of path based SSM paramaters. This CLI tool helps you to search and view SSM Paramaters.


  • List all parameters
  • List parameters based on type
  • Search paramerters
  • Get parameter values
  • Get raw parameter values (No table)
  • Add / Update / Delete parameters

Features in pipeline

  • Regex search
  • More output formats (csv, json)
  • Bulk add parameters from csv / json



npm install -g awsparams

View usage

awsparams -h

AWS Credenttials & Region

The CLI uses the credentials / profile / AWS environment variables set in your terminal.

You can use --profile <profile-name> to explicitly specify the profile.

Region is determined from profile / AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environmentt variable.

You can use --region <region-code> to explicitly specify the region

List Parameters

List all SSM Parameters

awsparams list --profile demo

awsparams list

List all SSM Parameters of specific type

awsparams list SecureString --profile demo

awsparams list type

Search Parameters

Search SSM Parameters containing 'prod'

awsparams search prod --profile demo

awsparams search

Get Parameter/s Values

Get values for SSM Parameter names containing 'dev'

awsparams get dev --profile demo

awsparams get

Get raw values for SSM Parameter names containing 'dev'

awsparams get-raw dev --profile demo

awsparams get-raw

Add Parameter

awsparams add myparamname myparamvalue String "This is my description" --profile demo

awsparams add

Update Parameter

awsparams update myparam mynewvalue --profile demo

awsparams update

Delete Parameter

awsparams delete myparamname --profile demo

awsparams delete


AWS SSM Parameters CLI tool


Language:JavaScript 100.0%