pcw109550 / blob-me-maybe

2023 WACON Finals - Blob Me Maybe

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Blob Me Maybe

This repository stores CTF challenge Blob Me Maybe, which appeared at 2023 WACON Finals. You may learn how Ethereum's EIP-4844 is secure, based on KZG ceremony.

Category: Blockchain + Crypto


$\tau = 13371337$

Author's Intention

Challenge name/idea inspired by blob-me-baby.

EIP-4844 scales Etheurem using KZG Commitments and brings blobs. This setup, unfortunately requires toxic waste, $\tau$. If $\tau$ is leaked, anyone can forge KZG commitments. $\tau$ generation is sealed by On-chain KZG Setup Ceremony, which is based on zero knowledge proof. Refer a16z's tech report to find out the mathematical details. In short, we are safe($\tau$ is secret to everyone) if any single participant when $\tau$ is generated is honest.

This challenge asks to forge a KZG proof when $\tau$ is leaked. Challenge source is based on go-kzg-4844, which is a cryptography library that is used in Ethereum execution clients. The challenge implements a simple HTTP server written in Golang, which exposes three APIs:

  • /admin/eval: Input: $x$. Output: $P(x)$ where $P$ is admin's polynomial.
  • /admin/verify: Input: $x, P(x)$, proof $\pi$. Output: Boolean where verification succeeded or not based on admin's polynomial.
  • /admin/flag: Input: $x, z, P(x) \neq z$, proof $\pi$. Output: Boolean where $P(x) \neq z$ and proof $\pi$ is valid.

There were CTF challenges where participants were asked to forge a KZG proof when $\tau$ leaked(ZKCTF 2023 - Loki's Vault). However, this challenge is based on the actual codebase that Ethereum uses, go-kzg-4844. I authored in this way to ask the participants to see some real-world cryptography libraries, not just distributing sagemath scripts. Also, I believe Linus' Law: given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow. Based on this challenge, Ethereum became more secure because I have made more eyeballs!


Blob is a $4096$ field element over modulo $p$ where $p$ is prime, which are 32 bytes each. Each field is a value of polynomial $P$ evaluation. Let $\omega$ be a nontrival root of equation $x^{4096} = 1 (\mod p)$. The $4096$ field elements are $P(\omega^{i})$, where $i \in [0, 4096)$. Therefore, If we interpolate these points, we recover polynomial $P$. We can store information in $P$'s coefficients and encode them to blobs. The reason why we store points in which $x$ coords are $w^{i}$ is that interpolating via FFT is faster than Lagrange interpolation. Refer here for more mathematical details.

TL, DR: Blob is an encoded polynomial, which holds information big enough to scale Ethereum.


The entire blob(an encoded form of polynomial $P$) will be stored on chain in a consensus layer. Execution layer only keeps the KZG commitment $C$ of a blob, which is constant size. The size of a commitment is important because if commitment size is proportional to the origin data, it will become hard to scale. If we want to prove an evaluation $P(x) = y$ on a blob(evaluating polynomials) to the execution layer, we must provide KZG proof to it. If the execution layer has proof $\pi$, commitment $C$, and evaluation $P(x) = y$, the execution layer can verify without needing the entire blob. Refer to Scroll's KZG in practice article for mathematical details or check out the original KZG paper.

TL, DR: KZG is a tool that helps to verify evaluation using proof based on committed information, with no need for the entire information.

Trusted Setup Initialization

You can create your own trusted setup by selecting your own $\tau$. Ref on consensus-specs. Tweak --secret flag in the Makefile,

    cd $(SCRIPTS_DIR); \
    if ! test -d venv; then python3 -m venv venv; fi; \
    . venv/bin/activate; \
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt; \
    python3 ./gen_kzg_trusted_setups.py --secret=1337 --g1-length=4 --g2-length=65 --output-dir ${CURRENT_DIR}/presets/minimal/trusted_setups; \
    python3 ./gen_kzg_trusted_setups.py --secret=1337 --g1-length=4096 --g2-length=65 --output-dir ${CURRENT_DIR}/presets/mainnet/trusted_setups

I set $\tau=13371337$ for this challenge and gave this info in the challenge description.




  1. Call /admin/eval 4096 times to fetch information to extract and interpolate admin's polynomial $P$.
  2. Evaluate commitment $C$ based on $P$ and trusted setup.
  3. Forge proof $\pi$ based on $z, x, P(x)$ where $P(x) \neq z$, using leaked toxic waste $\tau = 13371337$.
    • $\pi = (C - z * G_{1}) / (\tau - x)$ where $G_{1}$ is the BLS12-381 Generator.
  4. Call /admin/flag with $\pi, x, z$ and get flag.

Challenge setup

Deploy dist directory as tarball. Includes trusted setup based on $\tau$.

Distribute http endpoint.

Challenge deploy

Go to src

docker compose build --no-cache
docker compose up -d


2023 WACON Finals - Blob Me Maybe

License:MIT License


Language:Go 67.0%Language:Sage 32.0%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%