ChatPPT is powered by chatgpt, it could help you to generate PPT/slide. It supports output in English and Chinese
Python 3.8.10 +
$ python --help
usage: [-h] -t TOPIC -k API_KEY [-p PAGES] [-l {cn,en}]
I am your PPT assistant, I can help to you generate PPT.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC
Your topic name
-k API_KEY, --api_key API_KEY
Your api key file path
-p PAGES, --pages PAGES
How many slides to generate
-l {cn,en}, --language {cn,en}
Output language
Generate your openai API key
Install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements
Generate your PPT
$ python -t "What is GPT" -k <your api key> -p 5 -l en Hi, I am your PPT assistant. I am powered by ChatGPT I'm working hard to generate your PPT about What is GPT. It may takes about a few minutes. Your PPT will be generated in English Your PPT have 5 pages. page 1: Overview page 2: History page 3: Applications page 4: Limitations page 5: Future Generate done, enjoy! Your PPT: What is GPT.pptx