pct960 / nodectl

Command Line Interface

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pgEdge NodeCtl : Command Line Interface


NODECTL is the pgEdge Command Line Interface (CLI) for managing components. It is licensed under the pgEdge Community License 1.0

Configuring the Python Environment for Dev/Test

In order to run the Python code, a suitable POSIX environment is required. Python version 3.9 and later are currently supported. It is recommended that a Python Virtual Environment is setup for this purpose, rather than using the system Python environment. On Linux and Mac systems, the process is simple as follows:

Create a virtual environment in an appropriate directory. The last argument is the name of the environment; that can be changed as desired:

$ python3 -m venv venv

Now activate the virtual environment:

$ source venv/bin/activate

Some of the components used by NodeCtl require a very recent version of pip, so update that to the latest:

$ pip install --upgrade pip

CLI Modules

The modules are um, service, spock, cluster, db, secure, and ace.


./nodectl <module> <command> [parameters] [options] 

um Update Manager commands

list                Display available/installed components
update              Retrieve new list of latest components & update nodectl
install             Install a component (eg pg15, spock, postgis)
remove              Un-install component
upgrade             Perform an upgrade of a component
clean               Delete downloaded component files from local cache

service Service control commands

start               Start server components
stop                Stop server components
status              Display status of installed server components
reload              Reload server config files (without a restart)
restart             Stop & then start server components
enable              Enable a server component
disable             Disable component from starting automatically
config              Configure a component
init                Initialize a component

spock Logical and Multi-Active PostgreSQL node configuration

node-create          Define a node for spock
node-drop            Remove a spock node
node-alter-location  Set location details for spock node
node-list            Display node table
node-add-interface   Add a new node interafce
node-drop-interface  Delete a node interface
repset-create        Define a replication set
repset-alter         Modify a replication set
repset-drop          Remove a replication set
repset-add-table     Add table(s) to replication set
repset-remove-table  Remove table from replication set
repset-add-seq       Add a sequence to a replication set
repset-remove-seq    Remove a sequence from a replication set
repset-alter-seq     Change a replication set sequence
repset-list-tables   List tables in replication sets
sub-create           Create a subscription
sub-drop             Delete a subscription
sub-alter-interface  Modify an interface to a subscription
sub-enable           Make a subscription live
sub-disable          Put a subscription on hold and disconnect from provider
sub-add-repset       Add a replication set to a subscription
sub-remove-repset    Drop a replication set from a subscription
sub-show-status      Display the status of the subcription
sub-show-table       Show subscription tables
sub-sync             Synchronize a subscription
sub-resync-table     Resynchronize a table
sub-wait-for-sync    Pause until the subscription is synchronized
table-wait-for-sync  Pause until a table finishes synchronizing

db Database Operations

health-check         Check if PG instance is accepting connections
metrics-check        Retrieve advanced DB & OS metrics
set-readonly         Turn PG read-only mode 'on' or 'off'
create               Create a database

cluster Installation and configuration of a SPOCK cluster

local-create        Create a localhost test cluster of N pgEdge nodes on different ports
local-destroy       Stop and then nuke a cluster
remote-init         Initialize pgEdge on a remote cluster that you create & manage yourself
remote-reset        Reset pgEdge on a remote cluster
remote-import-def   Import a json cluster defintion file
command             Run nodectl command on one or all nodes of a cluster
app-install         Install an application such as NorthWind or pgBench
app-remove          Remove an application

secure Interact with pgEdge Cloud services

config              Login nodeCtl with a pgEdge Cloud Account
list-cloud-acct     List all cloud account ids in a pgEdge Cloud Account
list-clusters       List all clusters in a pgEdge Cloud Account
cluster-status      Return info on a cluster in a pgEdge Cloud Account
list-nodes          List all nodes in a pgEdge Cloud Account cluster
import-cluster-def  Enable nodeCtl cluster commands on a pgEdge Cloud Cluster
get-cluster-id      Return the cluster id based on a cluster display name
get-node-id         Return the node id based on cluster and node display name
push-metrics        Coming Soon: push pgEdge Metrics to a specified target
create-cluster      Create a new Cloud Cluster based on json file
destroy-cluster     Delete a pgEdge Cloud Cluster

ace Anti Chaos Engine

diff-tables         Compare tables in a cluster
diff-schemas        Compare Schema meta-data
diff-spock          Compare spock rules setup across cluster nodes


--json           Turn on JSON output
--debug          Turn on debug logging
--silent         Less noisy
--verbose or -v  More noisy


Command Line Interface



Language:Python 69.2%Language:Perl 20.3%Language:Shell 9.0%Language:Jinja 0.8%Language:HTML 0.5%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:JavaScript 0.0%Language:Nix 0.0%