pcb0ts / BugId

Python script that uses the cBugId module to detect, analyze and id application bugs

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Python module to detect, analyze and id application bugs

This project is under very active development and I appreciate any feedback you can give me; if you are having any problems running it, or have any questions, please do let me know (e.g. by opening a bug). I will try to help you and get the issue resolved as soon as possible.

Note that the below documentation is way behind on code development. Some or all of it may not describe the way BugId currently functions; you may have to experiment a bit to figure things out, for which I appologize. If you need any help, please do contact me. If you find any parts that really need updating as soon as possible, let me know and I will try to prioritize them.


Do you...

  • want to automatically debug an application to detect bugs that cause crashes and excessive CPU usage?
  • want to be able to detect duplicates among your bugs?
  • want bugs automatically analyzed to see if they might be security vulnerabilities?
  • want a nice HTML report of the bugs you found?
  • want a full debugger dump when a bug is triggered for manual analyses?
  • have no problem integrating a tool written in Python into your framework?

...then BugId may be for you!


BugId is a python script that runs an application in cdb.exe, a command-line debugger that is part of Microsoft's Debugging Tools for Windows. It interacts with cdb.exe to detect any potential bugs in the application, and analyzes them. When a bug is detected, detailed information is collected and an id is generated that should be unique and consistent for that particular bug. In other words, if you run the same application twice and trigger the same bug, the bug id should be the same.

The bug id can be useful when trying to determine whether two crashes have the same bug as their root cause. It is used in automated fuzzing frameworks to allow "bucketizing" crashes to skip known bugs and focus on bugs that have not been found before.

A human-readable report containing information collected about the bug is available in HTML format, for use when manually analyzing bugs. The code attempts to determine the security risk of the bug it detected, so even novice users may be able to determine whether or not a particular bug is likely to be a security vulnerability. You can download a number of example reports here.

You can tell BugId to save a debugger dump file when it detects a crash, for later off-line analysis by a developer.

BugId can be used as a command-line utility through BugId.py and integrated into your own Python project using cBugId.py.

The bug id format

The bug id follows the format BugType xxx.xxx, where:

  • BugType is a keyword that identifies the type of bug that was detected. A list of keywords and their meaning is provided below.
  • xxx.xxx is a stack hash. It consists of a (customizable) number of hashes, and each has consists of a (customizable) number of hexadecimal digits. The first hash is for the top-most relevant function on the call stack, the second hash is for the next relevant function on the call stack, etc. The number of hashes can be set using the uStackHashFramesCount setting in dxConfig.py and the number of digits can be set using uMaxStackFrameHashChars. The default settings are 2 and 3 respectively, meaning the stack hash represents the function in which the bug is considered to be located and its caller. However, for recursive function calls involving multiple functions, it can hard to determine in which function the call loop started. In such cases, one function is deterministically picked from the list and treated as the first. If there are less functions involved in the loop than uStackHashFramesCount, the number of hashes will be less. If there are more, the number of hashes will be limited to uStackHashFramesCount, with the last hash containing a hash of all the remaining functions.

BugId attempts to generate a bug id for each bug in such a way that it is unique to the bug, and not to the crash. In other words: if you crash an application twice using the same bug, you should get the same bug id, but if you crash an application twice using two different bugs, you should get two different bug ids.

BugType can have many values, including:

  • AV?:{memory/address type}{+/-offset} - An access violation was detected while attempting to read (AVR), write (AVW) or execute (AVE) the specified type of memory or address, {address/memory type} types include:

    • NULL - a NULL pointer was used to address the memory,
    • Assertion - this address is used to indicate an assertion has failed.
    • PoisonUninitialized - the pointer used was read from uninitialized memory.
    • PoisonFree - the pointer used was read from freed memory.
    • PoisonOOB - the pointer used was read from memory that is out-of-bounds.
    • Invalid - the memory at this address is not accessible from user-land.
    • Unallocated - no memory is allocated at the address,
    • Reserved - memory has been reserved but not committed at this address,
    • Arbitrary - memory is allocated at this address, but not accessible,
    • CFG - Control Flow Guard (CFG) attempted to check an invalid function pointer.

    An optional offset is added if the access violation happened near the exact address, e.g. AVR:NULL+8 is an attempt to write at offset 8 from a NULL pointer (i.e. at address 8).

  • AV?[size]{+/-/@offset} - Similar to above, but the access violation happened at the given offset before, in or after an allocated heap block of given size, e.g. AVW[4]-1 is 1 byte before, AVW[4]@1 is at offset one inside, and AVW[4]+1 is one byte beyond a 4 byte memory block.

