pcampeti / SGWBProbe

Binned sensitivity curves and error bars on the fractional energy density of gravitational waves in the Universe, matching the figures in https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.04241.

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Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background Probes combination (SGWBProbe)

This Python 3 package, accompanying the paper Campeti, Komatsu, Poletti & Baccigalupi 2020 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.04241), allows to compute the binned sensitivity curves and error bars on the fractional energy density of gravitational waves in the Universe at the present time, , as a function of frequency for a wide selection of experiments, including CMB B-mode experiments, laser and atomic interferometers and Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTA).

The list of available experiments currently includes:

  • LiteBIRD
  • Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA)
  • Einstein Telescope (ET)
  • Square Kilometer Array (SKA)
  • Big Bang Observer (BBO)
  • Deci-hertz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (DECIGO)
  • Ares
  • Decihertz Observatory (DO),
  • Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space (AEDGE)

The forecasts are presented for two representative classes of models for the stochastic background of primordial GW:

  • the quantum vacuum fluctuation in the metric from single-field slow-roll inflation
  • the source-induced tensor perturbation from the spectator axion-SU(2) inflation models.

Scripts reproducing paper's figures

We provide python scripts that can be used to quickly reproduce each of the figures found in the paper Campeti, Komatsu, Poletti & Baccigalupi 2020 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.04241), that is:

where the name of each script indicates the respective number of the figures in the paper. The figures produced by these scripts are collected in the folder figures/

Note that running Fig_2.py requires the installation of the FGBuster package.

Available products

Strain sensitivity curves

The strain sensitivity curves as a function of frequency for the experiments used in the paper are included in the files/ folder in .npz format. Their content can be easily unpacked through a simple script, e.g. for the LISA experiment

LISA = np.load(S_h_LISA_xcosmo.npz')
LISA_freq = LISA['x']
LISA_strain = LISA['y']

and used in your own Python code.

Response functions

The folder files/Responses/ contains the response function as a function of frequency in .npy format for the laser interferometers computed as described in Appendix A of the paper. Also their content can be easily unpacked and used in your own code, e.g. for the LISA experiment

Resp_LISA = np.load(Resp_LISA.npy')
freq_LISA = np.load(f_R_LISA.npy')

Binned sensitivity curves

We also provide in the folder files/Binned_Omega_curves/ the binned sensitivity curves for all experiments (with and without foregrounds residuals) (shown in Fig. 8 of our paper) in .npz format, obtained using Fig_8.py (see also the section "Example of usage: binned sensitivity curves" below). Again, these files can be unpacked using e.g.

LISA = np.load('Binned_Omega_LISA_nofgs.npz')
LISA_freq = LISA['x']
LISA_binned_omega = LISA['y']

CMB Fisher matrices

The error bars for CMB experiments are computed using a Fisher matrix approach. The Fisher matrices (computed as described in Section 3 of the paper) are gathered in the folder files/LiteBIRD_Fisher_matrices/. The name of each file contains the binning width and the specific power spectrum model used to compute them (e.g. the file Fisher_1.3_r0.npy contains the Fisher matrix for a binning width for the single-field slow-roll model with ).

The sgwbprobe package

The sgwbprobe package provided here contains the modules

  • SGWB_Signal.py containing the class Signal_GW needed to compute the energy density for the SU(2) Axion model of inflation and the standard signle-field slow-roll one. More details on the input parameters for the SGWB_Signal class are given below.
  • Binned_errors.pycontaining the class Binned_GW needed to compute the binned sensitivity given the sensitivity curve for a GW experiment. More details on the input parameters for the Binned_GW class are given below.
  • error_boxes.py containing the function make_error_boxes used to plot the error rectangles.
  • foregrounds.py containing the functions used to compute the analytical approximations for the GWD, EGWD, MBHB and BBH+BNS foreground component for the interferometers and PTA (see Section 4.2.1 in the paper).
  • effective_degrees.py containing the function g_of_k used to compute the number of effective degrees of freedom and as a function of wavenumber k.
  • interpolate.py containing the functions log_interp1d and log_interp1d_fill, which can be used to interpolate in logarithimc space.

