pdfix / pdfix_sdk_example_java

PDFix SDK samples for Java Maven. PDF manipulation, content extraction, conversion , accessibility and more...

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PDFix SDK example Java Maven

Example project demonstrating the capabilities of PDFix SDK written in Java.


For more information please visit https://pdfix.net.


Download net.pdfix.pdfixlib.jar and copy to libs/

All resources are available on https://pdfix.net/download.

Compile App

mvn compile -f pom.xml
mvn package -f pom.xml

Run the sample

Make sure to copy dependencies from {zip}/include/java to lib/ folder next to net.pdfix.App-8.0.1.jar.

Run example_run.sh or use command:

java -jar target/net.pdfix.App-8.0.1.jar --test <test_name>
  • --test - [optional] the name of the test to run. For example AddTags, AddWatermark. All tests are executed if empty

Manual Setup

Download PDFix SDK JAR file from https://pdfix.net/download

Copy class libraries from the {zip}/include/java into ${project.basedir}/lib/ so that you see there

  • net.pdfix.pdfixlib-${sdk_verison_num}.jar

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PDFix SDK samples for Java Maven. PDF manipulation, content extraction, conversion , accessibility and more...


Language:Java 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%