Collection of API commands.xml of Apache CloudStack versions. used to generate Apache CloudStack Release Notes.
How To Generate CloudStack API Documentation
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone nonoss
$ cd nonoss && bash -x
$ cd /path/to/cloudstack
$ git fetch <upstream>
$ git checkout main
$ git checkout <release_commit>
$ mvn -Pdeveloper -Dnoredist clean install -DskipTests=true
$ mvn -Pdeveloper -Dnoredist clean install -pl :cloud-apidoc
$ cd /path/to/cloudstack
$ export COMMANDS=/path/to/acs-api-commands
$ export OLD_RELEASE=4.13
$ export NEW_RELEASE=4.14
$ cp tools/apidoc/target/commands.xml $COMMANDS/${NEW_RELEASE}_commands.xml
$ mkdir $COMMANDS/diff-${OLD_RELEASE//.}-${NEW_RELEASE//.}
$ java -cp $HOME/.m2/repository/com/thoughtworks/xstream/xstream/$HOME/.m2/repository/com/google/code/gson/gson/1.7.2/gson-1.7.2.jar:server/target/classes -old $COMMANDS/${OLD_RELEASE}_commands.xml -new $COMMANDS/${NEW_RELEASE}_commands.xml -d $COMMANDS/diff-${OLD_RELEASE//.}-${NEW_RELEASE//.}
- For easier automation (i.e. select the "OLD_RELEASE" by simply choosing a previous branch like "4.12" or 4.13")
- and
- taking into consideration that the minor release never has a new/removed API/command (and very rarely changed/updated an existing API call)
- and
- taking into the consideration that we have never so far documented API changes between minor versions (i.e. 4.11.0 and 4.11.1),
- ...
- the naming scheme, used as of 4.11, is now in X.Y form (i.e. 4.11 or 4.12) instead of minor version (4.11.0 or 4.12.0), while the older generated documentation was moved to folder "before-4.11".
In order to generate .rst version based on the diffs generated here, as well as for the generating a list of PRs/changes/fixed issues in the new release, please see