The SGWB_Signal class

The SGWB_Signal class contains methods useful to compute the energy density of gravitational waves for the single-field slow-roll and axion-SU(2) models described in Section 2 of the paper.

The input parameters are:

  • r_vac: float. Tensor-to-scalar ratio for quantum vacuum fluctuations (named simply r in the paper).

  • n_T: float (optional). Tensor spectral index. If None is calculated from the inflationary consistency relation.

  • r_star: float (optional). Parameter of the axion-SU(2) spectrum (see Sec.2.2).

  • k_p: float (optional). Parameter of the axion-SU(2) spectrum (see Sec.2.2).

  • sigma: float (optional). Parameter of the axion-SU(2) spectrum (see Sec.2.2).

  • axion: Boolean (optional), defaults to None. If True computes Omega_GW for the axion-SU(2) model, otherwise for the standard single-field slow-roll model.

  • k_star: float (optional). Pivot scale of the tensor power spectrum. Default value 0.05.

  • running: Boolean (optional). If True includes the running in the tensor power spectrum according to the inflatonary consistency relation (see Sec.2.1).

The Binned_GW class

The Binned_GW class contains of methods used to compute the binned sensitivity curve given the sensitivity curve of a GW observatory.

The input parameters are:

  • name_exp: string. Name of the current experiment.

  • kmin: float. Minimum wavenumber k of the signal

  • k: numpy array. array of wavenumbers for the signal.

  • N_bins: integer. Number of bins in which the signal is binned along the whole k range, only for plotting purposes. N_bins=80 is usually enough to cover the range from 10^-18 to 10^4 Hz, you should increase it if the you are using smaller bins or decrease it for larger bins.

  • delta_log_k: float, the logarithm bin step.

  • omega_gw: numpy array. The GW signal (gravitational wave energy density in GWs today in the Universe) computed from the Signal_GW class.

  • kmin_sens: float. The minimum k of the sensitivity range of the experiment.

  • N_bins_sens: integer. The number of bins in the experiment sensitivity range.

  • T_obs: float. The mission observation time in seconds.

  • tensor_spect: numpy array (optional). Input tensor power spectrum for the model analyzed (Eqs.(2.1) and (2.5)).

  • k_sens: numpy array. Array of wavenumbers k representing the band-width of a given experiment.

  • sens_curve: numpy array. The experiment instrumental strain sensitivity S_h from Eq.(4.13).

  • CMB: Boolean (optional). True if we are computing a CMB sensitivity curve, False otherwise.

  • F: numpy ndarray with shape (N_bins_sens, N_bins_sens) (optional). The CMB sensitivity Fisher matrix (optional, necessary only if we want to compute the sensitivity for a CMB experiment).

  • A_S: float (optional). Amplitude of the scalar perturbations spectrum, defaults to 2.1e-9.

  • interp: Boolean (optional). True if you want to interpolate along the instrument bandwidth the input instrumental strain sensitivity curve (sens_curve).

  • n_det : integer. Number of detectors in the cross-correlation for interferometers (see Eq.(4.10)), defaults to 1.

  • fgs: Boolean (optional). True if you want error bars including foregrounds residuals.

  • sigma_L: float. Fractional uncertainty on the amplitude of the BBH+BNS foreground given by an external experiment (see Sec.4.2.2).

  • cosmic_var: Boolean (optional). True if you want to include the cosmic variance in the interferometer SNR (see Ref.[5]).

  • f_R: numpy array (optional). Frequency band for the response function necessary only if you want also the cosmic variance for the interferometers.

  • R_auto: numpy array. The frequency response for the interferometer.

  • R_12: numpy array. The frequency response with for the interferometer.