  • UAF? - (Use-After-Free) An access violation was detected while attempting to access freed memory. Unfortunately, no information about the size of the freed memory block and the offset at which it was accessed can be provided.

  • OOB?[size]{+/-offset} - (Out-Of-Bounds) The application has written or attempted to access a heap block of the given size at the given offset before or after the heap block.

  • `OOBW[Stack] - (Out-Of-Bounds) The application has written outside of the stack memory it is allowed to modify, overwriting a stack cookie. The change in the stack cookie caused the application to detected and report this issue.

    Both the sizes and the offsets used in the above BugIds can be made architecture independent by setting the dxBugIdConfig setting uArchitectureIndependentBugIdBits to the smallest number of bits for the desired architectures (e.g. 32 when testing a 32-bit and 64-bit architecture). This causes these values to be presented modulo that number of bits, which should make the bug id the same for both architectures. For instance, if a 32-bit application allocates 0x10 bytes and a 64-bit application 0x20 bytes for the same structure (e.g. an array of 4 pointers), an attempt to write to the sixth entry in this array would lead to BugId OOBW[0x10]+4 and OOBW[0x20]+8 respectively. With uArchitectureIndependentBugIdBits set to 32 however, both would lead to OOBW[4*N], as 0x4, 0x8, 0x10 and 0x20 are all divisible by 4. An attempt to read the second WORD after the fifth pointer (OOBW[0x10]+6; 4+2 and OOBW[0x20]+0xA; 8+2) would result in OOBW[4*N]+2 for both.

  • Assert - An assertion has failed.

  • Breakpoint - A debugger breakpoint was triggered.

  • C++ - An unhandeled C++ exception

  • CorruptList - Safe unlinking detect a corrupted LIST_ENTRY

  • CPUUsage - Excessive CPU usage was detected.

  • FloatDivideByZero and IntegerDivideByZero - A division by zero occured.

  • HeapCorrupt - Application verifier has detected heap corruption.

  • IllegalInstruction - An illegal instruction was executed.

  • InvalidHandle - An operation was performed on an invalid handle.

  • LegacyGS, StackCookie - /GS detected that a stack cookie was modified.

  • RecursiveCall - A recursive function call loop has used too much stack memory.

  • RefCount - A reference counter was incremented beyond its maximum value.

  • StackExhaustion - A function has attempted to allocate too much stack memory.

  • OOM - Out Of Memory: the application attempted to allocate too much memory.

  • PureCall - A pure virtual function was called.

  • VTGuard - VTGuard detected that a virtual function table cookie was modified. These are the values you are likely to see. For a full list, please refer to the source code. Every bug report includes a description of the bug, which explains the type of issue in more detail.

The bug location

The bug location follows the format Binary.exe![Module.dll!]FunctionName, where:

  • Binary.exe is the process' main binary
  • Module.dll is the module that contains the function in which the bug is considered to be located, if it was not found in the process' main binary.
  • FunctionName is the name of the function in which the bug is considered to be located.

Note that the first relevant function (in which the bug is considered to be located) may not be the same as the top function on the stack (the one in which the detected exception occurred). For instance, if a function A calls KERNELBASE.dll!RaiseException to raise an exception, KERNELBASE.dll!RaiseException is not considered relevant to the bug. In this case A is considered to be the first relevant function, and thus the location for the bug. For some OOM bugs, a large number of function calls from the top of the stack may be considered irrelevant because they are part of the memory allocation code, page heap or OOM handling and not specific to that bug.


Page heap should be enabled for the target application to make detection and analysis of bugs more reliable and detailed. This can be done using the gflags.exe application that is distributed with Microsoft's Debugging Tools for Windows. The preferred flags to use are +02109870, see the page heap documentation for an explanation of the switches in use. The command-line utility PageHeap.cmd is provided to facilitate enabling/disabling page heap for an application, it can be used in the following way:

PageHeap.cmd binary.exe [ON|OFF]

This will enable (ON, default) or disable (OFF) page heap for the provided binary. Note that some applications, especially those that run parts of their code in a sandbox, may execute multiple binaries. Page heap should be enabled for all these binaries.


BugId.py is a command-line utility to start an application in BugId. It can be used in the following ways:

BugId.py [options] "path\to\binary.exe" [arguments]

Start the binary in the debugger with the provided arguments.