Example of usage: binned error bars plots

We first need to load and unpack the instrumental strain sensivity curves as a function of frequency, e.g. for LISA

LISA = np.load(op.join(op.dirname(__file__),'files/S_h_LISA_xcosmo.npz'))
LISA_freq = LISA['x']
LISA_strain = LISA['y']

We then choose a value for the data-taking efficiency and mission observation time for the experiment,

eff_LISA = 0.75
LISA_T_obs = 4 * year_sec * eff_LISA

We create an instance of the Signal_GW class, e.g. for an axion-SU(2) with the following parameters (called AX1 model in the paper)

class_axion1 = Signal_GW(r_vac=1e-5, r_star=400, k_p=1e13, sigma=8.1, axion=True, running=True)

and choose the wavenumber range over which we want to plot the spectrum of GWs, e.g.

k = np.logspace(np.log10(1e-5), np.log10(1e20), 100000)

in order to generate the primordial signal we are interested in

omega_gw = class_axion1.analytic_omega_WK(k)

We can now instantiate the class Binned_GW with the chosen specifications and signal for LISA:

sens_curve_LISA = np.array(LISA_strain)
k_LISA = np.array(LISA_freq) * 6.5e14

class_binned = Binned_GW(
                         name_exp = 'LISA',
                         n_det = 1.,

in this case without foreground contamination. Now, we can obtain the signal binned in frequency from the method Omega_GW_binning

binned_signal_y, binned_signal_x = class_binned.Omega_GW_binning()

which we will then plot, and get also the inputs for the make_error_boxes function which we will later use to create and plot the error bars, from the sens_curve_binning method:

xerr, yerr, bins_mean_point, binned_signal, binned_curve = class_binned.sens_curve_binning()

Similarly, we can instantiate the class Binned_GW again for the LISA experiments, but adding this time the residual foreground contamination:

class_binned_fgs = Binned_GW(
                         n_det = 1.,

xerr_fgs, yerr_fgs, bins_mean_point_fgs, binned_signal_fgs, binned_curve_fgs = class_binned_fgs.sens_curve_binning()

Finally we can plot on the same figure the binned signal,

plt.loglog(np.array(binned_signal_x)/6.5e14, binned_signal_y, label=r'Axion Signal $r_{\star}=400$, $k_{p}=10^{15}$ $Mpc^{-1}$, $\sigma=9.1$')

the error bars for the foreground-less case

_ = make_error_boxes(ax, np.array(bins_mean_point)/6.5e14, binned_signal, xerr/6.5e14, yerr, facecolor='b', alpha=0.7, zorder=2)

and the error bars including foreground residuals

_ = make_error_boxes(ax, np.array(bins_mean_point_fgs)/6.5e14, binned_signal_fgs, xerr_fgs/6.5e14, yerr_fgs, facecolor='b', alpha=0.4, zorder=1)

Similarly, we can obtain error bars for CMB experiments: in this case the class Binned_GW needs to be instantiated with the appropriate Fisher matrix and the tensor power spectrum obtained from the total_spect method of the Signal_GW class

Fisher_axion = np.load(op.join(op.dirname(__file__),'files/LiteBIRD_Fisher_matrices/Fisher_1.2_AX1.npy'))  
power_spectrum_axion = class_axion1.total_spect(k)

class_binned_axion_CMB = Binned_GW(
                         name_exp = 'LiteBIRD',
xerr_axion, yerr_axion, bins_mean_point_axion, binned_signal_axion, binned_curve_axion = class_binned_axion_CMB.sens_curve_binning()

Example of usage: binned sensitivity curves

A completely similar procedure can be used to generate binned sensitivity curves as in Fig.8 in our paper. In this case we will just use the binned sensitivity curve also given by the sens_curve_binning method:

ax.loglog(np.array(bins_mean_point)/6.5e14, binned_curve[:len(bins_mean_point)], label='LISA w/o fgs')

ax.loglog(np.array(bins_mean_point_fgs)/6.5e14, binned_curve_fgs[:len(bins_mean_point_fgs)], label='LISA w/ fgs')


Binned sensitivity curves and error bars on the fractional energy density of gravitational waves in the Universe, matching the figures in https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.04241.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%