BugId.py [options] <application keyword> [additional arguments]

See below for details on application keywords. Start the application identified by the keyword in the debugger using the application's default binary path and arguments followed by the default additional arguments or the additional arguments provided and apply application specific BugId settings.

Known application keywords

A few application are known to BugId and can be run without having to specify their full command-line and/or with application specific settings by using one of these application specific keywords: acrobat: Adobe Acrobat Reader acrobatdc: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC aoo-writer: Apache OpenOffice Writer chrome: Google Chrome firefox: Mozilla Firefox foxit: Foxit Software Reader edge: Microsoft Edge msie: Microsoft Internet Explorer (32-/64-bit depending on OS) nightly: Mozilla Firefox Nightly builds

The above list is not complete. Run BugId without any arguments to get a complete and up-to-date list of the supported application keywords near the end of the help output. You can find out what application specific settings are applied using the following command line:

BugId.py <application keyword>?


The file dxBugIdConfig.py contains a number of configuration options that allow you to easily change certain behavior of BugId. You can modify this file to change the default settings for these options, or you can specify these options on the command line. Each option takes this form:

--[option name]=[JSON option value]

Any option specified in dxConfig.py can be used as the option name; see the file for a complete list of options. The following options are probably the most interesting ones:


Tell BugId to save a HTML formatted report for the crash it detects.


Tell BugId to save a dump file, and to overwrite any existing dump file. The file name of the dump file is based on the crash id.

--nApplicationMaxRunTime=[number of seconds]

Tell BugId to terminate if the application has been running for this many seconds without crashing. For instance, if you want to give an application 3 seconds to load and process a test case, use "--nApplicationMaxRunTime=3": if the application has not crashed after running 3 seconds, it will be terminated and no bug is reported.

You can also modify the configuration options for cBugId itself, as specified in the dxBugIdConfig.py file for that project. These settings can also be used as the option name if they are prefixed with cBugId.; see that file for a complete list of options. For instance:


Tell BugId to use a cdb.exe binary from a specific location.


You can integrate BugId with your own python project by putting it in a sub-folder (e.g. "BugId") of your project and importing the cBugId class:

from BugId import cBugId;

oBugId = cBugId(...);

if oBugId.oBugReport:
  print "Error: %s" % oBugReport.sId;

(You can either wait for BugId to finish by calling fWait, or perform other functions until the fFinishedCallback is called. See below for more details on that callback).

An example of a python file that uses the cBugId class can be found in BugId.py: the later is a wrapper for the former that makes it into a command-line utility.

cBugId takes the following optional named arguments: asApplicationCommandLine list of strings that represent the application command-line to execute. auApplicationProcessIds list of integers that represent the process ids to attach to. asSymbolServerURLs list of symbol server urls. fApplicationRunningCallback() fApplicationRunningCallback is called when the application starts and after exception analysis is finished for continuable exceptions that are not considered a bug. In the later case, fExceptionDetectedCallback is called when the application is paused to do the analysis. It indicates the application has started or been resumed. If you want to add some timeout to your testing, the timeout should probably start/resume when this callback gets called. fExceptionDetectedCallback() fExceptionDetectedCallback is called when an exception that requires some analysis is detected in the application. If you added some timeout to your testing, you may want to pause it when this callback is called and resume it when fApplicationRunningCallback is called after the analysis is finished. fApplicationExitCallback(), Called when (any of) the application's "main" process(es) terminates. When you start an application using BugId, the "main" process is the first process created. When you are attaching to processes, these are the "main" processes. Note that this callback is not called when any other process (spawned by these "main" processes, or one of their children) is terminated. If you want to detect application termination, you may want to use this callback to do so. For instance, some of Microsoft Edge's processes have a tendency to terminate for no apparent reason, breaking whatever you were doing. fFinishedCallback(oErrorReport) fFinishedCallback gets called when all processes for the application have terminated cleanly (in which case oErrorReport is None) or when a bug is detected (in which case oErrorReport contains information about the bug). fInternalExceptionCallback(oException) fInternalExceptionCallback is called when there is a bug in BugId itself. If you want to make sure BugId is working as expected, you may want to use this callback. If it gets called, you can file a bug at here. Please add as many details from the exception object passed in the argument as you can.

Please note that either asApplicationCommandLine or auApplicationProcessIds must be provided and that they are mutually exclusive. Also note that the callbacks are called from separate threads, so your code needs to be thread-safe in order to function properly when using these callbacks.


When BugId detects a bug in the application, it is analyzed and an error report is created that contains useful information about the bug. This information is stored in an cErrorReport object, specifically in the following properties:

sId (string)
  Contains a string that is unique to this bug in this application. If
  symbols are available, and compile-time optimizations do not make radical
  changes to the binary, the id should be consistently the same for the
  same bug triggered in different versions of the application and builds
  for different architectures (eg. x86 v.s. x64).
sErrorTypeId (string)
  Contains a string that is unique to this type of bug, e.g. "OOM" for an
  crash triggered by the process running out-of-memory, or "AVR:NULL" for
  a NULL pointer access violation. This is used as part of sId.
sErrorDescription (string)
  Contains a human readable description of the error caused by the bug.
sSecurityImpact (string/None)
  Contains a human readable description of the possible security impact of
  this bug, or None if the bug is not a security issue. *Please note* that
  this is a best-guess and not a guarantee!
sStackId (string)
  Contains a unique id for the stack for the bug. This is created by
  concatenating parts of hashes of the return addresses for some of the
  top stack frames. If that sounds complex, you should see the source for
  the exact details. The HTML details may also make this more clear, see
  below for details on those. This is used as part of sId.
sCodeId (string)
  Contains a unique id for the code that is considered the cause of the bug.
  This is based on the function name as extracted from the symbol file
  (.pdb) if available, or the name of the module in which the code resides
  if not. This is used as part of sId.
sCodeDescription (string)
  Contains a human readable string that describes where in the code the bug
  was found.
sProcessBinaryName (string)
  The name of the binary for the process in which the bug was detected.
  This is used as part of sId.
sHTMLDetails (string)
  Contains detailed information, including all the information in the
  properties mention above as well as version information for the
  binaries involved and a complete log of the debugging session. This
  is stored in HTML format and can be saved to file for use during
  manual analysis.


Certain bugs that do not result in an exception immediately, but may result in various exceptions later on during execution may result in different bug ids. For instance, a bug that slowly consumes all available memory can trigger an out-of-memory crash in many different functions, in many different threads in the application. Also, timing based issues, so as thread safety issues may result in different crashes too, based on timing. In these cases, there may be a number of bug ids that are associated with a particular bug, and two distinct bugs may result in the same bug id. However, more often than not, such a bug will result in a limited number of bug ids that are still unique to that bug, so using


Start Microsoft Internet Explorer in BugId and open a page from a web-server running on the same machine at port 28876:

H:\dev\py\BugId>BugId.py "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" http://%COMPUTERNAME%:28876/
* The debugger is starting the application...
  Command line: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe http://W10-IE11:28876
* New process 4108.
* The application was started successfully and is running...
* New process 5880.
* Exception code 0x80000003 (Break instruction exception) was detected and is being analyzed...
* The application was resumed successfully and is running...
* Exception code 0xC0000005 (Access violation) was detected and is being analyzed...
* A bug was detected in the application.

Id:               336C AVR:NULL+4*N iexplore.exe!MSHTML.dll!CTreeNode::GetFancyFormat
Description:      Access violation while reading memory at 0x8 using a NULL ptr
Process binary:   iexplore.exe
Location:         MSHTML.dll!CTreeNode::GetFancyFormat + 0x8
Security impact:  None
Error report:     336C AVR.NULL+X iexplore.exe!MSHTML.dll!CTreeNode..GetFancyFormat.html (37675 bytes)


The exact same thing, done using the "msie" known application keyword:

H:\dev\py\BugId>BugId.py msie


To facilitate usage of BugId with Microsoft Edge, the EdgeDbg project includes the EdgeBugId.cmd script, which can be used to run Edge in BugId. More information is available in the README file for that project.

Unit tests

This project comes with executables that can be used trigger a range of bugs, which makes it possible to test if BugId is functioning correctly. If you are making modification to the source, you are strongly advised to run these tests to make sure these changes did not break BugId in some way. The executables and their source are found in the Tests\\ folder. The python script Tests.py runs a large number of tests and returns an error code of zero if all succeeded and a non-zero error code if any failed.


Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). It is provided free of charge for non-commercial use only. If you would like to use it commercially, please contact the author at bugid@skylined.nl to discuss licensing options. If you find it useful and would like to make a donation, you can send bitcoin to 183yyxa9s1s1f7JBpPHPmzQ346y91Rx5DX.


Python script that uses the cBugId module to detect, analyze and id application bugs



Language:Python 88.1%Language:Batchfile 11.9%